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All Books Read by Year

The Homepage, Poetry & Artwork of Steven R. McEvoy
and other lists of books read and movies seen.

This is my homepage but most of my web presence is on my blog, Book Reviews and More. It is a collection of my published and unpublished writing, mostly book reviews, with a few articles and reflection's. If you want to poke around here the key sections are Poetry, Artwork, and Lists.


I have always been a person who created lists. In part to keep track of what needs to be done and what has been done. When I decided to be more intentional about reading I started keeping track of all the books I read.


(Link's lead to reviews of book that I have written.)

Books Read 2025




Twin Fury - Arthur Slade Dragon Assassin Book 1 
The Toilet Paper Tigers - Gordon Korman 
Safe Enough – Lee Child 
On This Holy Island: A Modern Pilgrimage Across Britain - Oliver Smith
The Rosary – Juliette Levivier – CTS Children's Books 
The Gospel of Matthew - Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz - CTS Scriptures
Royal Blood - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 2 
Praying at Mass - Juliette Levivier - CTS Children's Books 
Every Last Devil - Alex Smith DCI Kett Book 16
The Gospel of Mark - Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz - CTS Scriptures

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá
Burning Empire - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 3
Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier - CTS Children's Books 
Live and Let Fly - Karina Fabian - DragonEye, PI Original Edition 
Losing Joe's Place - Gordon Korman

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy
Book of Feasts and Seasons - John C. Wright
The Gospel of Luke- Fr John Hemer MHM - CTS Scriptures
Downfall - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 4
Prayers Around the Crib - Juliette Levivier - CTS Children's Book 
The Twinkie Squad - Gordon Korman
Columbo The Helter Skelter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 2

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 
Just One More Thing Stories from My Life - Peter Falk 

Nobody - Jennifer Lynn Barnes 
The Gospel of John - Fr John Hemer MHM - CTS Scriptures
Deathwings - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 5
Notorious - Gordon Korman  
Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir 
Praying with the Holy Spirit - Juliette Levivier and Anne Gravier

​Words for the Advent and Christmas Season - Hugh Gilbert - CTS Books

Thérèse Teacher of Prayer - Craig Driscoll - CTS Spirituality 

Hope: An Anchor for the Soul: 30 Daily Devotions - Amy Welborn 

Pogue One - Edited by Spearman Burke - Raconteur Press Anthologies Book 44 

Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike Volume 1 - Fr. Mike Schmitz and Colin MacIver 

Columbo The Hoffa Connection - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 3 

The Upward Arrow - Fr. Colum Power 

Led by the Immaculata - Joshua Mazrin 

Madness Bound - Karina Fabian - Madness of Kanaan Book 1

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - edited by Scott Carter 
Old School - Gordon Korman 

Simply Surrender: 30 Days with Thérèse of Lisieux - Caroline Myss - Great Spiritual Teachers Series 

The Case of the Mixed-up Marathon - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 9

Jake, Reinvented - Gordon Korman
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Eleven Numbers - Lee Child 




Jumping into Joy - Theresa Linden and Kelsey Doherty - Caitlyn and Peter's Rosary Adventures Book 1 
Genesius - Donna Lee Davis

No More Dead Dogs - Gordon Korman

Dilexit Nos - Pope Francis – CTS Books 

Dilexit Nos - Pope Francis – Opus Dei 

Oscar Romero Martyr for Faith - Ashley Beck - CTS 20th Century Martyrs 

Scriptural Way of the Cross - Fr Adrian Graffy - CTS Devotions

The Riddle of the Tongue-Stones: How Blessed Nicolas Steno Uncovered the Hidden History of the Earth - Thomas Salerno and Dillon Wheelock
Pocket Book of Hope: Words of Inspiration - Living with Christ 

Catholic Bible - ESV Catholic Edition - Augustine Institute 

In Plain Sight - Leslea Wahl - Finding Faith Book 3 

Honor Thy Wife - Kevin Lowry - A 31-Day Spiritual Journey of Marital Renewal 

The Three Ordinary Voices of God - Matthew Kelly 

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions 

Pray with Us: A Saint for Every Day - Belinda Terro Mooney 

Madness Unbound - Karina Fabian - Madness of Kanaan Book 2 

Praying with the Church Through Lent - Fr. Edward Looney 

Faith is a Journey: Meditations for Pilgrims and Wayfarers - Pope Francis - The Jubilee Year 2025 Book 1 

Holy Places Sacred Sites in Catholicism - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua 

Let Nothing Disturb You: 30 Days with Teresa of Avila - John Kirvan - Great Spiritual Teachers Series 

Cross Over - Declan Finn - Honeymoon From Hell Book 4 

Stations of Hope: Praying the Stations of the Cross for Today - Father David M. Knight 

Incarnate - Antony Barone Kolenc - Incarnate Series Book 1 

The Chicken Doesn't Skate - Gordon Korman 

The Way of the Cross - Alfonso María de Liguori 





Books Read 2024




The Woman Returns - Richard Paolinelli and Christina Major - The Art of Sherlock Holmes #25
The Day of the Dead - William Speir
Generator Rex Mirror Mirror - Barry Hutchinson - Generator Rex 2
Bet on Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 20
Helmet of Salvation - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Series Book 5 Second Edition
Dead in the Water - Barry J. Hutchison - Dan Deadman Space Detective Book 3
One Last Breath - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 7
A Semester in the Life of a Garbage Bag - Gordon Korman  
Dominic and the Order of Preachers: 800 Years of Service: 1216-2016 - Fr Richard Finn, OP - CTS Books 
Dead Ringer - Jude Hardin - Jack Reacher Experiment Book 1
Sword of the Spirit - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Series Book 6 Second Edition
A Faith Such as Heaven Intended - Amanda Lauer - Heaven Intended Book 5
Saint Bernard and His Friend Saint Malachy - Alice Curtayne
‘Neath Mary's Mantle:  The Story of Matt Talbot Dublin Worker (1865-1925) - Rev Marius McAuliffe, OFM – CTS Books 
Reservations - Richard Paolinelli - Jack Del Rio Book 1

It's Personal: Cultivating Your Relationship with God - Fr. Mike Schmitz - Homilies Book 4

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions 

Seadragon - Richard Paolinelli - Seadragon Book 1 

Coached by Josemaría Escrivá - Fr. John Henry Hanson O. Praem. 
Death Planet - N. R. LaPoint - Dinosaur Warfare Book 1 

Djinn: A Short Story - Lilania Begley aka Cedar Sanderson

Edge of Catastrophe - Jane Killick - Terraforming Mars Book 2 

Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell - CTS Books 

Dust Storm: A Short Story - Lilania Begley aka Cedar Sanderson
The 146 Point Flame - Matt Thompson
Dust Storm: A Short Story - Lilania Begley aka Cedar Sanderson

Land of the Black Sun - Ryan Williamson - Doomsday Recon Short Story

Stations of the Cross: In Light of the Work of the Society of St Vincent De Paul - Fr Gerard Bogan - CTS Devotions 

The 146 Point Flame - Matt Thompson 

This Little Piggy - J.D. Kirk - DI Heather Filson Book 2
The Ear of the Heart: An Actress' Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows - Dolores Hart and Richard DeNeut 

Our Lady Came to Fatima - Ruth Fox Hume and Christopher J. Pelicano  - Vision Book 

St. Catherine of Siena - Alice Curtayne 

Distress Signal - Cedar Sanderson as Lilania Begley - Sumire Book 3

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Artificial Intelligence - Fr Andrew Pinsent, Sean Biggins, and Robert Seed - CTS Explanations 

Slugfest - Gordon Korman 

Saints of Empire - Andrew M. Seddon - Saints Alive! Volume 1 Reprint Edition 

Way of Calvary Stations of the Cross with Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions

The Gospel According to Mark- Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures




Catholic Joe: Superhero - Steven S Thomas

Seven Daily Habits for Faithful Catholics - C. John McCloskey
My family and others skaters - Fiorella De Maria

Deadline - Bill Knox - Thane and Moss Book 1 

Farmhand - Lilania Begley aka Cedar Sanderson - Bluehills Book 1

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - Vernon Johnson - CTS Great Saints

How to Overcome Distraction in Prayer - Fr Ed Broom OMV - CTS Books 
Mary MacKillop: A Spiritual Model for All - E.J, Cuskelly - CTS Biographies

Scriptural Way of the Cross - Fr Adrian Graffy - CTS Devotions
Celtic Paths - Andrew M. Seddon - Saints Alive! Volume 2 Reprint Edition

Two Poems for Martyrs - James Matthew Wilson

Two Poems for Martyrs - James Matthew Wilson

Daily Prayers to Save America: Mantle of Mary Project - Fr. John Anthony Boughton CFR and Bud Macfarlane Jr. 

The Gospel According to Mark- Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures 

Arlya - Jack Lowe-Carbell 
The Moon-Faced Ghoul-Thing - Barry Hutchison and Chris Mould - Benjamin Blank Book

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Saints Alive!: Volumes 1 & 2 - Andrew M. Seddon - Omnibus Edition 

Stations of the Cross and Resurrection with the Saints - J.B. Midgley - CTS Devotions 

Way of the Cross with Pope Benedict XVI - Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun - CTS Devotions 

Lenten Devotions Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine - Lawrence Lew O.P. - CTS Devotions 

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
The Matrioshka Divide - Isaac Young

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 
Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman 

30 Day Consecration to St Joseph - Fr Gerard Skinner - CTS Devotions
Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary - Helen Pepper - CTS Devotions 
Martyrs of Nagasaki - Lucian Hunt - CTS Biographies 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Caritas in Veritate - Pope Benedict SVI - CTS Books
Charity In Truth - Pope Benedict XVI
What's Next? Surrendering Your Plans to Jesus - Fr. Mike Schmitz - Homilies Book 5

Jellybean: A Baby’s Journey to Heaven - Theoni and Bastian Bel

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 
Payback - Gordon Korman - Masterminds Book 3

The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien 

Way of the Cross at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy - Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception 

Pocket Guide to the Stations of the Cross - Edward Sri - Ascension Pocket Guide Series 

Pinup Noir 3 - Edited by Kortnee Bryant - Raconteur Press Anthologies Book 22 

Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions 

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - edited by Scott Carter

Missing, Presumed Lost - Fiorella De Maria - Father Gabriel Book 5  

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions

The Lenten Journey: Words for Lent and Easter -  Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books



Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Manalive! - G.K. Chesterton

Seeing Red - T.M. Doran
Mary MacKillop: Australia's First Saint - Jeannie Meekins 

Come to the Altar Worshiping God with Your Whole Heart - Fr. Mike Schmitz - Homilies Book 6 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Chalk - N.R. LaPoint - Raven Mistcreek Book 1 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Gun Magus - N.R. LaPoint 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Legend of the Star Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters  Book 25

Kapaun's Battle - Jeff Gress

Farmwife - Lilania Begley aka Cedar Sanderson - Bluehills Book 2 

There You Are, God! - Karina Fabian and Deacon Steven Lumbert - Finding God in the Everyday

The Naturals - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 1
Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - edited by Scott Carter
Untroubled by the Unknown Trusting God in Every Moment - Fr. Mike Schmitz - Homilies Book 3

Blessed Miguel Pro - Ann Ball 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Metalsaurus - N.R. LaPoint - Dinosaur Warfare Book 2 

The Last Dinosaur - Manuel Alfonseca

Cymbeline - William Shakespeare - Pelican Shakespear

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Alphonsus Liguori - TAN Books 

Saint Patrick Ireland's Beloved Saint - Jeannie Meekins - A 15-Minute Biography 

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory - Matthew Kelly

Dusklight - N.R. LaPoint - Raven Mistcreek Book 2  
Saint George Dragon Slayer - Jeannie Meekins - 15-Minute Books Book 613

The Way of the Cross - Juliette Levivier - CTS Children's Books

Star Bright - Lilania Begley - Bluehills Book 3 

Jack On A Wire - Diane Capri - The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 21

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Joan of Arc: The Girl Who Fought For France - Jeannie Meekins - 15-Minute Books Book 617

Martyrs of Vietnam: Saints Andrew DungLac, Jean Theophane Venard and Their Companions - Bob Bloomfield - CTS Biographies

The Lenten Journey: Words for Lent and Easter -  Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Book

Killer Instinct - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 2 

Miraculous II: Catholic Mysteries for Kids - Kathryn Griffin Swegart - Catholic Stories for Kids Book 4

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 



The Stations of the Cross in Slow Motion - Suzan M. Sammons - A Daily Devotion for Lent
Death Department - Bill Knox - Thane and Moss Book 2
All In - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 3

A Lion for a Tomb Ignatius of Antioch - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places 04 

Pier Giorgio Frassati - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS Biographies

Archangel - N.R. LaPoint - Raven Mistcreek Book

Saint Nicholas: The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Children - Melissa Cleeman - 15-Minute Books Book 620

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Raven - Lori Janeski - Carter Files Book 2 

Deliver Us From Evil - Bishops' Conference of England and Wales - CTS Books

Bad Blood - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 4 

Twelve - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 4.5

Deus Volt - N.R. LaPoint - Dinosaur Warfare Book 3
Saint Valentine: The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Love - Jeannie Meekins  - 15-Minute Books Book 611

Christ is Our Peace! Homilies and Addresses in Turkey - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books 

Behold Your Mother: Marian Stations of the Cross - Marge Steinhage Fenelon 

Pixie Noir - Cedar Sanderson - Pixie for Hire Book 1

A Look At Life - Belinda Terro Mooney

Lightsinger - N.R. LaPoint

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá  

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi - TAN Books

Where The Pieces Lie - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 19  

Truly Madly Deadly - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 15

Son of Interflux - Gordon Korman 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Places of Grace: My Visits to Shrines, Chapels, Graves, and Monasteries and the Graces I Received - Fr. Edward Looney 

A Cloud of Unknowing - Andrew Gillsmith - Deserted Vineyard Book 2 

The Catechism in a Year Companion, Volume I - Fr. Mike Schmitz, Petroc Willey, and Ann Koshute
The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume I - Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavin 

Saint Francis of Assisi: The Patron Saint of Animals - Jeannie Meekins - A 15-Minute Biography  



Mary's Life in the Spirit Meditations on a Holy Duet - George T. Montague, SM 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Curse of the Seawolf - Nick Donnelly

Father Kino Priest to the Pimas - Ann Nolan Clark - Vision Book 

The Journey - Jim Sano
Pendragon's Shield A Poetry Collection - Avellina Balestri
The Lives of Seven Saints - Jeannie Meekins and Melissa Cleeman - 15-Minute Books Book 1203 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Courage Under Fire Father Willie Doyle, S.J. - Fiorella De Maria - A Vision Book

Saint Thomas and the Forbidden Birds - James Matthew Wilson

Living Your Vocation: Even if you Don't Know What It Is - Fr Nicholas Paul Crowe OP - CTS Books

Lyorn - Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos Book 17 

The Remarkable Life of Bishop Bonaventure Broderick: Exile, Redemption, and a Gas Station - James Hanna

St. Benedict: Hero of the Hills - Mary Fabyan Windeatt - A Vision Book 
Sparkly Star Notebook - Fr. Mark Goring CC

The Remarkable Life of Bishop Bonaventure Broderick: Exile, Redemption, and a Gas Station - James Hanna
The 72 Crew Manual 1st Edition - Fr. Mark Goring CC
Worth Dying For - Marie Keiser
Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell     
I love Journal -  Fr. Mark Goring CC  

Theology of the Body Crash Course - Fr. Mike Schmitz 

Novena to the Holy Spirit - Philip G. Bochanski CO - CTS Devotions 

Contact: Angeles - Caroline Furlong

Justice in June - Doreen McAvoy - Fern Valley Mysteries Book 3

Stations of the Cross: In Light of the Work of the Society of St Vincent De Paul - Fr Gerard Bogan - CTS Devotions 

Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity - Third Plenary Council of Baltimore 

Radio Fifth Grade - Gordon Korman

Escaping Infinity - Richard Paolinelli - Infinity Book 1

Still Waters - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 8

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 



Beyond Columbo: The Life and Times of Peter Falk - Richard A. Lertzman and William J. Birnes
A Book of Prayers in Honour of Pier Giorgio Frassati - Fr. Timothy E Deeter

Leave it to the Hangman - Bill Knox - Thane and Moss Book 3 

Stations of the Cross and Resurrection with the Saints - J.B. Midgley - CTS Devotions 

Brother André of Montreal - Ann Nolan Clark - Vison Books Book 71
Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Book Kindle Edition - Marie Paul Curley, FSP

Return of the Grudstone Ghosts - Arthur Slade - Canadian Chills Book1 Reprint Edition 

Mary at the Crossroads of History - Francis J. Hoffman  

Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell - CTS Books 

I, Brax: 1 A Battle Divine - Arthur Slade

The Eternity Symbiote - Cedar Sanderson

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 
Ghost Hotel - Arthur Slade - Canadian Chills Book 2 Reprint Edition

The Memorare Moment - Francis J. Hoffman

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Devotions
How to spread the Gospel: Advice and encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI - Fr Donncha Ó hAodha
Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Devotions

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 



Ceres 2525 - Michael Lee Nelson

Why Does Mary Wear Blue? - Pierpaolo Finaldi - CTS Children's Books
Faker - Gordon Korman
Praying with Mary - Juliette Levivier - CTS Children's Books

Matt Talbot: Hope for Addicts - Morgan Costelloe

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

My Simple Prayer Book - Pierpaolo Finaldi - CTS Children's Books

Little Drops of Blood - Bill Knox - Thane and Moss Book 4 

Stateside - J.D. Kirk - Robert Hoon Book 5
Mentored for Good - Keith Lilek

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
The Mystery of the Black Lake - Manuel Alfonseca - Chronicles of the Magic Jigsaw Puzzle Book 2

Invasion of the IQ Snatchers - Arthur Slade - Canadian Chills Book 3 Reprint Edition

Baltimore Catechism One - The Council of Baltimore - TAN Books
Catholic Prayers: Compiled from Traditional Sources - Thomas A. Nelson - TAN Books

Walking with God in the Unimpressive Seasons of Life - Mike Schmitz

Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary - Helen Pepper - CTS Devotions 

Daily Lessons from the Saints: 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Encouragement - Father Brice Higginbotham

The Fathers of the Church - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books
Church Fathers From Clement of Rome to Augustine - Pope Benedict XVI 

Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine
Why does the Pope wear white? - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books 

The Wizzle War - Gordon Korman - Macdonald Hall Book 4
Little Red-Hood and the Wolf-man - Cedar Sanderson 

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

Ennia in Faerie - Manuel Alfonseca 
Words for Feasts and Saints Days - Hugh Gilbert

Shadows Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology 

My Simple Mass Book - Pierpaolo Finaldi and David Belmont - CTS Children's Books

Columbo The Grassy Knoll - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 1

Sanctuary Isle - Bill Knox - Thane and Moss Book 5



Now You See Them, Now You Don't - Gordon Korman - On The Run Book 3

The Stations of the Cross With Pope John Paul II - Joseph M Champlin and Gunter Grady 

The Medieval Fathers & Writers The Spiritual Masters - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books

The Neck Romancer - Declan Finn - Honeymoon from Hell Book 1

Trickster Noir - Cedar Sanderson - Pixie for Hire Book 2

Church Fathers and Teachers: From Leo The Great to Peter Lombard - Pope Benedict XVI

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Alphonsus Liguori - TAN Books  

Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare - Pelican Shakespeare

The Father Speaks to His Children - Sister Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio
Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers - Marie Paul Curley, FSP 

St. Michael the Archangel History, Lent and Prayers - Maria Alinne Costa

Pop - Gordon Korman 

The Third Fall: Stations of the Cross - M.G. Magill 

The Man in the Bottle - Bill Knox - Thane and Moss Book 6

Holy Cards - Barbara Calamari and Sandra Di Pasqua

Snow in Her Eyes: A Paranormal Police Procedural - Cedar Sanderson - Witchward Book 1

Poems for the Soul Susan M. Werner - Compiled by Fr. Mark Goring , CC

Blood Country - Declan Finn - Honeymoon from Hell Book 2  

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - edited by Scott Carter 

Are You Saved? The Catholic Understanding of Salvation - Fr. Mike Schmitz - Homilies Book 1
Artificial Condition - Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries Book 2 

Sugar Skull - Cedar Sanderson 
The Twisted Breath of God - Cedar Sanderson 

The Voice of Angels - Nydia Hadi 

The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume II - Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavin

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

The Catechism in a Year Companion, Volume II - Fr. Mike Schmitz, Petroc Willey,  Matthew Doeing, and Ann Koshute


Stargazer - Cedar Sanderson

Young Saints Around the World - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders

March Roars - Maureen Jennings - Paradise Café Book 4

In search of St. Piran - Eric Walter Frederick Tomlin
Hearing Christ’s Voice: A New Lectionary for the Church - Bishop Hugh Gilbert, OSB

Ordinary Saints Around the World - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders

The Handy Little Guide to Fasting - Greg Kandra

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - edited by Scott Carter 

Memories of the Abyss - Cedar Sanderson 

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone - Benjamin Stevenson - Ernest Cunningham Book 1

Born to Rock - Gordon Korman

Royal and Warrior Saints Around the World - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders
Talented Saints Around the World - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders
Unshakable Saints Around the World - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders
Adventurous Saints Around the World - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders
Saints Around the World  Early Reader Collection - Meg Hunter-Kilmer and Lindsey Sanders

Visions of Mary: Mother of God - Sandra DiPasqua and Barbara Calamari 

​Ministering the Word of God - Fr Allen Morris - CTS Books 

Schooled - Gordon Korman 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Plant Life - Cedar Sanderson

A Killer of Influence - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 20
Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier - CTS Children's Books 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy    
Saints: Ancient & Modern - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Wyverns Never Die - Declan Finn - Honeymoon from Hell Book 3



Cave of the Crystal Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters Book 26
The Catholic Youth Prayer Book, Second Edition - Mary Shrader, Laure L. Krupp, Robert Feduccia Jr., Matthew J. Miller

Born to Do This: 30 Days with Joan of Arc - Jaymie Stuart Wolfe - Great Spiritual Teachers Series 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

What is Truth?: Evangelising the Post-Modern World - Joshua Madden - CTS Explanations 

Gapman - Karina Fabian - DragonEye, PI Book 9.0 

40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume 2 St. Mark - Father Mark Goring CC

A Very Chapel Falls Christmas - Amanda Lauer 

Holy Flying Pumpkins! - Legend Fiction 

Why Did the Underwear Cross the Road? - Gordon Korman 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua 

The Dwarf's Dryad - Cedar Sanderson 

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers - Ave Maria Press 

The Fire of Eden - Antony Barone Kolenc - The Harwood Mysteries Book 3 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

31 Days with Mary - Maria Alinne Costa 

Ordinary Time: Finding Holiness in Everyday Life - Fr.  Mike Schmitz - Homilies Book 2
The Ghost of Halloween Past and Other Catholic Tales from the Edge - Joseph Cillo Jr 

The Merchant's Curse - Antony Barone Kolenc - The Harwood Mysteries Book 4 

Savannah Paranormal Detective Agency - Patrick Abbott

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

Story of a Soul - St. Therese of Lisieux - Ascension Catholic Classics

Story of a Soul - St. Therese of Lisieux - Ascension Catholic Classics



In Too Deep - Lee Child and Andrew Child - Jack Reacher Book 29
The Gospel According to Matthew - Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Scriptures
The Gospel According to Mark - Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Scriptures
Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - Scott Carter (Editor) 

Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis - Ransom Cycle Book 1 

Four Minutes - Barry Lyga
Stations of the Cross: In Light of the Work of the Society of St Vincent De Paul - Fr Gerard Bogan - CTS Devotions 

Murder at Penwood Manor - Antony Barone Kolenc - The Harwood Mysteries Book 5 

Perelandra - C.S. Lewis - Ransom Cycle Book 2

Essential Prayers for the Dead - Sr. Mary Leonora Wilson FSP

Prayer Today: A Challenge to Overcome - Cardinal Angelo Comastri - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 1

The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis - Ransom Cycle Book 3
The Prayer of Mary and the Saints Who Met Her - Sr Catherine Aubin, OP - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 7

Make friends with the Angels - Sister Emmanuel Maillard 

Praying with Saints and Sinners - Fr Paul Brendan Murray, OP - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 4

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions 

The Rock from Which You Were Hewn: The Lives and Legacy of Holy Irish Men and Women - Fr. John Hogan and Dr. Patrick Kenny   

Companion to the Sunday Gospels - Year B - Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Companions 
Breaking the Bread: A Biblical Devotional for Catholics Year B - Scott Hahn and Ken Ogorek 

The Parables of Prayer - Msgr Antonio Pitta - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 5

Praying with the Psalms - Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 2 

The Devil's Ransom - Antony Barone Kolenc - The Harwood Mysteries Book 6 

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Alphonsus Liguori - TAN Books  
Weigh the Odds - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 11 

The Legend of Saint Rocco and His Dog - Dessi Jackson and Martina Parnelli

The Adventures of Tally Ho - A.K. Frailey 



Visions of Purgatory: A Private Revelation - Anonymous
Holy Souls in Purgatory: A Journey of Mercy, 30 Days Novena for Relief, with Prayers, Devotion, Promises for Dying Holy Souls in Purgatory - Tassone D Susan 

The Gospel According to Luke - Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Scriptures 

Best Christmas Ever - Matthew Kelly - Worst Christmas Ever 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Screwtape Proposes a Toast and Other Pieces - C.S. Lewis - Ransom Cycle Book 4
Novena: The Power of Prayer - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua 

The Prayer of Jesus - Juan Lopez Vergara - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 3 

That Hideous Strength - C.S. Lewis - The Ransom Cycle Book 5​ 

The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Our Father - Fr Ugo Vanni - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 8
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
The Gospel According to John - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures

The Dark Tower - C.S. Lewis - Ransom Cycle Book 1.5
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler  

The Acts Of The Apostles - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures 

Saint Kevin of Glendalough: Hermit, Abbot, and Miracle Worker - Kevin McKenzie - Vision Books  

The Church in Prayer - Carthusian Monks - CTS Notes on Prayer Book 6  

Jacob's Journey- Noah benShea - Jacob the Baker Book 2
An Introduction to Living in the Divine Will: 33 Lessons from Luisa Piccarreta - Daniel O'Connor
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea - Jacob the Baker Book 3
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea - Jacob The Baker Book 4

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 
The Bible in a Year Companion Volume III Days 244-365 - Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins - Ascension Press
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Ascension Edition
The Catechism in a Year Companion, Volume III - Fr. Mike Schmitz, Petroc Willey, and Ann Koshute
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler   



Books Read 2023




Hope in Adversity - Vima Dasan SJ – CTS Devotions 
The 13th Horseman - Barry Hutchison - Afterworlds Book 1
Oremus Latin Prayers for Young Catholics - Katie Warner and Meg Whalen
They Burn Witches, Don't They? - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 3.6
The Report Card - Andrew Clements
Being A Parent Today - Edited by Father Stephen Wang - CTS Books

Chiara Lubich - Jim Gallagher - CTS Biographies
Oremus Latin Prayers for Young Catholics - Katie Warner and Meg Whalen
Go Jump in the Pool - Gordon Korman - Macdonald Hall Book 2
Dial D for Deadman - Barry J. Hutchison - Dan Deadman Space Detective Book 1
The Our Father - Father Andrea Gasparino - CTS Prayers and Devotions
Codename Winterborn - Declan Finn and Allan Yoskowitz - The Last Survivors Book 1
Willie Doyle SJ: Much in the Presence of God - Patrick Corkery SJ
Chasing the Falconers - Gordon Korman - On The Run Book 1
The School Story - Andrew Clements
World's Greatest Liar - Barry Hutchison - Beaky Malone Book 1
Jake Drake, Bully Buster - Andrew Clements - Jake Drake Book 2
Three Last Things or The Hounding Of Carl Jarrold, Soulless Assassin - Corinna Turner
A Changing of the Guard - Corinna Turner - Three Last Things Book 2
Holy Is His Name - Scott Hahn
Jake Drake, Bully Buster - Andrew Clements - Jake Drake Book 2
Summer At West Castle - Theresa Linden - A West Brothers Story
Main Street D.O.A. - Declan Finn - White Ops Book 3
Who Is Bugs Potter? -  Gordon Korman - Bugs Potter Book 1
Yuletide Thrills - Rebecca Cantrell - A Christmas Anthology
The Ghosts of Galway - Ken Bruen - Jack Taylor Book 13
Night of the Living Ted - Barry Hutchison and Lee Cosgrove - Living Ted Book 1

Jake Drake Know-It-All - Andrew Clements - Jake Drake Book 1

Set to Kill - Declan Finn - Convention Killings Book 2

Christmas Homilies of Benedict XVI - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva

Masterminds - Gordon Korman - Masterminds Book 1
Donkey Bells: Advent and Christmas - Catherine de Hueck Doherty Seasonal Customs Vol. 1

Generator Rex The Trade - Barry Hutchison - Rex Generator Book 1
Christ upon the Waters - John Henry Newman - CTS Onefifties Book 3

Jake Drake - Teachers Pet - Andrew Clements - Jake Drake Book 3

Too Secret Service 2 - Declan Finn - Too Secret Service Part Two

Then Raise the Dead Man High - M.L. Clark 
Hugh O'Flaherty: The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis -  Fiorella De Maria - Vision Books

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy

Jake Drake, Class Clown - Andrew Clements - Jake Drake Book 4

The Superteacher Project - Gordon Korman

Gathering Storm - Declan Finn - White Ops Book 4

Abby in Wonderland - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 10.5
Martyrs - Kathryn Griffin Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 2

Greater Treasures - Karina Fabian - DragonEye, PI Book 5 Revised Edition

The Way of the Cross - Archbishop Georg Ganswein

Under an Orange Sky - Manuel Alfonseca  - Solar System Book 1

Totum Amoris Est - Pope Francis - CTS Books

Under an Orange Sky - Manuel Alfonseca  - Solar System Book 1

Cavalry Hero Casamir Pulaski - Dorothy Adams - Portraits in Faith and Freedom

The Shark-Headed Bear-Thing - Barry Hutchison and Chris Mould - Benjamin Blank Book 1

Arresting Merlin - Declan Finn

The Case of the Missing Maps - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson - Sisters of the Last Straw Volume 8

The Sixth Grade Nickname Game - Gordon Korman

Rise of the Rabbits - Barry Hutchinson

Edith Stein, Marcel Callo, Titus Brandsma Victims of the Nazis - The Catholic Truth Society - 20th Century Martyrs

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy

How Christ Saves Souls ― with Us - Michael E. Giesler - The Mystery of Co-Redemption

Siren Spell - Karina Fabian - A DragonEye, PI Book 6



Lenten Devotions Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine - Lawrence Lew O.P. - CTS Devotions
A Truly Clawful Christmas - Corinna Turner - An unSPARKed Story
Finding Peace with Jesus Prayers & Thoughts - Fr Sean Finnegan - CTS Devotions
A Truly Clawful Christmas - Corinna Turner - An unSPARKed Story

Iota - T.M. Doran

Too Secret Service 3 - Declan Finn - Too Secret Service Part Three

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Barbara Reed Mason - CTS Books

Terraforming Mars - Edited by Martin Beech, Joseph Seckbach, and Richard Gordon

Stations of the Cross In Light of the Work of the Society of St Vincent De Paul - Fr Gerard Bogan - CTS Devotions

World Killer - Barry J. Hutchison

The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien

A-Z of Spiritual Living - Father Gerard Bogan - CTS Book 

Confirmation: The Spirit of Christ - Sr. Mary David Totah - CTS Sacraments Meeting Christ 

Son of the Mob - Gordon Korman - Son of the Mob Book 1

A Dictionary of Irish Saints - Pádraig Ó Riain

Blood Stained Cliffs of Dover - Declan Finn - An Honor at Stake Story

Blood Stained Cliffs of Dover - Declan Finn - An Honor at Stake Story

The Earth-9 Colony Revisited - Manuel Alfonseca - The Earth-9 Colony Book 2

Self-Portrait - Jim Sano - Father Tom Book 4

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Saint John Bosco - F.A. Forbes
A Brief Life of Christ - Fr. Leslie Rumble

The Wrath of Vajazzle - Barry J. Hutchison - Space Team Book 2 

A Supplement to A Dictionary of Irish Saints: Containing Additions and Corrections - Pádraig Ó Riain

Jesus, You Take Over - Father Dolindo Ruotolo - Prayers for Surrender to God's Will for Private Devotion

The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien 

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

Our Lady of Kibeho - Immaculée Ilibagiza

Stations of the Cross In Light of the Work of the Society of St Vincent De Paul - Fr Gerard Bogan - CTS Devotions

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Dances With Werewolves Part 1 - Declan Finn
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions

All About the Angels - Father Paul O'Sullivan O.P.

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell 

Stations of the Cross - Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman 

Meditations After Holy Communion - Father Edward Looney - Guided Meditations for Every Sunday and Other Holy Days

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions



Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary - Helen Pepper - CTS Devotions 

One For the Ages - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 16
Stations of the Cross and Resurrection with the Saints - J.B. Midgley   

Sugar and Spice - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 10  

The Stations of the Cross With Pope John Paul II - Joseph M Champlin and Gunter Grady 

The Boy Who Knew Carlo Acutis - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places Book 1 

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Do Carpenters Dream of Wooden Sheep? St. Joseph's Story as Dreamt by a Sleeping Teenage Boy - Corinna Turner - A Friends in High Places Story  

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva

Way of the Cross at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy - Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception

Dead Inside - Barry J. Hutchison - Dan Deadman Space Detective Book 2

Old Men Don't Walk to Egypt - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places Book 2 Saint Joseph 

Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell 

Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary - Helen Pepper - CTS Devotions 

Our Man Weston - Gordon Korman

Proverbs: Douay Rheims Bible Version - Fr. Mark Goring and Sr. Penolope Nguyen SC

Sad Puppies Bite Back - Declan Finn

Favorite Prayers to Our Lady - TAN Books 

Pocket Guide to the Stations of the Cross - Edward Sri - Ascension Pocket Guide Series 

Child, Unwanted - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places Book 3 Margaret of Castello 

The Holy Man of Dublin or the Silence of Matt Talbot - Alice Curtayne 

Roland West, Loner - Theresa Linden 

King Lear - William Shakespeare - Oxford School Shakespeare
Curse of the Shadow Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters Book 23

The Way of the Cross with Jesus and Mary from Golgatha to the Resurrection - Fr. Slavko Barbaric

Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity - Thomas à Kempis
Oedipus the King - Sophocles - Translateed by Bernard Knox
Treasure In Heaven: Journal Edition - Fr. Mark Goring

Way of the Cross with St. Vincent Pallotti - Father Mathew Kanjiramkalayil SAC

The Third Crown and Other Weird Tales - Paul Leone 

The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints - Sister Joseph Marie CHT 

Lent Easter Awaits Us Returning to the Way of God - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books

Lent, the Journey to Easter Joy: More Words of Encouragement - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books

On the Way of the Cross with Saint Paul - Father Eugene LaVerdiere S.S.S.

Mary's Way of the Cross - Richard G. Furey CSsR

The Way of the Cross for Our Enemies - Fulton J. Sheen

Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel  

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

The Way of the Cross - Fulton J. Sheen - 1933 Edition

Season of Mercy  Lent and Easter - Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Bad Date - Declan Finn - A Love at First Bite Story
Bad Date - Declan Finn - A Love at First Bite Story

The Stations of the Cross - Vincent Sherlock

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Deadly Games - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 6  
The Way of the Cross According to Mark - Father Eugene LaVerdiere S.S.S.
Paul of Tarsus - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Books
Saint Paul - Pope Benedict XVI

40 Days to Mercy - Michael E. Gaitley - A Jubilee Year Lenten Devotion Through Divine Sunday  

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Codename Unsub - Declan Finn and Allan Yoskowitz - The Last Survivors Book 2

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Raggy Maggie - Barry Hutchison - Invisible Fiends Book 2  

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva   

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 



Our Father - Matthew Kelly
Saint Jerk - D.J. Dixon

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva

Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell 

A Printer’s Choice - W.L. Patenaude
The Way of the Cross - Fulton J. Sheen - 1932 Edition

Mad Dog Moon - Declan Finn - A Love at First Bite Story 

Pray the Stations - Basil R. Reuss 

Strength in Simplicity - Emmanuel De Gibergues - The Busy Catholic's Guide to Growing Closer to God

Contemplating the Way of the Cross - Mary Leonora Wilson - A Personal Encounter with Our Crucified Lord

The Chemist of Catania - Alexander Lucie-Smith

The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien

Don't Care High - Gordon Korman  

The Passion of Christ Through the Eyes of Mary - Anselm of Canterbury
The Seven Last Words of Christ - Saint Bonaventure

John Bradburne Soldier, Poet, Pilgrim - Gerard Skinner - CTS Biographies 

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler   

Stations of the Cross - Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman  

Too Secret Service: Omnibus Edition - Declan Finn

Celebrating Holy Week - Vincent Sherlock

Operation Quatuor - Manuel Alfonseca - Solar System Book 3 

Reconciliation: The Mercy of Christ - Vivian Boland - CTS Sacraments Meeting Christ

Space Traipse: Hold My Beer: Season Six - Karina Fabian

Dances With Werewolves Part 2 - Declan Finn 

Saint Patrick - Donal A. Kerr - CTS Biographies
The Tooth Fairy MurderS - Barry Hutchison  

Saint Patrick - Gerard Culkin - CTS Biographies
Child of the Deep - Mary Jessica Woods

Descent Into the Hell of Venus - Manuel Alfonseca - Solar System Book 2

Matt Talbot - Eddie Doherty

The Way of the Cross According to Matthew - Father Eugene LaVerdiere S.S.S.

Sunday Mass Readings: The thinking behind the Lectionary - Thomas O'Loughlin - CTS Books

Two Peas in a Pod - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 11 

Swords and Maidens: Eleven Tales of Chivalry and Valor - Edited by N.R. LaPoint  

Josemaria Escriva - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS Biographies

The Story of Saint David - Sian Lewis and Roger Jones

Praying the Stations with Saint John XXIII - Bill Huebsch

Honor At Stake - Declan Finn - Love at First Bite Book 1  

Looking Ahead: A Catholic Handbook for School Students - The Association of Catholic Women - Catholic Truth Society

The Kingdom of Matt Talbot: A Dublin Labourer: 1856-1925 - Sir Joseph Glynn - Catholic Truth Society of Ireland

Saint David Patron Saint of Wales - Lois Rock and Sophie Piper 

Eye Of The Storm - Declan Finn - White Ops Book 5 

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Guardian of Redeemer - Redemptoris Custos  - Pope John Paul II

The Making of Matt Talbot - Mary Purcell

Dewi Sant - Saint David - Elin Meek



Worst Ever School Trip - Barry Hutchison - Beaky Malone Book 2 

Children of Doro - M.L. Clark

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Ireland - Lois Rock

Mary, Mother of All - Scott Hahn and Emily Stimpson Chapman 

The One That Got Away - J.D. Kirk - DI Filson Book 1

Saint Maria Goretti Teenage Martyr for Chastity - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS 20th Century Martyrs 

Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion - Pope Benedict XVI, Amy Welborne and Ann Engelhart 

The Hyperion Signals - Josh Griffing

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Demons are Forever - Declan Finn - Love at First Bite Book 2

Mexican Martyrdom: Firsthand Accounts of the Religious Persecution in Mexico 1926-1935 - Wilfrid Parson

Practising the Presence of God: with Brother Lawrence - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Books

Saint George Patron Saint of England - Lois Rock and Finola Stack

Knuckle Bones - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 12

Bulletproof Jack - Diane Capri - The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 19 

The Jacket - Andrew Clements and McDavid Henderson 

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

Behold Your Mother - Peter Kahn - CTS Books
St. David of Wales - David Crowley D.D. - CTS Biographies

House of Cards - Alice Curtayn

Tom's Revenge - James Edward Webb

Alvaro del Portillo The Power of Humility - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS Biographies

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Live and Let Bite - Declan Finn - Love at First Bite Book 3

The Girl Who Would Live Forever - Rebecca Cantrell - An Ivy Corva Nove

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Operation Viginti - Manuel Alfonseca - Solar System Book 4

A Walsingham Prayer Book - Philippe Lefebvre and Lawrence Lew

The Day the Bomb Fell - Johannes Siemes SJ and Bruce Kent - CTS Onefifties

Saint Andrew: Patron Saint of Scotland - Lois Rock and Sophie Piper

The Irish Story: A Survey of Irish History and Culture - Alice Curtayne
Dances with Werewolves: Omnibus Edition - Declan Finn

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary - Saint Alfonso María de Liguori   



Good to the Last Drop - Declan Finn - Love at First Bite Book 4
The Man in the Attic - Rebecca Cantrell

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Life of Matt Talbot - Sir Joseph A Glynn 

Confirmed A Treasury of Faith & Prayer - Catholic Truth Society

Pamphlets for the Faithful - Fr Willie Doyle, SJ

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

The Sidekicks Initiative - Barry J. Hutchison - Sidekicks Initiative Book 1

Astounding Frontiers Issue 1 - Edited by Jason Rennie, David Hallquist and Ben Zwycky

Ten Battles Every Catholic Should Know - Michael D. Greaney 

Charles De Foucauld Adventurer of the Desert - Emmeline Garnett - Vision Books

World's Worst Time Machine - Dustin Brady - World's Worst Time Machine Book 1
On the Train - Rebecca Cantrell 

A Face in Time 1789-2089 - Manuel Alfonseca 

Far Away, The Pale Blue Dot - Lucca DeJardins

A Nefarious Plot - Steve Deace

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume 1 St. Matthew - Fr. Mark Goring CC

Phoenix - Lori Janeski - The Carter Files 01

A Miracle for David Patron Saint of Wales - Steffan Lloyd - Saint David of Wales Book 2

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

The Holy Man of Dublin or The Wonder of Matt Talbot - Eily MacAdam

Collared - Juliana Weber
Towards a Full Presence - A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media - Dicastery for Communication - CTS Books

Life-Changing Love - Theresa Linden - A West Brothers Story 

Josemaria Escriva - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS Biographies   

Galen's Way - Richard Paolinelli - Starquest 4th Age Book 1

Catechism of Christian Doctrine - Penny Catechism - Catholic Truth Society

Good Intentions - Karina Fabian - DragonEye PI Book 7 



The Way of the Cross According to Luke - Father Eugene LaVerdiere, S.S.S. 

Islam, Britain & the Gospel - John Coonan, John Wijngaards, and William Burridge - CTS Onefifties 

Saint Patrick's Purgatory The Sanctuary Of Station Island Lough Derg - Alice Curtayne

Saint Patrick's Purgatory The Sanctuary Of Station Island Lough Derg - Alice Curtayne

Saint Maria Goretti Teenage Martyr for Chastity - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS 20th Century Martyrs 

The Way of the Cross at the Colosseum - Pope Benedict XVI - 2010
A Boy Called Dewi - Steffan Lloyd

Storming Area 51 35 New Stories - Bayonet Books Anthology Book 2

Martyrs of Uganda - Joanna Bogle - CTS Biographies

Rilke's Life of the Virgin Mary - Rainer Maria Rilke and C.F. MacIntyre
Idol Speculation - Karina Fabian - DragonEye PI Book 8  

Saint Patrick Apostle of Ireland - Alice Curtayne

Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics - Henry Theiler 

Super Creepy Camp - Barry Hutchison and Katie Abey - Beaky Malone Book 3

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

Explaining Islam from a Catholic Perspective - J.M. Gaskell - CTS Explanations

Addict for Christ: The story of Venerable Matt Talbot - Francis Johnston - CTS Biographies 

Croagh Patrick - Alice Curtayne  

Seeing Red - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After  Book 12

Criminal Destiny - Gordon Korman - Masterminds Book 2

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

A Tower for the Coming World And Other Storeis - M.L. Clark

Saint Columcille: the Dove of the Church - Alice Curtayne

The Monster Within - Bayonet Books Anthology Book 8
Mixed Up - Gordon Korman

Dewi Sant: Saint David - E. G Bowan

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

In Service of Death - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 17

The Mystery of Matt Talbot - Father Morgan Costelloe

Hidden Hand - Manuel Alfonseca

Perfect Ten - Karina Fabian - A Dragoneye PI Story



Mary Aikenhead - Alice Curtayne

Webs and Shadows Strange Stories of Barsetshire - Paul Leone

Josephine Bakhita - Jean Olwen Maynard - CTS Biographies 

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler   

Royal & Ancient - Amanda Lauer 

Exogenesis - Peco Gaskovski
The Catholic Home Art Gallery 18 Works of Art by Contemporary Catholic Artists - John Herreid

Edith Stein, Marcel Callo, Titus Brandsma Victims of the Nazis - The Catholic Truth Society - 20th Century Martyrs

Lucy and the Deadly Rule - Antony Barone Kolenc - A Harwood Mysteries Short Story

At Homeworld's End - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller

An American Little Flower - GinaMarie Tennant - Vision Books

At Homeworld's End - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller 

An American Little Flower - GinaMarie Tennant - Vision Books

Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions 

Fire for Effect - Bayonet Books Anthologies 7
As Strong as Death - C and C Spellman - Shadows of Freedom Book 3

The Father Speaks to His Children - Sister Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio 
The Father Speaks to His Children - Sister Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio and Padre Andrea D'Ascanio 

The Rocking Chair Prophet - Matthew Kelly

The Master Plan - Leslea Wahl - All for One Episode 4

The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien

Lucky Number Seven - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 13

Bugs Potter Live at Nickaninny - Gordon Korman - Bugs Potter Book 2

Medieval Christianity - Christopher Henry Dawson - CTS Onefifties

Points of Meditation About Our Lady from St. Josemaría - Edited by Paul Coppola

The Glaston Secret - Donal Anthony Foley - The Glaston Chronicles Book 1 Reprint Edition
Journey to Castle Raven - Donal Anthony Foley - The Glaston Chronicles Book 2 Reprint Edition

The Excalibur Mystery - Donal Anthony Foley - The Glaston Chronicles Book 3

The Fall Of Denver - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 3

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva 

The Children of La Salette - Mary Fabyan Windeatt 

Maria von Trapp and Her Musical Family - Cheri Blomquist and John Herreid - Vision Books

Phantoms' Lodge - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 9

Sherlock Holmes The Woman Returns - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 16
Joan of Arc The Maid of Orléans - Andrew Benedict Votipka - Mr. Baker's Book 3

Idol Speculation - Karina Fabian - DragonEye PI Book 8

Saint Thomas Aquinas The Story of the Dumb Ox - Mary Fabyan Windeatt



Confession Its Fruitful Practice - The Benedictine Convent of Clyde

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá

The Practice of the Presence of God - Brother Lawrence

Belt of Truth - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Series Book 1 Second Edition
Pluto - Edited by Dawn Witzke - Planetary Anthology Series Book 1

Galen's Blade - Richard Paolinelli - Starquest 4th Age Book 2

Walking with Father Vincent - Andrew McNabb 

Spill the Beans - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 13

Dawn of the Light Dragon - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters Book 24

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá

Louise and Zélie: The Holy Parents of Saint Thérèse - GinaMarie Tennant - Vision Books
Elisabeth Leseur: Living the Faith through Life’s Trials - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Biographies

Legacy Of Death - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller 
Breastplate of Righteousness - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 2

Icarus Falls - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller 5

The Hoodoo That You Do - Cedar Sanderson - The Groundskeeper Book 2
No Greater Love: The Martyrdom of the Ulma Family - Jean Olwen Maynard - CTS Books
Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Blood, Bone and Coffin - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 0.0 

Lent Royal & Ancient: A Short Time Travel Story in 17th Century Scotland - Amanda Lauer
Lucy and the Hidden Clover - Antony Barone Kolenc - A Harwood Mysteries Short Story

Sublimitas et Miseria Hominis: On the 4th Centenary of the Birth of Blaise Pascal - Pope Francis - CTS Books
St Thérèse of Lisieux: Transformation into Love - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Biographies

Demons - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 1.0 

The Fugitive Factor - Gordon Korman - On The Run Book 2

Battle for His Soul - Theresa Linden - West Brothers Book 3 

Fallen Graces - Jim Sano - Fr Tom Book 5

Gordon Korman - Sheelagh Matthews - Remarkable Writers

Sherlock Holmes The Assassination Of Alan Pinkerton - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 20 

Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy 

Boots of Peace - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 3

Unbreakable: Saints Who Inspired Saints to Moral Courage - Kimberly Begg

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá



The Swivel-Eyed Ogre-Thing - Barry Hutchinson - Benjamin Blank Book 2 

The Enemy Of My Enemy - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams of the Storyteller Book 13

Beware the Fish! - Gordon Korman - Macdonald Hall Book

Elizabeth of the Trinity The Great Carmelite Saint - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Great Saints 

A Dead Man Walking - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 18
Extinction Point - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 11

Extinction Point - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 11

Lucy and the Forsaken Path - Antony Barone Kolenc - A Harwood Mysteries Short Story 

Space Traipse: Hold My Beer: Season Seven - Karina Fabian 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá  

The 13th Medallion - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams of the Storyteller Book 6

The 13th Medallion - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams of the Storyteller Book 6

The Night My Father Shot The Werewolf - Josh Griffing

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

Weirdest Show on Earth - Barry Hutchison - Beaky Malone Book 4 

No Coins, Please - Gordon Korman
CAG - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams of the Storyteller Book 12

Shield of Faith - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Series Book 4 Second Edition

The Wistful and the Good - G.M. Baker - Cuthbert’s People Book 1 

Beautiful Eucharist - Edited by Matthew Kelly

Jesus I Trust in You: A 30-Day Personal Retreat with the Litany of Trust - Sr. Faustina Maria Pia 

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions 

Sherlock Holmes The Substitute Thief - Richard Paolinelli -  Sherlock Holmes Pastiches Book 5

Thirteen Stories of Horror: Volume 1 - Edited by Nick Steverson 

The Journey of Tivo the Dauntless - Manuel Alfonseca  - Chronicles of the Magic Jigsaw Puzzle Book 1 

The Secret - Lee and Andrew Child - Jack Reacher Book 28

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Tsalmoth - Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos Book 16 

C’est La Confiance - Pope Francis
The Abduction - Gordon Korman - Kidnapped Book 1
C’est La Confiance - Pope Francis

The Invited - Richard Paolinelli  - Dreams of the Storyteller Book 2  

My Ghoul - Cedar Sanderson - The Groundskeeper Book 3

Blood of the Martyrs and Other Stories - John Desjarlais



C’est La Confiance - Pope Francis 

What Will Hell Be Like? - Alfonso María de Liguori 

everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler 

God Save The King - Josh Griffing 

The Groundskeeper Raking Up the Dead - Cedar Sanderson

The Hoodoo That You Do - Cedar Sanderson - The Groundskeeper Book 2   

My Ghoul - Cedar Sanderson - The Groundskeeper Book 3 

A Year With the Bible 365 Daily Reflections - Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Books
Companion to the Sunday Gospels - Year B - Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Companions 

The Last Human - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 8
Sherlock Holmes: Nevermore or, The Mystery Of The Albino Raven - Richard Paolinelli - Sherlock Holmes Pastiches Book 4

The Holiday Special - Barry J. Hutchison - Space Team Book 2.5 

Polar Shift - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams of the Storyteller Book 10

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

A Very Jurassic Lent - Corinna Turner -  An unSPARKed Short Story 

Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell 

The Forgotten Medicine: The Mystery of Repentance - Seraphim Aleksiev

The Forgotten Medicine: The Mystery of Repentance - Seraphim Aleksiev 

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Companion to the Sunday Gospels - Year B - Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Companions



Stories about Purgatory & What They Reveal - Tan Books
The Confessions of St. Augustine - Ascension Catholic Classics

Three Clawsome Tales - Corinna Turner - an unSPARKed Anthology
The Star of Bethlehem: What did the Magi See? - Fr Douglas McGonagle - CTS Books

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Unholy Saints - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 14 

The Confessions of St. Augustine - Ascension Catholic Classics

The Inquisition: What really happened? - Fernando Cervantes - CTS Concise Histories 

Sherlock Holmes A Lesson In Mercy - Richard Paolinelli - Sherlock Holmes Pastiches Book 2
Sherlock Holmes A Lesson In Mercy - Richard Paolinelli - Sherlock Holmes Pastiches Book 2
A Fowl Christmas - Catholic Teen Books

What's Done is Done - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed 10

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

Christmas Evil: A Heavy Metal Holiday Novella - N.R. LaPoint

Nothing Ever Happens Here - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 4

Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 

What is Truth?: Evangelising the Post-Modern World - Joshua Madden - CTS Explanations 
Nikolaos - Taylor Marshall - A Sword and Serpent Story
Praying the Nicene Creed - James Matthew Wilson - CTS Books

Sherlock Holmes: The Misplaced Mystery Writer - Richard Paolinelli - Sherlock Holmes Pastiches Book 3

Barn Wars: The Rise Of Brooster Motherclucker - Richard Paolinelli - Dreams Of The Storyteller Book 14

Clothed with Power from On High: A Short Catechesis on Charisms in the Life and Mission of the Church - Bishop Scott McCaig CC

A Saint Nicholas Eve Carol - Catholic Teen Books

What's Done is Done - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed 10
Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 
Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition - Pope John Paul II
Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva - Josemaría Escrivá 
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press



Books Read 2022


A Simple Prayer Book For Prisoners - Catholic Truth Society
Champion of the Rosary - Laurie J. Schmitt
The Problem of Evil - Martin Cyril D'Arcy - CTS Explanations
Joe B. - Anthony Federico
The Inquisition: What really happened? - Fernando Cervantes - Concise Histories
Mortlock - Jon Mayhew - Mortlock Book 1
Litany of Loreto - Charles Renfrew - CTS Devotions
The Christmas Genie - Dan Gutman
The Church and the Dark Ages (430–1027) - Phillip Campbell - Reclaiming Catholic History Book 3
Armed With The Faith: A Catholic Handbook for Military Personnel - Daniel R. Sweeney (Editor)
The Tanist's Wife and Other Stories - Edited by Isobel Mason - Stories of Alternative Histories
Guide to Morning, Evening and Night Prayer: How to Pray the Prayer of the Church - Robert Taylerson
Prayer Made Simple - David Torkington - CTS Prayers and Devotions
C. S. Lewis Apostle to the Sceptics - Walter Hooper - CTS Biographies
Praying a Scriptural Rosary - Guy Nicholls - CTS Devotions
J.R.R. Tolkien: His life, Work and Faith - Raymond Edwards - CTS Biographies
Prison Journal, Volume 3 The High Court Frees an Innocent Man - Cardinal George Pell
Our Daily Bread - Karina Fabian - A Rescue Sisters Story
Praying the Rosary with the Saints - Deacon Nick Donnelly - CTS Devotions
Lepanto’s Lady - Laurie Schmitt
A History of the Papacy - Father Nicholas Schofield - CTS Concise Histories
True Revolution: The Call to Be Christian Today - Benedict XVI - CTS
Saint Pius X - Walter Diethelm - The Farm Boy Who Became Pope
Cloudy with a Chance of Boys - Megan McDonald - The Sisters Club Book 3
Fighting Father Duffy - Jim Bishop, Virginia Lee Bishop and H. Lawrence Hoffman - Vision Book #7
How They Love Mary - Father Edward Looney - Lessons I Learned from Holy Men and Women Along the Way
The Inquisition: What really happened? - Fernando Cervantes - Concise Histories
Lourdes: Place of Healing and Hope - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines
Lisieux: A Pilgrim's Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines
How to Be Happy - Fr Paul Nicholson SJ
Dark Visions of Torment - J.E. Mayhew - DCI William Blake Book 8
The Other Side of Freedom - Cynthia T. Toney
Boots of Peace - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 3
Sweet Briar Rose - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 8
Desire & Delight - Father Robert Taylerson - CTS Deeper Christianity Series
We All Fall Down - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 3
Conversational Prayer - Craig Driscoll - CTS Devotions
The Father Wants To Heal You - Nigel Woollen
The Gospel According to John Larger Print Edition - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
The Gospel According to John - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
Spiritual Combat – According to St Benedict - Father Bernard Ducruet, OSB
Shield of Faith - Theresa Linden - Armour of God Book 4
Operation Do-Over - Gordon Korman
The Sharp Kid - David Vining
Meditations on the Stabat Mater - Armand de Malleray
The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions
Abby in Oz - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Special Edition Book 2 - Whatever After 13.5


Van Horn - Jim Sano
Walking With God A Journey Through the Bible - Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins
The Restless Flame, Daniel Lord, SJ - Stephen A. Werner - Thinking Big in a Parochial World!
8 Deadly Sins Learning to Defend the Life of Grace - Vivian Boland - CTS Deeper Christianity Series
Finding God in Doubt and Disbelief - Deacon Nick Donnelly - CTS Finding God Series
Prudence, Justice, Courage, and Temperance The Cardinal Virtues - Father Andrew Pinsent - CTS Deeper Christianity
The Message of Bernadette - Donal Anthony Foley and Vernon Johnson - CTS Christian Shrines
Jean-Baptiste Debrabant - Alice Curtayne
Words of Wisdom from the Church Fathers - Jimmy Akin - CTS
Message of St Therese of Lisieux - Vernon Johnson - CTS Christian Shrines
Hildegard of Bingen - Angelo Amato - CTS Great Saints
Benedict XVI: Defender of the Faith - Joseph Pearce
Seven Riddles to Nowhere - A.J. Cattapan
A Year with the English Saints - Marcus Holden - CTS Living the Liturgy Series
Better off Dead - Lee Child and Andrew Child - Jack Reacher Book 26
Benedict XVI: Defender of the Faith - Joseph Pearce
The Gospel According to Mark- Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
The Gospel According to Mark Larger Print Edition - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
The Gospel According to Mark- Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
Even - Andrew Grant - David Trevellyan Book 1
The Monks' Castle - A.J. Cattapan
One Blessing at a Time - Leslea Wahl - All for One Episode 1
Message of Assisi The Shrine of St Francis of Assisi - Chris Simpson - CTS Christian Shrines
Marcel Callo Worker For Christ - M. N. L. Couve de Murville - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Clare of Assisi Her Life and Message - John Paul Kirkham - CTS
Eat Stop Eat - Brad Pilon
Borne on the Wind - Alice Curtayne
If the Shoe Fits - Sarah Mlynowski  - Whatever After Book 2
Charles De Foucauld - J. Frawley - CTS Biographies
Tales of a Magic Monastery - Theophane the Monk
Serious Angel - Jan Twardowski translated by Sarah Lawson
Perdition's Heirs - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Book 6
Companion to Saint Peter - J.B. Midgley - CTS Companions
Prayers for Grieving Parents - Nick Donnelly - CTS Prayer and Devotions
Nuns - What are they for? - Maria Boulding, Bruno Webb, and Jean Daniélou - CTS Onefifties


20 Answers St Thomas Aquinas - Kevin Vost - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
In Pieces - Rhonda Ortiz - Molly Chase Book 1
Pocket Guide to the Stations of the Cross - Edward Sri - Ascension Pocket Guide Series
Kiedy mówisz When You Say - Jan Twardowski
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler
Lantern City Vol. 1 -Matthew Daley, Trevor Crafts, Carlos Magno, and Bruce Boxleitner - Volumes 1-4
Stations of the Cross - The Way of Divine Mercy - Alfonso María de Liguori - CTS Devotions
Helmet of Salvation - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 5
A Litter of Bones - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 1
Thoughts on Prayer - Brother Craig Driscoll - CTS Devotions
Way of the Cross for Loved Ones Who Have Left the Faith - Fr. Jeffrey Kirby STD
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
The Psalms Grail Translation - Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Scriptures
A Question of Death & Life: A Catholic Approach to Dying - Neil McNicholas - CTS Explanations
20 Answers: End Of Life Issues - Jason Negri - CTS Explanations Edition
The Message of Carmel at Aylesford - Francis Kemsley O. Carm - CTS Christian Shrines
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
Northwind - J.D. Kirk - Robert Hoon Thrillers Book 1
St Josemaria Escriva's Collected Letters Introduction - Prof José Luis Illanes
The Stations of the Cross With Pope John Paul II - Joseph M Champlin and Gunter Grady
Death A Friendly Companion - Neil McNicholas - CTS Books
Via Dolorosa with Pope Benedict XVI: Meditations and Prayers on the Way of the Cross - Cardinal Camillo Ruini - CTS Devotions and Prayers
Sink or Swim - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 3
Jack Knife - Diane Capri - The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 17
Way of the Cross - Pope Benedict XVI - Meditations and Prayers (2005)
Ways of Forgiveness: How to Let Forgiveness Set You Free - John Edwards
Pocket Guide to the Stations of the Cross - Edward Sri - Ascension Pocket Guide Series
The Message of Bernadette - Donal Anthony Foley and Vernon Johnson - CTS Christian Shrines
The Gospel According to Matthew - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - CTS Scriptures
The Stations of the Cross: In the Footsteps of The Passion - Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Larger Print Gospel of Matthew - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - CTS Scriptures
Sacred Heart - Donal Anthony Foley - CTS Prayers and Devotions
Our Friends in Heaven, Volume 1: Saints for Every Day January to June - Daughters of St Paul edited by Sister Allison Gliot
Catechism of the Catholic Church with Theological Commentary - Archbishop Rino Fisichella
The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints - Sister Joseph Marie CHT
Love Yourself, So...Hate the Weight! - Brother Craig Driscoll - 100 Diet, Metabolic-Rate-Enhancing and Exercise Tips That Really Work!
Stations of the Cross - Timothy Radcliffe and Martin Erspamer - Community Prayer Edition
Coached By Joan of Arc - Alexandre Havard
The Way of the Cross - Caryll Houselander
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell
Stations of the Cross - Timothy Radcliffe
The Golden Spear - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 11
Stations of the Cross and Resurrection with the Saints - J.B. Midgley
Perilous Days - Kathryn Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 1
Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman
You're not a Chicken - Fr. Mark Goring
The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions
How the Fathers Read the Bible: Scripture, Liturgy, and the Early Church - Mike Aquilina
Way of the Cross with Pope Benedict XVI - Benedict XVI and Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun 2008 - CTS Devotions
The Talent Show - Dan Gutman
The Way of the Cross: Praying the Psalms with Jesus - Father Mark Toups
Saint Columban - Liam Griffiths and Sister Janet Wilcox - CTS Biographies
Everyone's Way of the Cross - Clarence Enzler
Joan of Arc - Paul Dunn and Colin Jeffery - CTS Biographies
The Third Fall: Stations of the Cross - M.G. Magill
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
A Calvary Covenant: The Stations of the Cross - John Cullen
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Homestead - A.K. Frailey
Everyone's Way of the Cross - Clarence Enzler


The Way of the Cross - Alfonso María de Liguori
Way Of The Cross, Centennial Edition - Josemaría Escrivá
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
Jaw Breaker - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 9
Mental Prayer An Easy Method - Bertrand Wilberforce - CTS Devotions
Way Of The Cross, Centennial Edition - Josemaría Escrivá
Stations of the Cross for Kids - Regina Doman and Christopher Lewis
Meditations on the Passion: The Way of the Cross - Susanna Tamaro
Way of the Cross for Loved Ones Who Have Left the Faith - Fr. Jeffrey Kirby STD
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
The Way of the Cross in the Words of St Paul - Donal Anthony Foley and Friar Clement Parsons - CTS Devotions
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Everyone's Way of the Cross - Clarence Enzler
A Right Rex Rodeo - Corinna Turner  - unSPARKed Book 6
More Precious Than Gold - Leslea Wahl - All for One Episode 2
Sword of the Spirit - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 6
Dream On - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 4
Please Don't Feed the Dinosaurs - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 1
Lourdes: Love is the True Cure - Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions
Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell
Stations of the Cross - The Way of Divine Mercy - Alfonso María de Liguori - CTS Devotions
Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary - Helen Pepper - CTS Devotions
The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions
Loving Christ Through St Josemaría Escrivá - Holly Melita Rodriguez
Journey Through Lent: Reflections on the Daily Mass Readings - Clement Harrold
Rediscover Lent - Matthew Kelly
A Nation of Tyrants - C And C Spellman - Shadows of Freedom Book 2
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Contemplative Meditation: A Practical Introduction - Matthew McGettrick
Deathwings - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 12
The Story of Glastonbury - Dom Aelred Watkin O.S.B. - CTS Histories
The Call to Evangelise: Founded on loving intimacy with the Lord - Anthony Doe - CTS Deeper Christianity
False Positive - Andrew Grant  - Detective Cooper Devereaux Book 1
The Call to Evangelise: Founded on loving intimacy with the Lord - Anthony Doe - CTS Deeper Christianity
Martyrs - Kathryn Griffin Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 2
Reformation in England - Raymond Edwards - CTS Concise Histories
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
My Other Self - Clarence J. Enzler - Conversations with Christ on Living Your Faith
John Vianney - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Thicker than Water - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 2
The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume I - Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavin


Mary Potter - Elizabeth Gilroy - CTS Saints of the Isles
Year of Faith Prayer Book - Edited by Barry R. Pearlman - CTS Year of Faith
Companion to Faith - Deacon Nick Donnelly - CTS Year of Faith
Ghosts of Malta - edited by Lawdog - An Anthology
For Me? - A.K. Frailey
A Reason for Everything - Amy Welborn
Nurturing the Young Thoughts for Parents and Educators - J.B. Midgley
The Career Killer - Ali Gunn - DCI Mabey Book 1
A Rule of Life: For Daily Christian Living - Father Michael Woodgate - CTS Life with Christ Series
Advent & Christmastide with the Saints - J.B. Midgley - CTS
Invisible - Andrew Grant - Paul McGrath Book 1
Silent Prayer - Andrzej Muszala - CTS Devotions
Everyone's Way of the Cross - Clarence Enzler
Conclave Step by Step through the Papal Interregnum - Monsignor Charles Burns O.B.E. - CTS Explanations
Catholic Architecture - Steven Schloeder - CTS Deeper Christianity Series
The Killing Code - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 3
Francis de Sales - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
The House of Secrets - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 4
Bad Hair Day - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 5
Stations of the Cross - Timothy Radcliffe and Martin Erspamer - Community Prayer Edition
Pray the Rosary - Patrick Peyton
The Revised New Jerusalem Bible - Dom Henry Wansbrough
Give Yourself to Christ: First Homilies of Benedict XVI - Benedict XVI - CTS Pope Benedict XVI
Hell Spawn - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 1
Father Damien And The Bells - Arthur and Elizabeth Shehan - Vision Books
The Activated Disciple - Jeff Cavins - Taking Your Faith to the Next Level
The Activated Disciple 40 Day Challenge Journal - Jeff Cavins
Southpaw - J.D. Kirk - Robert Hoon Thrillers Book 2
Way of the Cross for Loved Ones Who Have Left the Faith - Fr. Jeffrey Kirby STD
A Right Rex Rodeo - Corinna Turner  - unSPARKed Book 6
Run - Andrew Grant
The World of Marian Apparitions: Mary's Appearances and Messages from Fatima to Today - Wincenty Laszewski
Saint Brigid of Ireland - Alice Curtayne - Cluny Media Reprint Edition
Bloom of the Flower Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters  Book 21
Blood and Treachery - J.d. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 4
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
Death Cult - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 2
Praying The Creed In The Year Of Faith - Nick Donnelly - CTS Year of Faith
Patience - Richard F. Clarke S.J. - CTS Devotions
Die Twice - Andrew Grant - David Trevellyan Book 2


Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy
They Also Serve - Karina Fabian and Robert Fabian
The Day That Changed My Life - Francis Fernandez
Jovian Heat - Karina Fabian
Falling Up - Karina Fabian -  A Rescue Sisters Story
The Bone House - J.D. Kirk
Marathon to Mordor - Karina Fabian
False Friend - Andrew Grant  - Detective Cooper Devereaux Book 2
42 Years of Summer - Karina Fabian
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
White Ops 01 White Ops - Declan Finn
Benedict XV: Pope of Peace - Father Ashley Beck - CTS Biographies
Miracle at the Mission - Joseph Lewis - Westthorpe Academy Book 2
Companion to Saint Paul - J.B. Midgley - CTS Companions
Please Don't Feed the Dinosaurs - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 1
John of the Cross - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Great Saints Series
Cold as Ice - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 6
Way of the Cross at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy - Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
Masaru - Michael T. Cibenko
The Gospel According to Mark- Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
Ignatius Spencer - Ben Lodge C.P. - CTS Great Saints Series
Too Close to Home - Andrew Grant - Paul McGrath Book 2
Peace of Heart: According to St Benedict - Father Bernard Ducruet, OSB
John Fisher - Eldred Willey - CTS Saints of the Isles Series
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 5: Science Fiction Parody - Karina Lumbert Fabian
Peace of Heart: According to St Benedict - Father Bernard Ducruet, OSB
FEAR - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 7
Infernal Affairs - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 3


Praying the Rosary with the Martyrs - Deacon Nick Donnelly - CTS Devotions
Meet Mary MacKillop - Sally Murphy - Celebrate Australian History Meet Series
The Last Bloody Straw - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 5
Through Wind and Waves: On Being a Spiritual Guide - Francis Fernandez-Carvajal
False Witness - Andrew Grant - Detective Cooper Devereaux Book 3
City Of Shadows - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 4
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler
A Whisper of Sorrows - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 6
Chaplains in Action - Rosemarian V. Staudacher - Vision Books 53
More Harm Than Good - Andrew Grant - David Trevellyan Book 3
Lupus Dei - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 3.5
The Narrow Gate - Edward Kleinguetl
Charles De Foucauld - J. Frawley - CTS Biographies
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Westward - J.D. Kirk - Robert Hoon Book 3
Deception in December - Doreen McAvoy Fern Valley Mysteries Book 2
Difficult Teachings - Matthew Kelly - The 40 Most Challenging Teachings of Jesus
Our Lady and the New Evangelisation -  Donal Anthony Foley - CTS Books
Martyrs - Kathryn Griffin Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 2
Our Lady Undoer of Knots - Sylvia Dorham and Mia Sasseer
A Catholic Prayer Book - Amette Ley - CTS Devotions
Meet Mary MacKillop - Sally Murphy - Celebrate Australian History Meet Series
Beauty Queen - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 7
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
A Pius Man - Declan Finn - The Pius Trilogy Book 1
A New Penance Book - Father J Webb and Robert Taylerson - CTS Devotions
A Simple Penance Book - Revised by Mgr Paul Grogan - CTS Devotions
A Time of Prayer - Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales - CTS Devotions
FEAR - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 7
Death of a Scholar - Fiorella De Maria - Father Gabriel Book 4
Crusader - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 4
The Letters of Paul - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
The Big Man Upstairs - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 7


Saint Joan: The Girl Soldier - Louis de Wohl - Vision Books
Always Near Volulme 1 - Susan M. Werner
Nun of My Business - Karina Fabian - DragonEye PI Book 3
Deus Vult - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 6
Way of the Cross at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy - Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
Body and Blood - Michael Gallagher
The Acts Of The Apostles - Henry Wansbrough OSB (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Scriptures
Hotel California - Edited by Don Bruns - Anthology
The Father Speaks to His Children - Sister Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio
A Death Most Monumental - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 8
Year of Faith Stations of the Cross - Brendan Leahy - CTS Year of Faith
Saint John Southworth - Nicholas Schofield and Gerard Skinner
Giorgio's Miracle - Laurie Schmitt
Saint Maximilian Kolbe: A Hero of the Holocaust - Fiorella De Maria - New Vision Series
Politics Kills - Declan Finn  - White Ops Book 2
In His Zone: 7 Principles for Thriving in Solitude - Fr. Mark Goring
Ahead of the Game - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 10
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Coven - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 7
Unlikely Witnesses - Leslea Wahl - All for One Episode 3
Saint Joan of Arc God's Soldier - Susan Helen Wallace and Ray Morelli Encounter the Saints Book 7
Searching for and Maintaining Peace - Father Jacques Philippe - A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Sacred Heart: A Pilgrim's Companion to Paray-le-Monial - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines
Wicca And Witchcraft: Understanding The Dangers - Elizabeth Dodd - CTS Explanations
Secrets in September - Doreen McAvoy - Fern Valley Mystery Book 1
Knock Knock - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 10
The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume II - Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavin


Markmaker - Mary Jessica Woods
A Snowball's Chance in Hell - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 9
Jack Reacher: A Mysterious Profile - Lee Child
Maximilian Kolbe: Victims of the Nazis - Franz Jägerstätter, Karl Leisner, Rupert Mayer - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Hussar - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 1
The History of the Earth-9 Colony -Manuel Alfonseca
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler
Guarding the Invisible Dragons - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters Book 22
Apparitions of Mary: Their Meaning in History - Donal Anthony Foley - CTS Christian Shrines
Shambling in a Winter Wonderland - Karina Fabian - Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator Book 3
Catholic Mexico - Edward Lodge Curran - International Catholic Truth Society
The Rifle, and Other Stories -Tomás Carrasquilla - Translated by ML Clark
An Isolated Incident - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 11
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Destiny - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 9
Ashes Visible and Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Rebel Mexico - Edward Lodge Curran - International Catholic Truth Society
Praying the Psalms - Benedict XVI - CTS Year of Faith
Ashes Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Once Upon a Frog - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 8
Waykeepers of Valdeor - Sandralena Hanley - Valdeor Chronicles Book 2
Joseph the Huron - Antoinette Bosco - Portraits in Faith and Freedom
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler
Deception in December - Doreen McAvoy Fern Valley Mysteries Book 2
Living Life to the Full: An Introduction to Christian Morality - David Albert Jones  - CTS Books
Fatima and the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Fr Anton Nadrah OCist - CTS Devotions
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien


The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Colder than the Grave - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 12
For All Their Wars Are Merry: An Examination of Irish Rebel Songs - Declan Finn
Death of a Colony - A.R.K. Watson - A Seeded Sky Book
The Uninvited Guest - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 5
A Little Book of Litanies - Amette Ley (Editor) - CTS Devotions
A New Hospital Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Devotions
Voice in the Storm - Eric Thomas Ruthford - Camp St. Innocent Book 1
Who is St Joseph? - Herbert Cardinal Vaughan - CTS Onefifties
Come Hell or High Water - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 13
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Lightbringer - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 10
A Different Kind of Camouflage - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 8
The Fort - Gordon Korman
A Voice is Born - Eric Thomas Ruthford - Camp St. Innocent Book 2
I Heard a Romantic Story - Lee Child
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
City of Scars - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 14
Saint Francis of Assisi - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Great Saints
Dark Web - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 11
The Message of Bernadette - Donal Anthony Foley and Vernon Johnson - CTS Christian Shrines
What Is God? Answering the World's Most Important Question - Kevin Vost
Icon of Trust: Mary in the Gospels of Luke and John - Fr. Slawomir Szkredka S.S.D.
This Can't Be Happening at MacDonald Hall! - Gordon Korman - Macdonald Hall Book 1
Christianity: An Introduction To The Catholic Faith - David Albert Jones - Catholic Truth Society
The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa - Fr Marcus Holden - CTS Devotions
Here Lie the Dead - J.D. Kirk - DCI Logan Book 15
The Gospel in the Home - Georges Chevrot
Blue Saint - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 12
Dei Verbum Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation - Editor Austin Flannery - Documents of the Second Vatican Council
Advent & Christmas Catholic Customs and Traditions - Joanna Bogle - Catholic Truth Society
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press
The Fort - Gordon Korman
Saint Joan: The Girl Soldier - Louis de Wohl - Vision Books
Dei Verbum Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation - Editor Austin Flannery - Documents of the Second Vatican Council
No Plan B - Lee and Andrew Child - Jack Reacher Book 27
Companion to the Sunday Gospels - Year C - Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB - CTS Companions
Padre Pro Mexican Hero - Fanchon Royer and James J. Fox - Portraits in Faith and Freedom
Stations of the Cross - The Way of Divine Mercy - Alfonso María de Liguori - CTS Devotions
Leaps of Faith - edited by Karina and Robert Fabian
Rise of the Ghostfather! - Barry Hutchison - Spectre Collectors Book 3
Lone Star Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 15
Vessel - Josh Griffing, Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Short Story 4
What is happening at Medjugorje - David Baldwin - Catholic Truth Society


A Different Kind of Freedom- Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 9
King Rat - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 11
Insights - Peter Haverty
Room One: A Mystery or Two - Andrew Clements
Space Team - Barry J. Hutchison - Space Team Book 1
The Pirate King - Declan Finn - A Pius Man Story
Doctors of the Church: The 33 Great Catholic Teachers - Jerome Bertram - CTS Biographies
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Cold Snap - Maureen Jennings - Paradise Café Book 3
Cue for Treason - Geoffrey Trease
In the Shadow of Deimos - Jane Killick - Terraforming Mars Book 1
The Gypsy Saint 'El Pele' Cerefino Jimenez Malla - Jean Olwen Maynard - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Mr Mumbles - Barry Hutchison - Invisible Fiends Book 1
Principle Necromancy - Declan Finn - St. Tommy NYPD Book 6.5
Saint Joan: The Girl Soldier - Louis de Wohl - Vision Books
Whatshisface - Gordon Korman
Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy
Christmas Spirits - Karina Fabian - DragonEye, PI Book 4
Rescued - True Stories for Catholic Kids - Kathryn Swegart and John Folley - Catholic Stories for Kids Book
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler
A Different Kind of Camouflage - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 8


Daily Christian Living with John Henry Newman - CTS Books
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Introduction to the Devout Life - Francis de Sales, Gregory Pine, Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, Matthew K. Minerd - Ascension Catholic Classics
Introduction to the Devout Life - Francis de Sales, Gregory Pine, Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, Matthew K. Minerd - Ascension Catholic Classics
It Was Only On Stun! - Declan Finn - Convention Killings Book 1
The Juvie Three - Gordon Korman
Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy
Our Lady of the Artilects - Andrew Gillsmith
The Last Holiday Concert - Andrew Clements
Eastgate - J.D. Kirk - Robert Hoon Thrillers Book 4
So Young a Queen: Jadwiga of Poland - Lois Mills - Portraits in Faith and Freedom
Roses Among Thorns: Simple Advice for Renewing Your Spiritual Journey - Francis de Sales
Too Secret Service: Part One - Declan Finn and Margot St. Aubin - Too Secret Service Book 1
The Church and the Age of Reformations (1350–1650) - Joseph T. Stuart and Barbara A. Stuart - Reclaiming Catholic History Book 5
Genie in a Bottle - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 9
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent and Christmas Reflections for Families - Sarah A. Reinhard
A Different Kind of Freedom- Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 9
everyone’s way of the cross - Clarence Enzler
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press
The Bible in a Year Companion Volume III Days 244-365 - Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins - Ascension Press

Books Read 2021


Norbert The Apostle of Peace - Abbot Martin Geudens - CTS Biographies
The Bones of the Dead - J.E. Mayhew - A DCI Will Blake Book 3
Companion to The Feasts of Our Lord - J.B.Midgley - CTS Companions
Run Rabbit Run - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 5
Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker - Andrew Votipka - Mr. Baker Books 2
Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi - Corinna Turner - An unSPARKed Story
Patrick Missionary to the Irish - Thomas O'Loughlin - CTS Great Saints Series
All Systems Red - Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries Book 1
Gianna Molla - Jean Olwen Maynard - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Effective Parenting - James B. Stenson
The Eucharist with the Saints -  J.B. Midgley
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend, He Who Loves Us Best - Paul O'Sullivan
Prison Journal, Volume 1 The Cardinal Makes His Appeal - George Cardinal Pell
The East Witch - Cedar Sanderson
52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy - Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
The Prince of Peace: Meditations for Advent and Christmas - Alban Goodier
Murder Mezzo Forte - Donn E. Taylor - Preston Barclay Mystery Book 2
Tribes - Arthur Slade
Dust - Arthur Slade
Ask Him: Simple Words to Jumpstart Your… - Jane Trufant Harvey
The Moon Is Not My Name - M.L. Clark - Menagerie Mysteries Book 2
The Wonders of the Mass - Paul O'Sullivan
A World Undone: Finding God When Life Doesn't Make Sense - Fr Mike Schmitz
Cruelty Has A Human Heart - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 4
A Taste of Northern Spies - Elizabeth Jukes - Dorothea Montgomery Mysteries Book 2
The Wonders of the Holy Name - Paul O'Sullivan
Treasures: Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
The Church and the Middle Ages (1000–1378) - Steve Weidenkopf - Reclaiming Catholic History Book 4
The Monks' Stormy Night - Sylvia Dorham and Christopher Tupa
Robin Hood the Just: A Catholic Hero - Ellen Tomaszewski and Kathryn Mack
Monks' Stormy Night - Sylvia Dorham and Christopher Tupa
Robin Hood the Just: A Catholic Hero - Ellen Tomaszewski and Kathryn Mack
The Holy Mass - Mike Aquilina
Father Damien's Letters - Joseph Damien De Veuster
How to be Happy - How to be Holy - Paul O'Sullivan

If Wishes Were Dragons - Karina Fabian and Dawn Grime - A DragonEye, PI Story
The Case of the Easter Egg Escapades - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 6
Oriens: A Pilgrimage Through Advent and Christmas 2020 -Father Joel Sember
Drive! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed book 1.0
Saint Ignatius of Loyola For the Greater Glory of God - Donna Giaimo and Patricia Edward Jablonski - Encounter the Saints Book 8
St. Philomena: The Wonder-Worker - Father Paul O'Sullivan
Understanding the Rosary - Father John Flader - CTS Devotional
The Secret of Confession: Including the Wonders of Confession - Paul O'Sullivan
A Simple Rosary Book - Catholic Truth Society
Listening For God: Silence Practice for Little Ones - Katie Warner and Amy Rodriguez
James: Jewish Roots, Catholic Fruits - Shane Kapler
Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi - Corinna Turner - An unSPARKed Story
The Case of the Flower Phantom - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 4
Child of Destiny - Mina Ambrose - Shadows of the Sun Book 2
Why go to Confession? - Father John Flader - CTS Living the Sacraments
A Simple Glossary of Catholic Terms - Edited by Fr Jerome Bertram and Dr Raymond Edwards
All the Lies - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 5
Aquinas on the Four Last Things: Everything You Need To Know About Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell - Kevin Vost
Romeo & Juliet - William Shakespeare - Oxford School Shakespeare


Jenna's Journey - Karen Kelly Boyce - The Hope Trilogy Book 1
And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street - Dr. Seuss
If I Ran the Zoo - Dr. Seuss
McElligot's Pool - Dr. Seuss
On Beyond Zebra! - Dr. Seuss
Scrambled Eggs Super! - Dr. Seuss
The Seven Lady Godivas - Dr. Seuss
The Butter Battle Book - Dr. Seuss
Stolen Blessing - Jim Sano - Father Tom Book 3
Seeing the Pandemic with Eyes of Faith - Ivano Millico
Blessed Carlo Acutis 5 Steps to Being a Saint - Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo
Praying the Our Father in Lent - Carl E. Olsen
Seeing the Pandemic with Eyes of Faith - Ivano Millico
Unpluggged - Gordon Korman
The Case of the Haunted Chapel - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 1
Jack Frost - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 11
Looking for Alaska - John Green
A Truly Raptor-ous Welcome - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 2
Space Traipse Hold My Beer Season 4 - Karina Lumbert Fabian
Close to the Soul - Mary Jo Thayer
Paul VI Pilgrim Pope - Michael Collins - People of God
The Irish Way: Studies in Irish Sanctity from St. Patrick to Matt Talbot- Frank Sheed (Editor)
The Way of The Cross - Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Michael O'Brien
The Case of the Missing Novice - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 2
Panic! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 3
Manual for Marriage - Danielle Bean
Work Play Love: How the Mass Changed the Life of the First Christians - Mike Aquilina
An Easy Way To Become A Saint - Paul O'Sullivan
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey- Noah benShea - Jacob the Baker Book 2
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea - Jacob the Baker Book 3
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea - Jacob The Baker Book 4
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press
Saint Bernard Doctor of the Church - Alice Curtayne
A Changing of the Guard - Corinna Turner - Last Things Book 2
Saint Bernard Doctor of the Church - Alice Curtayne
A Changing of the Guard - Corinna Turner - Last Things Book 2


The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints - Sister Joseph Marie CHT
What Christ Suffered: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion - Thomas W. McGovern
Whatever happened to Marriage? -  Patrick Treacy SC - CTS Explanations
Doall's Do-Over - Karina Fabian - A Space Traipse Story
Stone Cold Dead - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 6
The Saint Monica Club - Maggie Green
Model of Faith: Reflecting on the Litany of Saint Joseph - Leonard J. Delorenzo
St. Joseph and His World - Mike Aqualina
The Cat's Quizzer - Dr. Seuss - The Cat in the Hat
You're Only Old Once!- Dr. Seuss
The Seal of Aeolus - Manuel Alfonseca - Familia Eolia Book 1
The Crown Jewels of Undlar - Roger Thomas
Kid in the Kitchen: 100 Recipes and Tips for Young Home Cooks: A Cookbook - Melissa Clark
The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs - America's Test Kitchen
Martin Sheen: Pilgrim on the Way - Rose Pacatte - People of God
Priestly Fatherhood: Treasure in Earthen Vessels - Fr. Jacques Philippe
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins - Dr. Seuss - Bartholomew Cubbins Book 01
The Prayerful Hour: A Scriptural Companion to Eucharistic Adoration - Florian Racine
Physique After 50: How to Use Resistance Training to Feel Younger, Maintain Muscle & Fight the Effects of Aging - Scott Abel
Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 3 - Karina Lumbert Fabian


The Secret of Glaston Tor - Donal Anthony Foley - Glaston Chronicles Book 1
Good Housekeeping Kids Cook!: 100+ Super-Easy, Delicious Recipes - Good Housekeeping
Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life -  Fr. Jeffrey Kirby STD
The Emerald Tablet - Manuel Alfonseca - Chronicles of the Aeolian Family Book 02
We Are the Lord's: A Catholic Guide to Difficult End-of-Life Questions - Father Jeffrey Kirby
Finding God When a Loved One Loses Faith - Nick Donnelly
The Tartessian Crown - Manuel Alfonseca - Chronicles of the Aeolian Family Book 03
Practising Your Faith - Lewis Berry CO - The 5 Precepts of the Catholic Church
Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary - Helen Pepper - CTS Devotions
Death's Cold Hand - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 6
Farmgirls Die In Cages - Corinna Turner - Unsparked 4
The Case of the Stolen Rosaries - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 3
The Lair of Illusion - Carissa Douglas - Douglings Adventures Book 2
Understanding the Ordinariate - Edward Tomlinson - Catholics of the Anglican Patrimony
Finding God in Loneliness - Father Antonio Ritaccio - CTS Finding God Series
Handbook of Novenas for Feasts and Seasons - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston and Raymond Edwards -  CTS Devotions
Blood, Bone and Coffin - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 0.0
Finding God in Anxiety and Depression - Antonio Ritaccio - CTS Finding God Series
Greater Treasures - Karina Lumbert Fabian - Dragon Eye PI
Why go to Mass? Encountering Christ in the Eucharist - Bishop Michael Evans
Handbook of Novenas to the Saints: Short Prayers for Needs & Graces - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston, Raymond Edwards - CTS Devotions
The Case of the Perambulating Hatrack - Cedar Sanderson
Lucia of Fatima - Kathryn Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 3
The Handy Little Guide to Prayer - Barb Szyszkiewicz
The Most Expensive Alley Cat in London - Corinna Turner - An Elfling Story
Our Lady of La Salette: A Mother Weeps for Her Children - Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur
Handbook of Scriptural Novenas - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston and Raymond Edwards - CTS Devotions
Elfling - Corinna Turner
The Watchful Hour - Father Florian Racine - CTS Devotions
Charles Borromeo - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints Series
Demons - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 1.0
Deadly Indifference: How the Church Lost Her Mission, And How We Can Reclaim It - Eric Sammons
Cotton Candy - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 1.3
Prison Journal, Volume 2: The State Court Rejects the Appeal - George Cardinal Pell
The Suitcase in the Hall - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 1.6
The Ultimate Kids’ Baking Book: 60 Easy and Fun Dessert Recipes for Every Holiday, Birthday, Milestone and More - Tiffany Dahle
I Want To Go Home - Gordon Korman
Crank - Ellen Hopkins - Crank Book 1
Remurdered - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 1.9
Discovering the New Testament - Adrian Graffy
What Catholics Believe - John Redford - A Beginner’s Guide to the Catholic Faith
Discovering the Old Testament -  Adrian Graffy
Angel Hunter - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 2.0
Heat of the Lava Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters Book 18
Cold Caller -  Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 2.5
Gospels of Mercy: 12 Steps to the Love of God - Father Adrian Graffy
Mercy The Greatest Gift Meeting the Love of Christ - Barbara Reed Mason
Overcoming Sinful Thoughts - Father Thomas G. Morrow
Scriptures of Mercy: The Love of God in the Old Testament - Father Adrian Graffy
Free Hearts: Understanding Your Deepest Motivations - Alexandre Havard
The Little Office of Baltimore - Claudio R Salvucci - Traditional Catholic Daily Prayer
Mercy Works - Mark Shea - Practical Love for the 21st Century


Jigsaw Girl - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 3.0
Spiritual Works of Mercy - Paul Grogan - Agents of Love
The Remarkable Power of Consistency: My Slight Edge Journey to Success - Michal Stawicki
Do Carpenters Dream of Wooden Sheep? St. Joseph's Story as Dreamt by a Sleeping Teenage Boy - Corinna Turner - A Friends in High Places Story
Corporal Works of Mercy - Richard Atherton - Mercy in Action
The Life and Witness of St. Maria Goretti: Our Little Saint of the Beatitudes - Father Jeffrey Kirby
Memento Mori: Prayers on the Last Things - Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP
Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet?: 10 Ways the Gospels Can Help You Combat Teacher Burnout and Rediscover Your Passion for Teaching - Amy J. Cattapan
Fuzzy Mud - Louis Sachar
Hope's Embrace & Other Poems - A. K. Frailey
Of Slings and Feeling Vexed - Karina Fabian - A DragonEye, PI Story
20 Answers: Relics & Sacramentals - Shaun McAfee - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Of Slings and Feeling Vexed - Karina Fabian - A DragonEye, PI Story
The Cremades Plans - Javier Cremades Sanz-Pasto - A Family's Friendship with Saint Josemaria
McCracken and the Lost Island - Mark Adderley - McCracken  Book 1
Freemasonry and the Christian Faith - Ashley Beck - CTS Explanations
Guide to Religious Freedom and the Law - Neil Addison - CTS Explanations
Why go to Mass? Encountering Christ in the Eucharist - Bishop Michael Evans
Father Damien's Letters - Joseph Damien De Veuster
The Lost Art of Sacrifice - Vicki Burbach - A Spiritual Guide for Denying Yourself, Embracing the Cross, and Finding Joy
Science and Religion The Myth of Conflict - Stephen M. Barr - CTS Explanations
Secrets in September - Doreen McAvoy - Fern Valley Mystery Book 1
McCracken and the Lost Valley - Mark Adderley - McCracken Book 2
A Thread of Evidence - Joan L. Kelly - A Mibs Monahan Mysteries
Exorcism - Father Jeremy Davies - CTS Explanations
The Hawk and the Wolf - Mark Adderley - The Matter of Britain Book One
Rita of Cascia - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS Great Saints
Murder Most Picante - Karina Lumbert Fabian - DragonEye, PI Book 3
Martin de Porres - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS Great Saints
McCracken and the Lost City - Mark Adderley - McCracken Book 3
Mitchellsville - Scott Bell - A Western Short Story
The Reluctant Knight - Joan L. Kelly
Devotion to St Jude - Patron of Hopeless Cases - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS Devotions
Lets Follow Jesus - Sister Monica - Stations of the Cross Coloring Prayer Book


PANIC! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 3
The Dark Tower - Donal Anthony Foley - The Glaston Chronicles Book 2
Making the Most of Spiritual Direction - Antonio P. Villahoz
Dave's Aliens - Scott Bell - A Short Story
The Haunted Cathedral - Antony Barone Kolenc - The Harwood Mysteries Book 2
Jack of Hearts - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 12
The Infant of Prague - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS Devotions
Saint Ignatius of Loyola - Pat Corkery SJ - A Convert's Story
Heat of the Lava Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters Book 18
St. Maria Goretti: A Journey into Forgiveness and Redemption - Bret Thoman
The Gunpowder Plot - Herbert Thurston SJ - CTS Onefifties Book 9
Old Men Don't Walk to Egypt - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places Book 2 Saint Joseph
Blessed John Sullivan SJ - Fergal McGrath SJ
The Case of the Campground Creature - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 7
Government Waste: A Short Story - Scott Bell
Finding Frassati: And Following His Path to Holiness - Christine M Wohar
A Winkle in Time -Karina Fabian - A DragonEye, PI Story
The Christian Faith A Mini-Catechism for Catholics - Stephen Wang
Linked - Gordon Korman
Farmgirls Die In Cages - Corinna Turner - Unsparked 4
The Story of Nano Nagle: A Life Lived on the Razor's Edge - Anne Lyons PBVM
Magic, Mensa, & Mayhem - Karina Lumbert Fabian - Dragon Eye Book 1
Death Road - Jon Mayhew - Teen Reads III
The Handy Little Guide to Spiritual Communion - Michael Heinlein
Saint Thomas More: Courage, Conscience, and the King - Susan Helen Wallace FSP and Patricia Edward Jablonski, FSP and Dani Lachuk - Encounter the Saints Book 33
Wave of the Sea Dragon - Tracey West (Goodreads Author), Matt Loveridge  - Dragon Masters Book 19
Contraception and Chastity - G.E.M. Anscombe - CTS Explanations


The Shepherd Who Didn't Run - Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda - Blessed Stanley Rother, Martyr from Oklahoma
Every Mother's Son - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 7
Blessed John Paul II: Be Not Afraid - Susan Helen Wallace FSP and Charlie Craig - Encounter the Saints Book 28
No Time for Sorrow - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 7
Saint Patrick: An Ancient Saint for Modern Times - Edmond Grace
Deathmire - Jon Mayhew
Corn Dolls - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 1
Clare of Assisi - John Paul Kirkham - CTS Great Saints
The Case of the Campground Creature - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 7
Rich in Mercy Meeting the Loving Father - Pope John Paul II - CTS Year of Mercy
The Joy of Mercy - Pope Francis
Life if Messy - Matthew Kelly
Life is Messy - Matthew Kelly
Heaven’s Hunter - Marie C. Keiser
Saint Clare of Assisi: A Light for the World - Marianne Lorraine Trouvé and Mary Joseph Peterson - Encounter the Saints Book 26
Death Wheels - Jon Mayhew
Antivenom - Karina Fabian - A Rescue Sisters Story
In the Shadows of Freedom - C And C Spellman - The Shadows of Freedom Series Book 1
Saint Andre Bessette Miracles in Montreal - Patricia Edward Jablonski and Barbara Kiwak - Encounter the Saints Book 27
McCracken and the Lost Lagoon - Mark Adderley - The McCracken Adventures Book 4
Breach - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 0
E Is For Eucharist: A Catholic Alphabet Book -  Claudia Cangilla McAdam  and Anna-Maria Crum
The Handsome Little Cygnet - Matthew Mehan and John Folley 
E Is For Eucharist: A Catholic Alphabet Book -  Claudia Cangilla McAdam  and Anna-Maria Crum
The Handsome Little Cygnet - Matthew Mehan and John Folley 
Augustine of Hippo - Father Ben O'Rourke - CTS Great Saints
Teresa of Avila - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Great Saints
The Deadliest Sins - Andrew M. Seddon
Saint Catherine of Siena - Mary O'Driscoll - CTS Great Saints


Therese of Lisieux - Donal Anthony Foley - CTS Prayers and Devotions
Benedict XV & World War I - Father Ashley Beck - CTS Biographies
Dark Tide - Jon Mayhew - Papercuts II
The Prayer of the Church a Guide to Morning, Evening and Night Prayer - Robert Taylerson
St. Joseph the Protector: A nine-day preparation for entrustment to St. Joseph - Fr. Mark Goring
A Novena to St Columba - Fr Ross Crichton SJ
The Vines of Mars: Murder on a Small Colonial Planet - A.R.K. Watson
Faith in Age: How To Keep the Faith In Our Later Years - Adrian Lickorish
Have a Go - Jon Mayhew - YA Reads II
Down Right Good - Karen Kelly Boyce
Nine Days with Saint Joseph - Andrew Offer, O.P. and Jonah Teller O.P., Sebastian White O.P. (Editor)
Fairest of All - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 1
Behold the Handmaid of the Lord: A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary - Edward Looney
John Bosco - Jennifer Moorcroft - CTS Great Saints Series
This Thing of Darkness - Fiorella De Maria and K.V. Turley
Child, Unwanted - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places Book 3 Margaret of Castello
Bursting Out in Praise: Spirituality & Mental Health - Gavin Thomas Murphy
Padre Pio A Holy Priest - Jim Gallagher - CTS Great Saints Series
Saint Faustina Kowalska - Susan Helen Wallace and Joan Waites - Encounter the Saints Book 23
Saint Cloud of Gaul, The Prince Who Traded Kingdoms - Susan Peek
Oscar Romero Martyr for Faith - Ashley Beck - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: Cecchina's Dream - Victoria Dority MSC, Mary Lou Andes MSC and Barbara Kiwak - Encounter the Saints Book 20
Nine Days with Saint Michael - Andrew Hofer, O.P., Jonah Teller O.P., Sabastian White O.P. (Editor)


Hold My Beer An Apocalypse - Father Mark Goring CC
Wild Life - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 5
Alert, Aware, Attentive: Advent Reflections - John Cullen
Dorothy Day Devoted Daughter of the Church - Ashley Beck - CTS  Biographies
Saint Bakhita of Sudan - Susan Helen Wallace and Wayne Alfano - Encounter the Saints Book 21
Living the Mass - Father Andrea Gasparino - CTS
A Very Jurassic Christmas - Corinna Turner - an unSPARKed Story
Sycamore: The Catholic Faith Explained - Fr Stephen Wang
A Dino Whisperer at the Zoo - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 0.7
Foxton Girls - K.T. Galloway  - Annie O'Malley Book 2
A Calvary Covenant: The Stations of the Cross - John Cullen
A Calvary Covenant: The Stations of the Cross - John Cullen
I Left My Brains in San Francisco - Karina Fabian - Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator 2 Second Edition
Hope and Healing: Living with Illness and Suffering - Nick Donnelly - CTS Devotional
Hope and Healing: Living with Illness and Suffering - Nick Donnelly - CTS Devotional
A Love Such as Heaven Intended - Amanda Lauer - Heaven Intended Book 3
The Space Between - Jane Lebak - A Science Fiction Novelette
Sycamore: The Catholic Faith Explained - Fr Stephen Wang
The Space Between - Jane Lebak - A Science Fiction Novelette
Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith - Christopher R. Altieri
Fatima: the Family & the Church - Donal Anthony Foley and Timothy Tindal-Robertson
Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith - Christopher R. Altieri
The Third Fall: Stations of the Cross - M.G. Magill
Telling the Rosary - Vincent Sherlock
Macbeth - William Shakespeare - Oxford School Shakespeare
The Sisters Club - Megan McDonald and Pamela A. Consolazio
Eternal Light of the Crypts - Alan Van't Land - Lux Aeterna De Cryptae
The Autobiography of Mr. Spock - Una McCormack - Star Trek Autobiographies
There Once Was A Girl: Gerry - Maria Siracusa Quintoand Kelly Marie McConkey
There Once Was A Girl: Gerry - Maria Siracusa Quintoand Kelly Marie McConkey
The Green Ember - S.D. Smith - The Green Ember Book 1
Wild Life - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 5
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird Book 1
Waiting in Joy - John Scally - An Advent Journey


Five Smooth Stones: Facing the Goliath of our Fears - Robert LeBlanc
St Nicholas Owen Priest-Hole Maker - Tony Reynolds
Howl of the Wind Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters Book 20
Saint Isaac Jogues With Burning Heart - Christine Virginia Orfeo, Barbara Kiwak - Encounter the Saints Book 12
A Saint in the Family - Corinna Turner - An I Am Margaret Anthology
Loving Gabriel - T.M. Gaouette - Faith and Kung Fu Book 4
Manual for Suffering - Father Jeffrey Kirby STL
Straight Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 13
Moonboy - Karina Fabian - A Rescue Sisters Story
Behind the Wheel - Carolyn Astfalk
These Three - Karina Fabian - A Rescue Sisters Story
Saint John Vianney -  Elizabeth Marie Dedomenic and Ben Hatke - Encounter the Saints Book 11
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina Rich in Love - Eileen Dunn Bertanzetti and Karen Ritz - Encounter the Saints  Book 13
CTS Divine Worship Daily Office -  Ordinariates Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus - Catholic Truth Society
The Armed Forces Simple Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society
Saving Mount Rushmore - Andrea Jo Rodgers - Saint Michael the Archangel Academy Mission 1
One Day at a Time and Other Stories - A.K. Frailey
Praying the Great O Antiphons - Katy Carl - My Soul Magnifies the Lord
The Gospel According to Luke - Catholic Truth Society
The Gospel According to Luke Gospel for the Year of Mercy - Henry Wansbrough (Introduction) - Catholic Truth Society
The Gospel According to Luke Larger Print Edition- Catholic Truth Society
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Daughter of America - Jeanne Marie Grunwell and Mari Goering - Encounter the Saints Book 3
Prepare the Way of the Lord - Carl E. Olson
Saint Julie Billiart: The Smiling Saint - Mary Kathleen Glavich and James Bentley - Encounter the Saints 11a
20 Answers: The Communion of Saints - Karlo Broussard
The Sisters Club: Rule of Three - Megan McDonald - The Sisters Club Book 2
The Martyrs of Korea - Father Richard Rutt - CTS Biographies
The Christmas Lights - Catholic Teen Books


A Book of Novenas - Raymond Edwards Editor - CTS Devotions
Prayer in Action - Father Andrzej Muszala - CTS Devotions
Saint Therese of Lisieux The Way of Love - Mary Kathleen Glavich and Virginia Esquinaldo - Encounter the Saints Book 16
Why Priests? - Michael Evans
The Stories of J.F. Powers - J.F. Powers
The Wild Orchid - Sigrid Undset
Wheat That Springeth Green - J.F. Powers
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
The Saints Pray for Us - Christina Miriam Wegendt FSP (Editor) - Encounter the Saints
Morte d'Urban - J.F. Powers
20 Answers: Eastern Catholicism - Fr. Dcn. Daniel Dozier - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 37
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea - Jacob the Baker Book 3
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea
Saving the Statue of Liberty - Andrea Jo Rodgers  - Saint Michael the Archangel Academy, Mission 2
Saint Julie Billiart: The Smiling Saint - Mary Kathleen Glavich and James Bentley - Encounter the Saints 11a
Prepare the Way of the Lord - Carl E. Olson
Praying the Great O Antiphons - Katy Carl - My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Spiritual Warfare Bible - Saint Benedict Press
Memento Mori: An Advent Companion on the Last Things - Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press

Books Read 2020

Lent With the Saints - J. B. Midgley - Sayings and Meditations
Prayer on the go For Busy People - Raymond Edwards
Heart Beats: Spiritual Being Human Journey - A.K. Frailey
Companion to the Angels A little Handbook on the Truth about Angels - J. B. Midgley - CTS Companions Series
It Might Have Been: And Other Stories - A.K. Frailey
George: Patron of England - J. B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits - Dan Burke
The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today - Samuel Guzman
Mexican Exodus: Emigrants, Exiles, and Refugees of the Cristero War - Julia G. Young
Vincent de Paul - J. B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Vincent de Paul - J. B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
The Tattered Web - Roger Thomas - Watchful Sky Series Book 4
Companion to the Feasts of Mary - J. B. Midgley - CTS Companions
Lenten Journey with Mother Mary - Fr. Edward Looney
In Conversation With God Volume 1 Part 2 Christmas and Epiphany - Francis Fernandez
Dominic - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Cry Baby - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 0.5
Witchcraft, Sorcery and Magic - J. B. Midgley - CTS Explanations
The Well Of Life - Georges Chevrot
Saint John the Baptist - J.B. Midgley
The Underappreciated Virtues of Rusty Old Bicycles - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Series Prequel
Consecration to St. Joseph - Donald H. Calloway
Antonio Rosmini - J.B. Midgley
Paper Girls - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 1.0
The Four Evangelists - J.B. Midgley
Extreme Blindside - Leslea Wahl
The Ghosts of Midgard Manor: And Other Stories - Roger Thomas
G.K. Chesterton - Karl Schmude - CTS Biographies
Ceremonies Explained for Servers: A Manual for Altar Servers, Acolytes, Sacristans, and Masters of Ceremonies - Bishop Peter Elliott
Fulton Sheen - Louise Merrie - CTS Biographies
Nine Days to Welcome Peace - Jacques Philippe
The Cassandra Curse - Fiorella De Maria
No Small Goals: The Life of Dr. Ernesto Cofiño - Thomas A. McDonough
Gemma Galgani: Gem of Christ - John Paul Kirkham - CTS Great Saints

You Can Pray! Meditations for Teens - Nora Browne
Thomas Becket - J.B. Midgley - CTS Saints of the Isles
Mystic Informant - Carissa Douglas - Douglings Adventures Book 1
See No Evil - Fiorella De Maria - Father Gabriel Mystery Book 3
The Harder They Fall - Alex Smith - Softley Softley Thrillers Book 1
Anthony of Padua - Jude Winkler - CTS Great Saints
Epic Saints Wild, Wonderful, and Weird Stories of God's Heroes - Shaun McAfee
Bad Dog - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 2.0
Hilaire Belloc - Karl Schmude - CTS Biographies
The Lucifer Ego - T.M. Doran - The Sequel to Toward the Gleam
Robert Bellarmine - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
A Channel of Your Peace - Veronica Smallhorn
Blessed Virgin Mary Devotional - Wyatt North
The Book of Jotham - Arthur Powers
A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament - Brant Pitre and John Bergsma
The Catholic Study Bible - NABRE - Oxford University Press
Bernard of Clairvaux - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Lionheart Catholic: How to Become a Saint in These Dark Times - Devin Rose
Nine Days to Rediscover the Joy of Prayer - Jacques Philippe
The Reason for the Seasons: Why Christians Celebrate What and When They Do - Fr James V. Schall
A Conspiracy of Bones - Kathy Reichs - Temperance Brennan Book 19
In Conversation With God Volume 3 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 1-6 - Francis Fernandez
Dewi Sant: St David Patron of Wales - J.B. Midgley
Benedict Patron of Europe - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Saint Ignatius of Loyola - J.A. Philips - CTS Great Saints
Come Back to Me - Carolyn Astfalk - Stay With Me Book 2
Lent and Easter: Catholic Customs and Traditions - Joanna Bogle
Words for the Lent and Easter Season - Hugh Gilbert
A Blessed Lent: Meditations on the Readings and Prayers of the Mass - Fr Philip G. Bochanski CO
Level 13 - Gordon Korman - Slacker Book 2
Praying the Crucifix - Reflections on the Cross - Julien Chilcott-Monk

Stay With Me - Carolyn Astfalk - Stay With Me Book 1
From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church - Pope Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah
New Companion to Prayer: Meeting God Where You Are - Celia Wolf-Devine
Thomas Aquinas: The Mind In Love - Vivian Boland - CTS Great Saints Series
A Wanted Man - Robert Parker - Ben Bracken Book 1
Confession - Advice and Encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI - Fr Donncha Ó hAodha
How Saints are Canonised - Christopher Keeffe
Black Ice The Val James Story - Valmore James and John Gallagher
Stations of the Cross - Saint John Henry Newman
Consecration to St. Joseph - Donald H. Calloway
everyone's way of the cross - Clarance Enzler
Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ - Michael Campbell
Stations of the Cross - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - The Way of Divine Mercy
The Passion of St. Edward, King and Martyr - Goscelin of Saint-Bertin and Eric Sammons
Three Little Pigs - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 3.0
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 1 Special Feasts January - March - Francis Fernandez
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Stations of the Cross & Resurrection - J.B. Midgley
Dragon Assassin 7 Hidden Powers - Arthur Slade
Meditations on Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman - CTS Devotions
John Baptist de la Salle - J.B. Midgley - CTS Great Saints
Stations of the Cross - John Henry Newman
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
The Way of the Cross - Alfonso María de Liguori
Sr. Elizabeth Prout - Sister Dominic Savio Hamer CP - CTS Saints of the Isles
Meditations on the Crucifix - James Hahn
Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Sufferings to Christ -  Michael Campbell - CTS Devotions
everyone's way of the cross - Clarance Enzler

Scriptural Way of the Cross - Fr Adrian Graffy - CTS Devotions
The Dowry of Mary - Dr Raymond Edwards and Mgr John Armitage - CTS Concise Histories
Our Lady of Silence - Fr Emiliano Antenucci - CTS Devotions
The Stations of the Cross With Pope John Paul II - Champlin Joseph M.Champlin and Gunter Grady
Way of the Cross - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions
Way of the Cross - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
Real Mother Goose Treasury -  Grace Maccarone - Special Anniversary Edition
New Companion To Lent - Catholic Truth Society - CTS Companions
Love in the Ruins - Walker Percy
In Conversation with God - Volume 2 Part 1: Lent & Holy Week - Francis Fernandez
Meditations on Mary, Our Mother - John Henry Newman
Remember Your Death: Memento Mori A Lenten Devotional - Theresa Aletheia Noble
Gruffen - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent Book 1
New Testament and Psalms for Men - Saint Benedict Press
Ivy and Bean Break the Fossil Record - Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall - Ivy and Bean Book 4
Lenten Journey with Mother Mary - Fr. Edward Looney
Companion to the Passion of Our Lord - J.B. Midgley - CTS Companions
Abby in Oz - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Special Edition 2
Frances Taylor - Sr Eithne Leonard - CTS Saints of the Isles
Way of the Calvary Stations of the Cross - Benedict XVI
The Early Church From Christ to Constantine - Fr Anthony Meredith SJ - CTS Concise Histories
Gauge - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #2
Bat and the Waiting Game - Elana K. Arnold and Charles Santoso - A Boy Called Bat Book 2
Our Lady, Untier of Knots: Story of a Marian Devotion -  Miguel Cuartero Samperi
Prepper Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 9
Saints & Patrons: Christian Names for Baptism and Confirmation - Joanna Bogle
Canadian Saints Kids Activity Book - Bonnie Way and Katherine Babcock
Panic! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 3
Death Panels - Michelle Buckman

Prayers Before the Eucharist - John Henry Newman
The Mind of Cardinal Newman: From His Own Writings - Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain
Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Walter Macken
Dragon Assassin 8 Buring Empire - Arthur Slade
Once Upon a Frog - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 8
Glade - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent Book 3
Our Lady's Wardrobe - Anthony DeStefano and Juliana Kolesova
Our Lady's Wardrobe - Anthony DeStefano and Juliana Kolesova
The Atlas Martyrs - Jean Olwen Maynard CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Farmgirls Die In Cages - Corinna Turner - Unsparked 4
Breastplate of Righteousness - Theresa Linden - Armour of God Book 2
Impossible Marriages Redeemed - Leila Miller -  They Didn't End the Story in the Middle
Spiritual Warfare Bible - Saint Benedict Press
The Way, Furrow, The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
Shadow Stalker - T.M. Gaouette
Meeting Christ in the Eucharist -  Stephen Wang - CTS Living the Sacraments
Clerical Error: The death of Fr Timothy A. Lessner - Declan Finn and John Konecsni - Professor James Mystery Book 1
Road to Pentecost: Prayer Guide for Eastertide - Kristina Cooper - CTS Devotionals
Novena to the Holy Spirit - Philip G. Bochanski
Fire Starters - Theresa Linden - West Brothers Book 6
Moonchild Rising - Mina Ambrose - Shadows of the Sun Book 1
In Conversation with God Volume 2 Part 2 Eastertide - Francis Fernandez
The Mission of Joan of Arc - Philip Kosloski, Alexandre Nascimento and Jesse Hansen - Issue 1

Prayer in Sadness and Sorrow - Robert Taylerson - CTS Deeper Christianity
A Storybook of Saints - Elizabeth Pham
The Beautiful Story of Mary - Maite Roche
St John XXIII and St John Paul II Prayer Book - Joanna Bogle - CTS Devotions
The Oppenheimer Alternative - Robert J. Sawyer
Grabber - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent Book 4
History of the Mass Explained - Charles Wentworth Dilke - CTS Explanations
Bat and the End of Everything - Elana K. Arnold and Charles Santoso - A Boy Called Bat Book 3
Little Book of Consolation - David Coombs - CTS Devotions
Praying for Priests with St Therese of Lisieux - Maureen O'Riordan - CTS Devotions
Pope Francis: I Believe in Mercy - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Spiritual First Aid: Healing Through the Sacraments - Jim McManus CssR
Pier Giorgio Frassati - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS Biographies
Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness - Fr. Dwight Longenecker
The Case of the Haunted Chapel - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 1
The Losers Club - Andrew Clements
20 Answers Faith & Works - Jimmy Akin - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Camino Island - John Grisham - Camino Island Book 1
Saint Josephine Bakhita: A Survivor of Human Trafficking - Jean Olwen Maynard - CTS Biographies
The Old Man and the Void - Karina Fabian
The Case of the Missing Novice - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 2
Rise of the Earth Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters  Book 1
Miraculous! Catholic Mysteries for Kids - Kathryn Swegart - Catholic Stories for Kids Book 2
Trapped in a Video Game Book 1 - Dustin Brady and Brady Jesse - Trapped in a Video Game Book 1
Lily Lolek, Future Saint - Katie Warner and Amy Rodriguez
Infinite Space, Infinite God II - Karina Lumbert Fabian and Robert Fabian Editors
Though War Be Waged Upon Me - Carol Puschaver
In Conversation with God Volume 3 Part 2 Weeks 7 - 12 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
Dex's Way -  Karina Fabian - Dex Hollister Book 2
Camino Winds - John Grisham - Camino Island Book 2
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 2 Special Feasts April - June - Francis Fernandez

Sam the Guardian Angel - Elizabeth Luwia and Theresa Hossenloop
First Fridays & First Saturdays The Devotions Explained - Catholic Truth Society
Newman Prayer Book edited by The Birmingham Oratory - CTS Devotions
Saving the Sun Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters  Book 2
Encounter - Ann Frailey - Science Fiction Short Stories and Novella
Three Last Things or The Hounding Of Carl Jarrold, Soulless Assassin - Corinna Turner
Secret of the Water Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters  Book 3
Spiritual Masters: Fathers and Writers of the First Millennium - Pope Benedict XVI
Saint Joseph Prayers And Devotions - Donal Anthony Foley - CTS Devotions
Draugr - Arthur Slade - Northern Fights Book 1
Shadow in the Dark - Antony Barone Kolenc - The Harwood Mysteries Book 1
Six Days, Six Hours, Six Minutes A Brutal British Crime Thriller - Alex Smith
Discovery - Karina Fabian
The Invisible Invasion -  Dustin Brady and Jesse Brady - Trapped in a Video Game Book 2
War Stories - Gordon Korman
Colors of Creation - Paul Thigpen and John Folley
Power of the Fire Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters  Book 4
The Case of the Stolen Rosaries - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 3
Saint Maria Goretti Teenage Martyr for Chastity - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
The Message and Prayers of Fatima - Donal Anthony Foley and Timothy Tindal-Robertson
Space Traipse Hold My Beer Season 1 - Karina Lumbert Fabian
Drang - Arthur Slade - Northern Frights Book 2
Loki Wolf - Arthur Slade - Northern Frights Book 3
Alessandro Serenelli A Story of Forgiveness - Charles D. Engel
Song of the Poison Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Books 5

Coach: 365 Days of Inspiration for Coaches and Players - Matthew Kelly
Whip Crack - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 4
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 1 Weeks 13 - 18 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
Mandy Lamb and the Full Moon - Corinna Turner
Roar of the Thunder Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Book 8
I Heard God Laugh - Matthew Kelly
Flight of the Moon Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Book 6
The Virtues of Holiness - Juan Luis Lorda
Frightliner and Other Tales of the Supernatural - Karina Fabian and Colleen Drippe
The Woman in the Trees - Theoni Bell
The Church and the Modern Era (1846–2005) - David M. Wagner - Reclaiming Catholic History Book 7
Frightliner and Other Tales of the Supernatural - Karina Fabian and Colleen Drippe
I Am Margaret - The Play - Corinna Turner and Fiorella de Maria
Abba Moses - Andrew Votipka
Robots Revolt - Dustin Brady and Brady Jesse - Trapped in a Video Game Book 3

Search for the Lighting Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Book 7
Cracked: An Anthology of Eggsellent Chicken Stories - Bokerah Brumley (Editor)
Junipero Serra Founder of the California Missions - Linda Gondosch and Emmanuel Beaudesson
Fearful Symmetry - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 2
Worlds of FabianSpace A Story Sampler - Karina Fabian
Pope Peter: Defending the Church's Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis - Heschmeyer Joe
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 19-23 - Francis Fernandez
The Road Goes Ever On: A Christian Journey Through The Lord of the Rings - A.K. Frailey
Light of Heaven Saints Coloring Book - Adalee Hude
Tyger Tyger - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 0.5
Light of Heaven: A Children's Book of Saints - Adalee Hude
Champion of Valdeor - Sandralena Hanley - Valdeor Chronicles Book 1
If You Can Get It - Brendan Hodge
The Order of the Mass in Latin and English - Catholic Truth Society
Roar of the Thunder Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Book 8
Return to Doom Island - Dustin Brady - Trapped in a Video Game Book 4
Brave Leader, Big Heart - Fr. Juan Vélez - St. John Henry Newman's Adventures
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 1 Special Feasts July - September - Francis Fernandez
The Catholic Faith in Twenty-five Days - Francis Selman
Chill of the Ice Dragon - Tracey West and Nina de Polonia - Dragon Masters  Book 9

Overmorrow Stories of Our Bright Future - Edited by Jon Garett and Richard Walsh
Keeping Up Backgrounders to All the Big Technology Trends You Can't Afford to Ignore - David Clinton
The Boy Who Knew Carlo Acutis - Corinna Turner - Friends in High Places Book 1
The Wolf, the Lamb, and the Air Balloon - Corinna Turner - Mandy Lamb Book 2
The Dunes: A Novella - A.R.K. Watson
The Dunes: A Novella - A.R.K. Watson
A Perfect Christmas - Carolyn Astfalk A Contemporary Christian Short Story
The Extraordinary Form of the Mass in Latin & English - Catholic Truth Society
A Catholic Survival Guide for Times of Emergency - Nick Donnelly
Waking the Rainbow Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters  Book 10
16 Black Saints and Advocates for Racial Justice - Edited by Mary Leonora Wilson, FSP
Shine of the Silver Dragon - Tracey West and Nina De Polonia - Dragon Masters  Book 11
In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 24-28 - Francis Fernandez
The Father's Son - Jim Sano
Space Traipse Hold My Beer Season 2 - Karina Lumbert Fabian
The Final Boss - Dustin Brady and Brady Jesse - Trapped in a Video Game Book 5
This Is the Church - Katie Warner and Meg Whalen
Unstable Felicity - Cat Hodge - A Christmas Novella
Thank You, Mr. Panda - Steve Antony
Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas - Natasha Yim and Grace Zong
Treasure of the Gold Dragon - Tracey West and Sara Foresti - Dragon Masters Book 12
Mortlock Mr Grimhurst's Treasure And other Ghost Stories - Jon Mayhew
The Groundskeeper Raking Up the Dead - Cedar Sanderson
Gus Busbi - Jim Sano - Father Tom Fitzpatrick Book 2

Slacker - Gordon Korman - Slacker Book 1
Eye of the Earthquake Dragon - Tracey West and Daniel Griffo - Dragon Masters Book 13
Old Enemies - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin 9
The Sentinel - Lee Child and Andrew Child - Jack Reacher 25
All Manner Of Thing Poems 2013-2019 - Niall Gooch
All Manner Of Thing Poems 2013-2019 - Niall Gooch
The Violet Mouse - Cedar Sanderson
The Land of the Spring Dragon - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters 14
Be Yourself - William Lawson - CTS Explanations
Lab Gremlins - Cedar Sanderson
Be Yourself - William Lawson - CTS Explanations
The Special Gift of Women - Dr Maria Fedoryka
Why Worry! The Christian's Vocation to Trust in God - William Lawson
Why Worry! The Christian's Vocation to Trust in God - William Lawson
Full Metal Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 10
Future of the Time Dragon - Tracey West and Daniel Griffo - Dragon Masters Book 15
Thomas Becket Defender of the Church - Father John S. Hogan
A Poison Tree - J.E. Mayhew - DCI Will Blake Book 1.0
Mr. Universe - Arthur Slade
Mystery of the Magi - Dwight Longenecker
Mr. Universe - Arthur Slade
Kataklusmos - T.M. Doran - Toward The Gleam Book 3
Call of the Sound Dragon - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters Books 16
In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 29-34 - Francis Fernandez
Zombie Death Extreme Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator - Karina Fabian
The Great Adventure Bible - Ascension Press
Christmas Angel - Leslea Wahl
A Very Jurassic Christmas - Corinna Turner - an unSPARKed Story

Fortress of the Stone Dragon - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters Book 17
The Monks Make Amends - Sylvia Dorham and Christopher Tupa
A Child's Christmas ABC Book Angels in the Air Arrayed - Paul Thigpen and John Folley
The Monks Make Amends - Sylvia Dorham and Christopher Tupa
A Child's Christmas ABC Book Angels in the Air Arrayed - Paul Thigpen and John Folley
The New Testament the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition - Blue Sparrow Publishing
November Rain - Maureen Jennings - Paradise Cafe Book 2
A Dino Whisperer at the Zoo - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 0.7
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 2 Special Feasts: October - December - Francis Fernandez
The Bible Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition -  Blue Sparrow Publishing
Third Planet Fall Down - ML Clark - Menagerie Mysteries Book 1
Dragon Assassin 10 Downfall - Arthur Slade
Griffith’s Guide for Dragon Masters - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters Special Edition 1
Divine Mercy for Children: A Guided Tour of the Museum of Mercy - Vinny Flynn and Brian Kennelly
In Conversation with God - Volume 1 Part 1: Advent - Francis Fernandez
Death by Airship - Arthur Slade - Orca Currents
Devotions to St Thomas Becket - John S. Hogan
The Best Mistake Mystery - Sylvia McNicoll

Books Read 2019

Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI - Amy Welborn and Ann Kissane Engelhart
Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI - Amy Welborn and Ann Kissane Engelhart
Biscuit and the Little Pup - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Biscuit’s Day at the Farm - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Pandas - James MacLaine
Bath time for Biscuit - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Biscuit - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Xander’s Panda Party - Linda Sue Park and  Matt Phelan
Purgatory: A Mystery of Love - Donncha Ó hAodha - CTS Deeper Christianity
Life Lessons Fifty Things I Learned in My First Fifty Years - Patrick Madrid 
New Mediterraneans: Discoveries Which Change The Landscape In The Interior Life, Under The Guidance Of St Josemaría - Lucas Buch 
Broken Birthday - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 10
Justice League Classic: Meet the Justice League - Lucy Rosen
Justice League Classic: I Am Aquaman - Kirsten Mayer
Batman Classic: Going Ape - Laurie S. Sutton  
Wonder Woman Classic: I Am Wonder Woman - Erin Stein 
Pardon Me - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 3
Saints of the Roman Calendar - Nicholas Schofield - CTS Living the Liturgy
Tortured Soul - Theresa Linden
The Church's Year Unfolding the Mysteries of Christ - David W Fagerberg - CTS Deeper Christianity
Who's in Charge - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 5
Firefly Big Damn Hero - Nancy Holder
Be Who You Are: Developing Your Christian Personality - Editor Wenceslau Vial
In Conversation with God Volume 1 Part 2 Christmas and Epiphany - Francis Fernandez
Toward the Gleam - T.M. Doran
Superstar - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer Bell - Stella Batts Book 8
Tortured Soul - Theresa Linden
Don't be afraid to be Saints Words from John Paul II and Benedict XVI - World Youth Days 1984-2008 - Pope Benedict XVI,  Pope John Paul II
The Lamb Will Conquer: Reflections on the Knock Apparition - Nigel Woollen 
Don't be afraid to be Saints Words from John Paul II and Benedict XVI - World Youth Days 1984-2008 - Pope Benedict XVI,  Pope John Paul II
The Lamb Will Conquer: Reflections on the Knock Apparition - Nigel Woollen 
Something Blue - Courtnel Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 6
Message of Walsingham The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham - R.W. Connelly - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Message of Walsingham The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham - R.W. Connelly - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Dragon Assassin 2 Shadow Hunter - Arthur Slade
Why pilgrimage? -  David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Catholic Discipline: 8 Daily Habits Towards Living a Holier Life - T.J. Burdick
Catholic Discipline: 8 Daily Habits Towards Living a Holier Life - T.J. Burdick
Stella Batts Needs A New Name - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stalla Batts Book 1
Why pilgrimage? -  David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Death by Airship - Arthur Slade
Message of Guadalupe - Gillian Rae - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Message of Guadalupe - Gillian Rae - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Remember Your Death: Memento Mori A Lenten Devotional - Theresa Aletheia Noble
Glastonbury A Pilgrim's Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Glastonbury A Pilgrim's Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Christian Fasting: Disciplining the body, Awakening the Spirit - Sr. Mary David Totah - Deeper Christianity Series

Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Paterson
The Mainland: It Has Begun - Sara Francis - The Terra Testimonies Book 2
Christian Fasting: Disciplining the body, Awakening the Spirit - Sr. Mary David Totah - Deeper Christianity Series
Understanding the Diaconate: Historical, Theological, and Sociological Foundations - W. Shawn McKnight
The Faithful Steward: A Lenten Retreat Guide On St. Joseph Fr. John Bartunek LC
A Virgin's Courage: A Retreat Guide on St. Kateri Takakwitha - Fr. John Bartunek LC
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer Bell - Stella Batts Book 2
Mary Mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Francesca Aran Murphy - Deeper Christianity Series
The Flash Hocus Pocus - Barry Lyga
Mary Mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Francesca Aran Murphy - Deeper Christianity Series
A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller Jr. - St. Leibowitz Book 1
The Warm Sand - J.F. Powers
The Warm Sand - J.F. Powers
Relic of His Heart - Jane Lebak
Even A Stone - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Book 2.2
Rome A Pilgrim's Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Winter Branches A Short Story - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Book 2.4
Rome A Pilgrim's Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Why I Love Being Catholic: Dynamic Catholic Ambassadors Share Their Hopes and Dreams for the Future - Matthew Kelly
Hired Man: Two companion short stories to An Arrow In Flight - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Short Stories
Illustrissimi: The Letters Of Pope John Paul I - Albino Luciani - Pope John Paul I
Damage - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Short Stories
Seven Angels Short Story Bundle - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Short Stories
Finding God in Anger and Bitterness - Nick Donnelly
From Temperament to Character: On Becoming A Virtuous Leader - Alexandre Havard
Finding God in Anger and Bitterness - Nick Donnelly
A Case of the Meanies - Courtney Sheinmel - Stella Batts Book 4
Remember Your Death Memento Mori Journal - Theresa Aletheia Noble
I Am God's Storyteller - Lisa M. Hendey and Eric Carlson
I Am God's Storyteller - Lisa M. Hendey and Eric Carlson
Scaredy Cat - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 9
Santiago de Compostela The Pilgrim Way of St James - David Baldwin  - CTS Christian Shrines Series
The Substance of Things Hoped For: Short Fiction by Modern Catholic Authors - John B. Breslin SJ, Editor
Once Only - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Short Stories 5.5
Santiago de Compostela The Pilgrim Way of St James - David Baldwin  - CTS Christian Shrines Series
The Wonky Donkey - Craig Smith and Katz Cowley
The Scarlet Cross - Liam N. Martin  - Christendom Saga Book 1
The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle: St. Manuel Gonzaalez Garcaia Selected Writings - Victoria Schneider
Past Tense - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 23
In Conversation With God Volume 3 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 1-6 - Francis Fernandez
No Middle Name - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 21.5
Saving Mount Rushmore - Andrea Jo Rodgers - Saint Michael the Archangel Academy Mission 1
My Queen, My Mother A Living Novena - Marge Steinhage Fenelon
Do I Really Have to Give Something Up for Lent? - Sarah A. Reinhard
Do I Really Have to Give Something Up for Lent? - Sarah A. Reinhard
Do I Really Have to Give Something Up for Lent? - Sarah A. Reinhard
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Fr Richard Conrad OP - CTS Deeper Christianity Series
Honest And For True - Jane Lebak - The Adventures of Lee and Bucky Book 1.0
God as Father - Fernando Ocáriz
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Fr Richard Conrad OP - CTS Deeper Christianity Series

With Two Eyes Into Gehenna - Jane Lebak
Dragon Assassin 3 Dark Wings - Arthur Slade
Upsie-Daisy - Jane Lebak - The Adventures of Lee and Bucky Book 0.5
Margaret Clitherow - Jean Olwen Maynard - CTS Saints of the Isles
Fatima A Pilgrim's Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston
Killing Floor - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 1
Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - Glynn MacNiven-Johnston
Devotions to St Thomas Becket - John S. Hogan
Pin it on a Dead Man - Elizabeth Jukes - A Dorothea Montgomery Mystery Book 1
Called by Name: Twelve Guideline Meditations for Diocesan Priests - Michael E. Giesler
The Enemy - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 8
A Way Of Life For Young Catholics - Fr. Stephen Wang
Jack Reacher's Rules - Lee Child
The Fourth Man - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 23.5
John Southworth - Michael Archer - CTS Saints of the Isles
A Way Of Life For Young Catholics - Fr. Stephen Wang
John Southworth - Michael Archer - CTS Saints of the Isles
Forever And For Keeps - Jane Lebak - The Adventures of Lee and Bucky Book 2.0
The Friendship War - Andrew Clements
The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise - Robert Cardinal Sarah
Night School - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 21
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 1 Special Feasts January - March - Francis Fernandez
Edmund Campion - Alexander Haydon - CTS Saints of the Isles
The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise - Robert Cardinal Sarah
Edmund Campion - Alexander Haydon - CTS Saints of the Isles

John Ogilvie: A Jesuit in Disguise, 1579-1615 - Eleanor McDowell - Saints of the Isles
Your Life Is Worth Living: 50 Lessons to Deepen Your Faith - Fulton J. Sheen
John Ogilvie: A Jesuit in Disguise, 1579-1615 - Eleanor McDowell - Saints of the Isles
Belt of Truth - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 1
Belt of Truth - Theresa Linden - Armor of God Book 1
Saving the Statue of Liberty - Andrea Jo Rodgers - Saint Michael the Archangel Academy Mission 2
The Kindness Club - Courtney Sheinmel - The Kindness Club Book 1
An Arrow In Flight - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Book 1.0
Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Living a Happy Life - Stratford Caldecott - Deeper Christianity
Die Trying - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 2
Transfer Complete - J.S. Criado - Memories of Twilight Book 1
Transfer Complete - J.S. Criado - Memories of Twilight Book 1
Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace - Marge Steinhage Fenelon
Faking a Murderer - Kathy Reichs and Lee Child
Finding God in Times of Stress - Fr. Antonio Ritaccio
Finding God in Times of Stress - Fr. Antonio Ritaccio
Meditations on the Passion: The Way of the Cross - Susanna Tamaro
Dragon Assassin 4 Bitterwaters - Arthur Slade
Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva
everyone's way of the cross - Clarance Enzler
The Way of the Cross - Saint Alfonso María de Liguori - Catholic Way Publishing Edition
Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace - Marge Steinhage Fenelon
Companion to Saint Joseph: Father, Worker and Guardian of our Redeemer - J.B. Midgley - CTS Companions Series
Stations of the Cross & Resurrection - J.B. Midgley
The Way of the Cross: With text from the Scriptures - Charles J. Keating
In Conversation with God - Volume 2 Part 1: Lent & Holy Week - Francis Fernandez
Remember Your Death: Memento Mori A Lenten Devotional - Theresa Aletheia Noble
Introduction to Catholicism for Adults - James Socias 
The Autobiography of St. Anthony Mary Claret - Louis Joseph Moore (Translator)
The Midnight Line - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 22
Guadalupe: The Freedom of Loving - Cristina Abad Cadenas
The Sinner's Guide - Venerable Louis of Granada
Just One Bite - Jack Heath - Timothy Blake Book 2
The Diamond Mistake Mystery - Sulvia McNicoll - The Great Mistake Mysteries
Sleepy Bird - Jeremy Tankard
The Affair - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 16
LETTERS TO A SAINT Letters from Guadalupe Ortiz to St Josemaria Escriva - Maria Del Rincón and  Maria Teresa Escobar

Edith Stein, Marcel Callo, Titus Brandsma Victims of the Nazis - The Catholic Truth Society - 20th Century Martyrs
The Bone Collection - Kathy Reichs - Temperance Brennan Four Novellas
Bones in Her Pocket - Kathy Reichs - Temperance Brennan 15.5
Swamp Bones - Kathy Reichs - Temperance Brennan 16.5
Bones on Ice - Kathy Reichs - Temperance Brennan 17.5
Edith Stein, Marcel Callo, Titus Brandsma Victims of the Nazis - The Catholic Truth Society - 20th Century Martyrs
Polar Bear Night - Lauren Thompson and Stephen Savage
Little Bear - Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak - Little Bear #1
Cleaning the Gold - Karin Slaughter and Lee Child - A Will Trent and Jack Reacher Story
The Last Victim in Hichester - Sarah Flanagan - The Brothers Mecarnin Book 1
In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk's Memoir - Paul Quenon
Tortured Soul - Theresa Linden
The Maze Runner - James Dashner - The Maze Runner Book 1
Poland: A Pilgrim Companion - David Baldwin - CTS Christian Shrines Series
Let Darkness Bury the Dead - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch Book 8
The Christmas Scorpion - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 22.5
Forty Martyrs of England and Wales - James Walsh - CTS Saints of the Isles Series
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena - Marge Fenelon
Perilous Days - Kathryn Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 1
Abba's Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father's Delight - Neal Lozano and Matthew Lozano
Take Five: Meditations with Pope Benedict XVI - Mike Aquilina and Kris D. Stubna
Forty Martyrs of England and Wales - James Walsh - CTS Saints of the Isles Series
Tripwire - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 3
Shipwreck - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch 0.5
Good and Valuable Consideration - Lee Child and Joseph Finder - Jack Reacher vs. Nick Heller
Heavenly Hosts: Eucharistic Miracles for Kids - Kathryn Griffin Swegart
Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within - Dr. Taylor R. Marshall
Why We Need the Holy Spirit: 40 Days to a Deeper Encounter with the Lord and Giver of Life - Chris Padgett
Triptych - Karin Slaughter - Will Trent Book 1
Saint Joseph: Help for Life's Emergencies - Kathryn J. Hermes - Stories and Prayers
7 Words on Marriage - Father Ivano Millico - Living the Sacraments Series
Season of Darkness - Maureen Jennings - Tom Tyler Book 1
Martyrs - Kathryn Griffin Swegart - Brave Hearts Book 2
Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within - Dr. Taylor R. Marshall
Gone Tomorrow - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 13
A Month with Mary: Daily Meditations for a Profound Reform of Heart in the School of Mary - Don Dolindo Ruotolo 
Praying 15 Days with St. Josemaria Escriva - Guillaume Derville
Tales of a Magic Monastery - Theophane the Monk

Does Your Mother Know? - Maureen Jennings - Christine Morris Book 1
Dragon Assassin 5 Elder Magic - Arthur Slade
The Hive - Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden
Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph Compiled from Traditional Sources- TAN Books
A Brief History of English Catholicism - Nicholas Schofield - CTS Concise Histories
Except the Dying - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch Book 1
In Conversation with God Volume 2 Part 2 Eastertide - Francis Fernandez
How to Get the Most Out of the Eucharist - Michael Dubruiel
The Strong Saint Abba Moses - Bishop Serapion Of Thmuis
Nothing to Lose - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 12
Staircase for the Sisters - Pamela Love and John Joseph
Mary in the Liturgy - David W. Fagerberg - CTS Deeper Christianity Series
My Russian Way: A Spiritual Autobiography - Alexandre Havard
Heat Wave - Maureen Jennings - Paradise Café Book 1
Emotional Eating Handbook - Daniel Bartlett & Alexandra Bartlett
Dragon Assassin 5 Elder Magic - Arthur Slade
Bad Luck and Trouble - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 11
Take Five: Meditations with John Henry Newman-  Mike Aquilina and Juan Velez
The Role of a Christian Father - Keith Chappell - CTS Family Matters Series
Christian Meaning of Time - David W. Fagerberg - CTS Deeper Christianity Series
The Truth App - Jack Heath - Liars Book 1
Under the Dragon's Tail - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch Book 2
61 Hours - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 14
A Truly Raptor-ous Welcome - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 2
A Truly Raptor-ous Welcome - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 2
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 2 Special Feasts April - June - Francis Fernandez
In Conversation with God Volume 3 Part 2 Weeks 7 - 12 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez

For Eden's Sake - T.M. Gaouette
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Man of the Beatitudes - Fr. Tim Deeter
Breach! Corinna Turner - unSPARKed Book 0
Follow The Breadcrumbs - Chris Stead - The Wild Imagination of Willy Nilly Book 2
Beware This Boy - Maureen Jennings - Tom Tyler Book 2
A Wanted Man - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 17
Crystal Embers - David Vining
Designed by Lucy - Courtney Sheinmel - The Kindness Club Book 2
Poor Tom is Cold - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch 3
Jean Vanier Logician of the Heart - Michael W. Higgins
The K Handshape - Maureen Jennings - Christine Morris Book 2
Prayer in the Family - John Viatori and Beth Viatori - CTS Family Matters Series
Running Blind - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 4
John Henry Newman Apostle to the Doubtful Biographies - Meriol Trevor and Leonie Caldecott - CTS Biographies
Let Loose the Dogs - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch 4
Make Me - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 20
Take Five: On-The-Job Meditations with St. Ignatius - Mike Aquilina and  Kris D. Stubna
Les Costello Canada's Flying Father - Charlie Angus
Newman: His Life and Legacy - Ian Ker - CTS Biographies
A Most Dangerous Innocence - Fiorella De Maria
No Known Grave - Maureen Jennings - Tom Tyler Book 3
Our Lady of Good Help: Prayer Book for Pilgrims - Edward Looney

The Hard Way - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 10
No Survivors - Jack Heath - Liars Book 2
Nicholas Gilroy: Viva Christo Rey - Father Stephen Gemme and Deacon George O'Connor
A Boy Called Bat - Elana K. Arnold and Charles Santoso - A Boy Called Bat Book 1
Night's Child - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch Book 5
Worth Dying For - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 15
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 1 Weeks 13 - 18 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
The Sleeping Witness A Father Gabriel Mystery - Fiorella De Maria
Rediscover the Saints - Matthew Kelly
Dead Ground in Between - Maureen Jennings - Tom Tyler Book 4
The Set-Up - Jack Heath - Liars Book 3
Echo Burning - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 5
A Boy Called Bat - Elana K. Arnold and Charles Santoso - A Boy Called Bat Book 1
Rediscover the Saints - Matthew Kelly
Vices of My Blood - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch Book 6
Without Fail - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 6
Power Engaged - J.S. Criado - Memories of Twilight Book 2
Do No Harm -  Fiorella De Maria
Rain in Hell: A Short Story - Jane Lebak
A Journeyman to Grief - Maureen Jennings - Detective Murdoch Book 7
Personal - Lee Cild - Jack Reacher Book 19

Persuader - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 7
Keto Diet: The Complete Guide For Beginners - Joey Robbins
Saint José Boy Cristero Martyr - Fr. Kevin McKenzie
Gifts: Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Poor Banished Children - Fiorella De Maria
Gifts: Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
The Resilience Way - Kelly Ann McKnight
Eucharistic Miracles - Joan Carroll Cruz
Robert Southwell - Fiorella De Maria - CTS Saints of the Isles
One Shot - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 9
Lockdown - Jack Heath - Liars Book 4
Dragon Assassin 6 Royal Blood - Arthur Slade
Saint Thomas More - Alvaro De Silva - CTS Saints of the Isles Series
Restart - Gordon Korman
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 19-23 - Francis Fernandez
Finnian and the Seven Mountains Issue 2 - Philip Kosloski and Michael Lavoy
Never Go Back - Lee Child - Jack Reacher Book 18
We'll Never Tell Them - Fiorella De Maria
Jerzy Popieluszko: Victim of Communism - Grazyna Sikorski - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Don't Know Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 1
Abby in Wonderland - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 10.5
The Unteachables - Gordon Korman
Jack in a Box - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 1.1
Jack and Kill - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 1.2
The Little Way of St Therese of Lisieux: In Her Own Words - Thérèse de Lisieux
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia
The Vanishing Woman - Fiorella De Maria - Father Gabriel Mystery Book 2
Armageddon - Jack Heath - Liars Book 5
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 1 Special Feasts July - September - Francis Fernandez
Ivy and Bean - Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall - Ivy and Bean Book 1

Get Back Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 2
Whatever Happened to Friendship? - Henry Menzies
Justice League Classic: Meet the Justice League - Lucy Rosen
Wonder Woman Classic: I Am Wonder Woman - Erin Stein
Ungifted - Gordon Korman - Ungifted Book 1
Thomas Merton Faithful Visionary -  Michael W. Higgins
Pretty City Murder - Robert E. Dunn
Jack in the Green - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 2.5
Slacker - Gordon Korman - SLacker Book 1
Father William's Daughter - Fiorella De Maria
The Church and the Roman Empire 301–490: Constantine, Councils, and the Fall of Rome - Mike Aquilina Reclaiming Catholic History Series
Jack and Joe - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 3
Gifts: Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Saint Clare and Her Cat - Dessi Jackson and Martina Parnelli
Managing Successful Projects with Prince2 - AXELOS
Ella's Promise - Ellen Gable - Great War Great Love Book 3
Saint Clare and Her Cat - Dessi Jackson and Martina Parnelli
In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 24-28 - Francis Fernandez
Saint Maximillian Kolbe Martyr of Charity - James E. McCurry
Be Strong in the Lord: Spirituality for Men - Harold Burke-Sivers
All in Good Time - Carolyn Astfalk
Trouble at the Arcade - Franklin W. Dixon and Scott Burroughs - The Hardy Boys Secret Files Book 1
Deep Cover Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 4
Inseparable: Five Perspectives on Sex, Life, and Love in Defense of Humanae Vitae - Edited by Todd Aglialoro and Stephen Phelan
Under the Watchful Sky - Roger Thomas - Watchful Sky Series Book 1
Finding God When Prayer Doesn't Work - Nick Donnelly
Jack the Reaper - Diane Capri - Hunt for Reacher Book 5
The Shape of Things to Come - M.L. Clark and Caanan Grall
Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word 2019 Canadian Edition Ed. Elaine Park
Blue Moon - Lee Child - Jack Reacher 24
Hunger - Jane Lebak and Elissa Strati

How to Make Great Decisions - Fr. Mike Schmitz
Supergifted - Gordon Korman - Ungifted Book 2
Black Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 6
The Accidental Marriage - Roger Thomas
God’s Birthday Why Christ Was Born on December 25 and Why it Matters - Taylor R. Marshall
Target Seventeen Must Die - M.L. Clark
Learning to Love: Journeys Through Life with the Rosary - Father Nigel Woollen
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion - Pope Benedict XVI, Amy Welborne and Ann Engelhart
The Shape of Things to Come - M.L. Clark and Caanan Grall
Ten Two Jack - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 7
Take Flight - Mark Burley - The Hit the Ground Running Book 3
Catholic Hipster The Next Level: How Some Awesomely Obscure Stuff Helps Us Live Our Faith with Passion - Tommy Tighe
Ceremony of Innocence - Dorothy Cummings McLean
Jack of Spades - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 8
North American Martyrs Kids Activity Book - Bonnie Way
Santa’s Priority: Keeping Christ in Christmas - Tom Peterson
Christmas Around the Fire: Stories, Essays, Poems for the Season of Christ’s Birth - Ryan N.S. Topping
I'm Catholic. Now What? - Shaun McAfee
Rising Darkness - Roger Thomas - Watchful Sky series Book 2
Learning to Love: Journeys Through Life with the Rosary - Father Nigel Woollen
The Advent of Christmas - Matt Maher and Merce Tous
The Advent of Christmas - Matt Maher and Merce Tous
From Afar - Roger Thomas
Ivy and Bean and the Ghost That Had to Go - Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall
The Missing Mitt - Franklin W. Dixon and Scott Burroughs - The Hardy Boys Secret Files Book 2
Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory A Powerful Devotion for the Holy Souls - Seven Swords Publications and Susan Peek
Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory A Powerful Devotion for the Holy Souls - Seven Swords Publications and Susan Peek
In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 29-34 - Francis Fernandez

Christmas Around the Fire: Stories, Essays, Poems for the Season of Christ’s Birth - Ryan N.S. Topping
A Porcupine in a Pine Tree: A Canadian 12 Days of Christmas - Helaine Becker and Werner Zimmermann
Deck the Halls: A Canadian Christmas Carol - Helaine Becker and Werner Zimmermann
Dashing through the Snow: A Canadian Jingle Bells - Helaine Becker and Werner Zimmermann
The Hero - Lee Child
The Case of the Christmas Tree Capers - Karen Kelly Boyce and Sue Anderson Gioulis - Sisters of the Last Straw Book 5
Memento Mori: Prayers on the Last Things - Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP
A Year With the Mystics Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living - Kathryn Jean Lopez
Managing Successful Projects with Prince2 - AXELOS
The Plain Janes Volumes 1-3 - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Christmas Around the Fire: Stories, Essays, Poems for the Season of Christ’s Birth - Ryan N.S. Topping
20 Answers Conversion - Shaun McAfee - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
The Attic Saint - Tim Drake and Theodore Schluenderfritz
The Attic Saint - Tim Drake and Theodore Schluenderfritz
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 2 Special Feasts: October - December - Francis Fernandez
The Wounded Land - Roger Thomas - Watchful Sky Series Book 3
99 Habit Success Stories - Michal Stawicki and Jeannie Ingraham
The Tale of Patrick Peyton - Philip Kosloski, Jim Fern, Michael Lavoy, and Willy Raymond C.S.C.
12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas: Timeless Spiritual Wisdom for Our Turbulent Times - Kevin Vost
The Spiritual Combat - Lorenzo Scupoli
The Last Ugly Person: And Other Stories - Roger Thomas
Good Night, Jesus - Matthew Kelly and Josh Nash
In A World Where You Can be Anything ... - Matthew Kelly
Good Night, Jesus - Matthew Kelly and Josh Nash
In A World Where You Can be Anything ... - Matthew Kelly
The Spiritual Combat For the 21st Century Christian - Lorenzo Scupoli
In Conversation with God - Volume 1 Part 1: Advent - Francis Fernandez
The Last Ugly Person: And Other Stories - Roger Thomas
The Early Church (33–313) St. Peter, the Apostles, and Martyrs - James L. Papandrea and Mike Aquilina - Reclaiming Catholic History Series

Books Read 2018


Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent and Christmas Reflections for Families - Sarah A. Reinhard
Blessings from the Battlefield - Ed. Thomas R. O'Brien
Mary Help in Hard Times - Marianne Lorraine Trouve
6 Dates to Disaster - Cynthia T. Toney - Bird Face Book 3
Academic Affairs: A Poisoned Apple - Peter Likins
We're All Wonders - R.J. Palacio
The Day the Crayons Quit - Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers
The Day the Crayons Came Home - Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers
The Night Gardener - Terry Fan and Eric Fan
Summaries of Catholic Teaching - J. M. Martin
The Julian Chapter - R.J. Palacio - Wonder Book 1.5
Pluto - R.J. Palacio - Wonder Book 1.6
Wonder - R.J. Palacio - Wonder Book 1.0
The Other Side of Freedom - Cynthia T. Toney
Don't Cosplay with My Heart - Cecil Castellucci
Shingaling: A Wonder Story - R.J. Palacio - Wonder Book 1.7
St. Robert Bellarmine - Shaun McAfee
Batman Nightwalker - Marie Lu - DC Icons Book 2
In Conversation with God Volume 1 Part 2 Christmas and Epiphany - Francis Fernandez
Twenty Tales of Irish Saints - Alice Curtayne
Keeping Mary Close: Devotion to Our Lady through the Ages - Mike Aquilina and Frederick W. Gruber
The Manual Beyond - Derya Little - Kayan Kronicles Book 1
The Ambit Above - Derya Little - Kayan Kronicles Book 2
The Fourth Cup: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper and Christ's Crucifixion - Scott Hahn
Facing Your Fears - Mark Hart
Love Sacrifice Trust He Showed Us the Way - Fr. Michael Schmitz
Frost - M.P. Kozlowsky
Love Sacrifice Trust He Showed Us the Way - Fr. Michael Schmitz
Living Life by Design, Not by Default - Fr. michael Schmitz
Modo Ember's End - Arthur Slade and Christopher Steininger - Mission Clockwork Graphic Novel
Stealing Jenny - Ellen Gable
Saint Vincent Pallotti - S.A.C. FR. J. Hennessey
Jacob's Ladder - Manuel Alfonseca
From Islam to Christ: One Woman's Path through the Riddles of God - Derya Little
Amber Fang Revenge - Arthur Slade - Amber Fang Librarian. Assassin. Vampire Book 3

A Grey Sun - S.J. Sherwood - The Denounced Series Book 1
The Peace Promise: Trusting God to Solve the Unsolvable - John Kuypers
Juniper Berry - M.P. Kozlowsky
Intergalactic P.S. 3 - Madeleine L'Engle and Hope Larson - A Wrinkle in Time Story
How to Free Your Mind in the Trump Era - John Twelve Hawks
How to Free Your Mind in the Trump Era - John Twelve Hawks
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque - Emily Beata Marsh and Dani Lachuk - Encounter the Saints Book 37
God Is Love - Pope Benedict XVI - Deus Caritas Est
Chronicles of a Liquid Society - Umberto Eco
God Is Love - Pope Benedict XVI - Deus Caritas Est
More Tales of Irish Saints - Alice Curtayne
Redshirts - John Scalzi
In Conversation With God Volume 3 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 1-6 - Francis Fernandez
Divine Mercy in My Pocket - Marianne Lorraine Trouvé
Smoke Eaters - Sean Grigsby
I Don't Like Lent - Daniel Lord S.J.
I Don't Like Lent - Daniel Lord S.J.
I Don't Like Lent - Daniel Lord S.J.
Hangman - Jack Heath
The Peace Promise: Trusting God to Solve the Unsolvable - John Kuypers
Becoming Madeleine: A Biography of the Author of a Wrinkle in Time by Her Granddaughters - Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Léna Roy
Testing Liberty - Theresa Linden - Chasing Liberty Book 2
The Little Boy Who Lived Down the Drain - Carolyn Huizinga Mills and Brooke Kerrigan
The Little Boy Who Lived Down the Drain - Carolyn Huizinga Mills and Brooke Kerrigan
Lent with Saint Anthony: Daily Reflections - Pat McCloskey, OFM

Saint Catherine of Siena - Alice Curtayne
Image and Likeness: Literary Reflections on the Theology of the Body - Edited by Erin McCole Cupp and Ellen Gable
The Flash Hocus Pocus - Barry Lyga
The Mindful Catholic Finding God One Moment at a Time - Dr. Gregory Bottaro
Encounter With A Desert Mother (Mother Maria Gysi)- Irma Zaleski
Anyone But Him - Theresa Linden
Time Bomb - Joelle Charbonneau
Good Guys - Steven Brust
The Trials of Saint Patrick - Paul McCusker and John Rhys-Davies - Augustine Institute
A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness - Susan Brinkmann
Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps -Marjorie Weinman Sharmat and Marc Simont - Nate the Great Book 12
A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness - Susan Brinkmann
The Trials of Saint Patrick - Paul McCusker and John Rhys-Davies - Augustine Institute
Brontosaurus Breath - Sheila Sweeny Higginson - Doc McStuffins
The Revisionary - Kristen Hogrefe - The Rogues Book 1.0
A Cord of Three Strands - Kristen Hogrefe - The Rogues Book 0.5
Edges - Léna Roy
Take Your Pet To the Vet - Sara Miller - Doc McStuffins
Take Your Pet To the Vet - Sara Miller - Doc McStuffins
In Conversation with God - Volume 6 Part 1 Special Feasts January to March - Francis Fernandez
Directed by Purpose: How to Focus on Work That Matters, Ignore Distractions and Manage Your Attention over the Long Haul - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 5
Trickle Down Mindset: The Missing Element In Your Personal Success - Michal Stawicki
Our Father: Reflections on the Lord's Prayer - Pope Francis
Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day: Time Management Tips for Anyone Struggling with Work-Life Balance - Michal Stawicki
Be Watchful: Resist the Adversary, Firm in Your Faith - Eric Sammons
In Conversation with God - Volume 2 Part 1: Lent & Holy Week - Francis Fernandez

The Permission To Publish - USCCB
The Permission To Publish - USCCB
Last of Her Kind - A.K. Frailey
Point Vierge: Thomas Merton's Journey in Song - Alana Levandoski and James Finley
Theology of the Body for Beginners: Rediscovering the Meaning of Life, Love, Sex and Gender Revised Edition - Christopher West
Gaudete Et Exsultate Rejoice And Be Glad: On The Call To Holiness In The Contemporary World - Pope Francis
Gaudete Et Exsultate Rejoice And Be Glad: On The Call To Holiness In The Contemporary World - Pope Francis
The New Age - Chris d'Lacey - Erth Dragons Book 3
Marcus’ Last Stand - Brianna Zonneveld
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Mary's Knight by Patricia Edward Jablonski and Karen Ritz - Encounter the Saints Book 10
Veterum Sapientia: On the Promotion of the Study of Latin - Pope John XXIII 
Veterum Sapientia: On the Promotion of the Study of Latin - Pope John XXIII 
The Flash Johnny Quick - Barry Lyga - The Flash Book 2
What the Saints Never Said - Trent Horn
Saint Ignatius of Loyola For the Greater Glory of God - Donna Giaimo and Patricia Edward Jablonski - Encounter the Saints Book 8
Saint Brigid The Mary of Ireland - Alice Curtayne
The First Society: The Sacrament of Matrimony and the Restoration of the Social Order - Scott Hahn
Saint Brigid The Mary of Ireland - Alice Curtayne
Saint Brigid The Mary of Ireland - Alice Curtayne
Making Bombs for Hitler - Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
The Our Father: Our Prayer To God - Daniel A. Lord SJ
The Hail Mary: Our Mother In Heaven - Daniel A. Lord SJ
The Our Father: Our Prayer To God - Daniel A. Lord SJ
The Hail Mary: Our Mother In Heaven - Daniel A. Lord SJ
Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem - Augustine Wetta
Further Up & Further In: Understanding Narnia - Joseph Pearce
Force For Good: The Catholic Guide to Business Integrity - Brian Engelland 
A Death in the Family - Karl Ove Knausgaard Translated by Don Bartlett - My Struggle Book 1
Mary and the Christian Life: Scriptural Reflections on the First Disciple - Amy Welborn
Moving in the Spirit - Richard J. Hauser
Two Fallen Worlds 1 Lost - Derya Little
Two Fallen Worlds 2 Found - Derya Little
Xander's Panda Party - Linda Sue Park and  Matt Phelan
How We Did It: The Subban Plan for Success in Hockey, School and Life -  Karl Subban and Scott Colby
Humanae Vitae - Pope Paul VI
Humanae Vitae - Pope Paul VI

Mary: God's Yes to Man: Encyclical Letter: Redemptoris Mater - Saint John Paul II
Mary: God's Yes to Man: Encyclical Letter: Redemptoris Mater - Saint John Paul II
Just a Servant - Patricia Ann Moore
Moving in the Spirit - Richard J. Hauser
Secrets Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Saint Teresa of Avila: Joyful in the Lord - Susan Helen Wallace
Secrets Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Life-Changing Love: A novel about Dating, Courtship, Family, and Faith - Theresa Linden
Crimson - Arthur Slade
Rightfully Ours - Carolyn Astfalk
The Dragonfly's Journey - Arthur Slade
Not So Simple Life - Stephen Shea
St. Brigid of Ireland - Alice Curtayne
Working Well, Working For Love: On The Sanctification Of Work In The Teachings Of St Josemaría Escrivá - Javier López Díaz
The Story of Knock - Alice Curtayne
The Story of Knock - Alice Curtayne
Fight for Liberty - Theresa A. Linden - Chasing Liberty Book 3.0
In Conversation with God Volume 2 Part 2 Eastertide - Francis Fernandez
A Battle for the Faith: Two Short Stories -  John Paul Wohlscheid and Theresa Linden
Those Who Saw Her Apparitions of Mary - Catherine Odell
The Story of Knock - Alice Curtayne
Hatchet - Gary Paulsen - Brian's Saga Book 1
Irish Saints for Boys and Girls - Alice Curtayne and Eileen Coghlan
Living Fruitfully Generosity Learning From the Saints - John S. Hogan
Bound to Find Freedom - Theresa Linden - A Chasing Liberty Short Story
A Symbol of Hope - Theresa Linden
Outwalkers - Fiona Shaw 
A Symbol of Hope - Theresa Linden
Battle for His Soul - Theresa Linden - West Brothers Series Book 3
A Book of Martyrs: Devotions to the Martyrs of England, Scotland and Wales - John S. Hogan

The Key to Every Thing - Pat Schmatz
Saint Philomena - Alice Curtayne 
St. Francis of Assisi - Alice Curtayne 
Saint Philomena - Alice Curtayne
St. Francis of Assisi - Alice Curtayne
Living Fruitfully Patience Learning from the Saints - Christopher Mc Camley
Body Swap - Sylvia McNicoll
The Priest and the Peaches - Larry Peterson
Shadows and Light - Larry Peterson - The Demons of Abadon Volume 1
Heroic Catholic Chaplains: Stories of the Brave and Holy Men Who Dodged Bullets While Saving Souls - Thomas J. Craughwell
Father Sir Volume - Larry Peterson - The Demons of Abadon 2
Maybe This House is Haunted - Larry Peterson - The Demons of Abadon Volume 3
Leave Abadon or Die - Larry Peterson - The Demons of Abadon Volume 4
The Demons of Abadon - Larry Peterson - The Complete Series
Vaughan: His Life, Work and Mission -  Robert O'Neil
Bulletproof Vestments - Jane Lebak - Father Jay  Book 1
Secrets Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
The River - Gary Paulsen - Brian's Saga Book 2
Invest Yourself: Daring to Be Catholic in Today's Business World - John M Abbate
Living Fruitfully Self-Control Learning From the Saints - John S. Hogan
Saint Anthony of Padua - Sylvia Vecchini and Antonio Vincenti - CTS Saints for Kids
Saint Anthony of Padua - Sylvia Vecchini and Antonio Vincenti - CTS Saints for Kids
The Boys Upstairs - Jane Lebak - Father Jay  Book 2
Edmund Arrowsmith - John S. Hogan - CTS Saints of the Isles Series
A Different Heroism - Jane Lebak - Father Jay  Book 3
Father Damien de Veuster Apostle to the Lepers  Glynn MacNiven-Johnston
Stink Hamlet and Cheese - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds - Stink Moody Book 11
Saints of North America - Jean Olwen Maynard
The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity: How the Modern Culture Is Robbing Billions of People of Happiness - Matthew Kelly
Beyond Sunday: Becoming a 24/7 Catholic - Teresa Tomeo
The Life and Letters of Father Damien, Apostle of the Lepers Joseph Damien De Veuster Edited by Paul E. Nowak
No Fixed Address - Susin Nielsen
Fr Willie Doyle & World War I: A Chaplain's Story - K.V. Turley
Alvaro del Portillo The Power of Humility - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
Saint Francis of Assisi Gentle Revolutionary - Mary Emmanuel Alves - Encounter the Saints Book 4
Doors in the Walls of the World: Signs of Transcendence in the Human Story - Peter Kreeft
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 2 Special Feasts April - June - Francis Fernandez
In Conversation with God Volume 3 Part 2 Weeks 7 - 12 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez

Secrets Visible & Invisible - Catholic Teen Books Anthology
Saints of South Asia - Jean Olwen Maynard
Blessed James Alberione Media Apostle - Anne Eileen Heffernan - Encounter the Saints Book 32
The Story of Job - Regina Doman and Ben Hatke
Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Living Fruitfully Chastity Learning From the Saints - Fr John McKeever
Reading the Catechism: How to Discover and Appreciate its Riches - Petroc Willey
Birthday Secrets - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Short Story
Saxum: The Life of Alvaro del Portillo - John F. Coverdale
Pope Francis: I Believe in Mercy - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Pope Francis: I Believe in Mercy - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
We're All Wonders - R.J. Palacio
Saints of Africa - Jean Olwen Maynard
The Eternal Revolution - Paul E. Nowak
Living Fruitfully Joy Learning From the Saints - Paul Grogan
I Hate Christmas! How to Identify and Overcome Your Inner Christmas Villain - Paul E. Nowak
Saints of the Roman Canon - Julien Chilcott-Monk - Living the Liturgy
Pius XII - Ethel Tolansky and Helena Scott - CTS Biographies
Pius XII - Ethel Tolansky and Helena Scott - CTS Biographies
ABCs of the Christian Life: The Ultimate Anthology of the Prince of Paradox - G.K. Chesterton
Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS Biographies
Flow Like Water - Mark Burley - Hit the Ground Running Series Book 2
The Whisper in the Ruins - Lisa M. Hendey and Jenn Bower - Chime Travelers Book 3
The Mystery at Midnight - Lisa M. Hendey and Jenn Bower - Chime Travelers Book 4
The Way of the Christian Samurai: Reflections for Servant-Warriors of Christ - Paul E. Nowak
Foundations of the Faith: God, Christ, and the Church - Jeff Vehige - Find the Faith Book 1
The Way of the Christian Samurai: Reflections for Servant-Warriors of Christ - Paul E. Nowak

A Soldier Surrenders: The Conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis - Susan Peek - God's Forgotten Friends Lives of Little-known Saints Book 2
Love's True Meaning: The message of Humanae Vitae 50 Years On - Fr. Anthony Doe
Love's True Meaning: The message of Humanae Vitae 50 Years On - Fr. Anthony Doe
YOUCAT Confession - YOUCAT Foundation
Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition - Pope John Paul II
Josemaria Escriva - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS Biographies
Josemaria Escriva - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS Biographies
Down Time - Barry Lyga - An I Hunt Killers Prequel
Down Time - Barry Lyga - An I Hunt Killers Prequel
A Light So Lovely: The Spiritual Legacy of Madeleine L'Engle, Author of A Wrinkle in Time - Sarah Arthur
My Little Pony the Movie Friends and Foes - Mangolia Bella
Staircase for the Sisters - Pamela Love and John Joseph
Benedict XVI - Ethel Tolansky and Helena Scott - CTS Biographies
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 1 Weeks 13 - 18 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
The Arc of Light - Mithrandir - A Potential Portal Book
Catholic Christianity Getting Started - Catholic Truth Society
Benedict XVI - Ethel Tolansky and Helena Scott - CTS Biographies
Finnian and the Seven Mountains Issue 1 - Philip Kosloski and Michael Lavoy
Five Loaves and Two Fish: Meditations on the Eucharist - Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen van Thuan
Biscuit Goes Camping - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Madeleine L'Engle Herself: Reflections on a Writing Life - Madeleine L'Engle
Paul VI - Anthony Symondson - CTS Biographies
Finding Life's Purpose: Inspiration for Young People - Pope Benedict XVI
John XXIII: The Universal Parish Priest - Josephine Robinson - CTS Biographies
Saint Bernadette Soubirous: And Our Lady of Lourdes - Anne Eileen Heffernan and Mary Elizabeth Tebo and Mari Goering - Encounter the Saints Book 2
Sophie Scholl and the White Rose: Resistance to the Nazis - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky - CTS 20th Century Martyrs
Days with Frog and Toad - Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad Are Friends - Arnold Lobel
The New Jerusalem Bible Standard Edition
Where You Lead - Leslea Wahl
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea
If the Shoe Fits -Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After Book 2
Looking Up - Sally Murphy
100 Books You Really Should Read  - Catholic Truth Society 

Pope John Paul I - Stephen Dean
Pope John Paul I - Stephen Dean
Medallion of Murder - B.R. Myers - Nefertari Hughes Mystery Book 3
A Pope of Surprises The First Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI's Papacy - Helena Scott and  Ethel Tolansky
A Pope of Surprises The First Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI's Papacy - Helena Scott and  Ethel Tolansky
How to Think Like Aquinas: The Sure Way to Perfect Your Mental Powers - Kevin Vost
Faith and the Future - Pope Benedict XVI
In Front Of My House - Marianne Dubuc and Yvette Ghione
A Simple Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society
Marian Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society
A Simple Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society
Marian Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society
Played by Ear - Daniel A. Lord
The Cries of Jesus from the Cross: An Anthology - by Reverend Fulton J Sheen
Roland West Outcast - Theresa Linden - A West Brothers Book
Johann Gruber & Jacques Bunel Victims of the Nazis - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 19-23 - Francis Fernandez 
Johann Gruber & Jacques Bunel Victims of the Nazis - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
Self-Talk - Michal Stawicki
You See Me, You Hear Me - Michael Giesler
Last of the Romantics: St. Josemaria in the Twenty-First Century
by Mariano Fazio
The Eight Doors of the Kingdom: Meditations on the Beatitudes - Jacques Philippe
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
You See Me, You Hear Me - Michael Giesler
Dragon Assassin - Arthur Slade
Saint Katharine Drexel: The Total Gift - Susan Helen Wallace
Kapaun's Men - Virtue Series - Video Course
The Prodigal Son - Georges Chevrot
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 1 Special Feasts July - September - Francis Fernandez
So Say We All: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar Galactica - Mark A. Altman and Edward Gross
Footprints of the Northern Saints - Basil Cardinal Hume

Cloud of Witnesses: A Child's First Book of Saints - Katie Warner and Meg Whalen
Walking with the Celtic Saints - Neil and Gerlinde Kennedy-Jones and Andrew M. Seddon
Inspiration from the Saints - Maolsheachlann O Ceallaigh
The Catholic Hipster Handbook - Tommy Tighe
Amber Fang Box Set - Arthur Slade
Call Him Father: How to Experience the Fatherhood of God - Fr. Edward Maritany
Overcoming Lukewarmness: Healing Your Soul's Sadness - Francis Fernandez-Carvajal
A Rosary Litany - Fr. Edward Looney
A Light in the Darkness: A Collection of Short Stories - David Vining
The Battle of Lake Erie: One Young American's Adventure in the War of 1812 - David Vining
Roland West Outcast - Theresa Linden - A West Brothers Book
Charlotte's Honor - Ellen Gable - Great War Great Love Book 2
Finding Our Way Home: A family's story of life, love, and loss - J Damon Dagnone
Old Magic in a New World: A Collection of Short Stories - David Vining
Junia: The Fictional Life and Death of an Early Christian - Michael Giesler
Wisdom from Pope Paul VI - Pope Paul VI and Mary Leonora Wilson FSP
Armed with Faith: The Life of Father Vincent R. Capodanno, MM - Stephen M. Digiovanni
3 Things to Forget - Cynthia T. Toney - Bird Face Book 4
Lights on the Sea - Miquel Reina and Catherine E. Nelson
In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 24-28 - Francis Fernandez
A Boy and His Satellite -David Vining - A Collection of Short Stories
Inspiration from the Saints - Maolsheachlann O Ceallaigh
Sabotage Stage Left - Casey Lyall - Howard Wallace, P.I. Book 3
Unlikely Witnesses - Leslea Wahl
Mutiny! - David Vining - A Collection of Short Stories
Marcus A Novel Depicting the Lives of the Early Christians in Rome - Father Michael E. Giesler
The Rosary of Saint John Paul II: Meditations, Prayers, and Practical Aids - Tom Hoopes
The Rosary of Saint John Paul II: Meditations, Prayers, and Practical Aids - Tom Hoopes
Grain of Wheat - Father Michael E. Giesler
Shoes for Two Soldier Sons A Collection of Short Stories - David Vining

Family Grace: A Story of Conversion Through Friendship -  Michael Giesler
Why Deacons: The Teachings of Pope John Paul II and Michael Evans
Why Deacons: The Teachings of Pope John Paul II and Michael Evans
The Isles - Sara Francis - The Terra Testimonies Book 1
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Opus Dei: Christians In The Midst Of The World - Fr Peter Bristol
Drive! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed book 1.0
Hello Olaf - Andrea Posner-Sanchez - Disney Frozen
Anna's Act of Love - Lisa Ann Marsoli - Disney Frozen
Elsa's Icy Magic - Lisa Ann Marsoli - Disney Frozen
Opus Dei: Christians In The Midst Of The World - Fr Peter Bristol
Under the Sun of Satan - Georges Bernanos
The Absence of War - Amy Welborn
Love In Action - Fernando Ocáriz
The Absence of War - Amy Welborn
Guarding Aaron - T.M. Gaouette - Faith & Kung Fu Book 3
Roland West Outcast - Theresa Linden - A West Brothers Book
Siege of Reginald Hill - Corinna Turner
Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word 2018 Canadian Edition Ed. Elaine Park
Power Up Your Self Talk - Michal Stawicki
Saint Teresa of Avila: Joyful in the Lord - Susan Helen Wallace
20 Answers Apparitions & Revelations - Michael O'Neill - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Quetzalcoatl's Zahir - Manuel Alfonseca - The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Book 1
Thanos Titan Consumed - Barry Lyga - MARVEL's Avengers
To Raise the Fallen: A Selection of the War Letters, Prayers, and Spiritual Writings of Fr. Willie Doyle, S.J. - Edited by Patrick Kenny
Dragon Assassin 1 Twin Fury - Arthur Slade
The Flash Tornado Twins - Barry Lyga - The Flash Book 3

In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 29-34 - Francis Fernandez
Saint Pope Paul VI: Celebrating the 262nd Pope of the Roman Catholic Church - Matthew Bunson
Ornamental Graces - Carolyn Astfalk
God Speaks, We Listen: Revelation, Faith, and Prayer - Jeff Vehige - Find the Faith Book 2
Father Damien's Letters - Joseph Damien De Veuster
Death by Airship - Arthur Slade - Orca Currents
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 2 Special Feasts: October - December - Francis Fernandez
Treachery and Truth - Katy Huth Jones
Prisoners of War - Sarah Gracia - Prisoners of War Trilogy Book 1
Catholic Christianity: A Complete Catechism of Catholic Beliefs Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church - Peter Kreeft 
Buttons - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Book 6.5
In Conversation with God - Volume 1 Part 1: Advent - Francis Fernandez

Books Read 2017

A Kiss for Little Bear - Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak
Why Am I Here? A Story about Becoming The Best Version of Yourself! - Matthew Kelly and Hazel Mitchell
Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy Missionary Handbook - Michael E. Gaitley
The Strangers at the Manger - Lisa M. Hendey and Jenn Bower - Chime Travelers Book 5
Down the Drain - Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko
Barbie: The Special Sleepover - Francine Hughes - Little Golden Book
The Catholic Perspective on Paul: Paul and the Origins of Catholic Christianity - Taylor R. Marshall - The Origins of Catholicism Book 2
Live Well Today - Fr. Thomas Dailey
The Landry News - Andrew Clements
Bane's Eyes - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Book 4
Angelhood - A.J. Cattapan
Teach Yourself Linux Administration and Prepare foe the LPIC-1 Certification Exams - David Clinton
In Conversation with God Volume 1 Part 2 Christmas and Epiphany - Francis Fernandez
I Thirst - Gina Marinello-Sweeney - Veritas Chronicles Book 1
Scaredy Cat - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 9
The Ghost at 95 - Barry Lyga
Be Holy: A Catholic's Guide to the Spiritual Life - Thomas G. Morrow
Trapped in Transylvania - Tony Abbott - Cracked Classics Book 1
Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man - William Shatner
The Deacon Reader - James Keating
Choosing Happiness: Working Within - Francisco Ugarte
7 Riddles to Nowhere - A.J. Cattapan
Seven Words of Jesus and Mary - Fulton J. Sheen
A Man Who Knew How to Forgive - Francesc Faus
The Very Sleepy Sloth - Andrew Murray and Jack Tickle
The Archbishop and I: My Childhood Friend Fulton J. Sheen - Margo Weber Nassar
Practical LPIC-1 Linux Certification Study Guide - David Clinton
Stop Worrying and Start Living - Gary Zimak
G.K. Chesterton - The Shop of Ghosts
Seven Words of Jesus and Mary: Lessons from Cana and Calvary - Fulton J. Sheen
The Skill of Our Hands - Steven Brust and Skyler White - Incrementalists Book 2
Loving the University: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent - St. Francis de Sales
Where's Spot - Eric Hill
Spot's Thanksgiving - Eric Hill
Asp of Ascension - B.R. Myers - Nefertari Hughes Mysteries Book 1
Hit the Ground Running - Mark Burley
Married Men as Ordained Deacons - Wilhelm Schamoni
Barbie Surf Princess - Chelsea Eberly
Strawberry Shortcake Show-And-Tell - Lana Jacobs
Take Away the A - Micheal Escoffier and Kris Di Giacomo
In Conversation With God Volume 3 Part 1 Ordinary Time Weeks 1-6 - Francis Fernandez
Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent - Francis de Sales
Oscar Romero: Prophet of Hope - Roberto Morozzo della Rozza
Saving Faith - T.M. Gaouette - Faith & Kung Fu Book 2
20 Answers Mary - Tim Staples - 20 Answers Series Book 13
A Practical Guide to Discern God's Will - Philip Kosloski
Five Weird Catholics Beliefs that Actually Make Sense - Kevin Lowry
Diadem of Death - B.R. Myers - Nefertari Hughes Mysteries Book 2
You're Amazing: A Message of Hope That Will Change Your Life Forever - Justin Fatica
20 Answers Miracles - Karlo Broussard - 20 Answers Series Book 18
1001 Reasons Why It's Great to Be Catholic! - Robert M. Haddad
The Ideas of March: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Way of Wonder: Wisdom from G.K. Chesterton - G.K. Chesterton
Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut
The Door Before - N.D. Wilson - 100 Cupboards Book 0.5
20 Answers The Papacy - Jim Blackburn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 10
a.k.a. Genius - Marilee Haynes
How to Read Your Way to Heaven - Vicki Burbach
A Year of Living Prayerfully: How A Curious Traveler Met the Pope, Walked on Coals, Danced with Rabbis, and Revived His Prayer Life - Jared Brock
Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet - Shane Kapler
Station to Station: An Ignatian Journey through the Stations of the Cross - Gary Jansen
How to Become a Heroic Catholic - Catherine Stewart
Way of the Cross, Centennial Edition - St. Josemaria Escriva
The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia #6 or #1
Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds - A.K. Yearling
Ten: How the Ten Commandments Can Change Your Life - Mary Elizabeth Sperry
20 Answers The Eucharist - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 11
20 Answers God - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 12
Brigid and the Butter - Pamela Love and Apryl Scott
Patrick and the Fire - Cornelia Mary Bilinsky and Maggie Coburn
Pictures of Me - Marilee Haynes
20 Answers The Sacraments - Fr. Mike Driscoll - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - Michael E. Gaitley
The Way, Furrow, The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
Bench Press - Sven Lindqvist
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey- Noah benShea
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea
20 Answers Salvation - Jimmy Akin - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Calvary and the Mass: A Missal Companion - Fulton J. Sheen
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 1 Special Feasts January - March - Francis Fernandez
20 Answers End of Life Issues - Jason Negri - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers Death and Judgement - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers Faith & Science - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
The Relic of Perilous Falls - Raymond Arroyo - Will Wilder Book 1
20 Answers Divorce and Remarriage - Jim Blackburn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Four Minutes - Barry Lyga - A Short Story
Champions of the Rosary - Donald H. Calloway, MIC
20 Answers The Real Jesus - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Saint Magnus The Last Viking - Susan Peek
20 Answers Scripture and Tradition - Jim Blackburn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Genius Under Construction - Marilee Haynes
20 Answers Abortion - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers Angels and Demons - Fr. Mike Driscoll - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers Islam - Andrew Bieszad - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers Atheism - Matt Fradd - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
To Be a Man: Life Lessons for Young Men - James B. Stenson
The Donkey at the Waterwheel - Malcolm M. Kennedy
Seeking Christ in Reading - Eugene Boylan
20 Answers Mormonism - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers Jehova's Witnesses - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers The Bible - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
The Artsy Mistake Mystery - Sylvia McNicoll - The Great Mistake Mysteries Book 2
In Conversation With God Volume 2 Part 1 Lent and Holy Week - Francis Fernandez
Meditations for Lent - Saint Thomas Aquinas
Quetzalcoatl's Zahir - Manuel Alfonseca - The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Book 1
Bang - Barry Lyga
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & How to Listen So ids Will Talk - Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
40 Days to Mercy - Michael E. Gaitley
Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter - Amy Welborn
Fatima for Today - Andrew Apostoli
Fatima: The Apparation hat Changed the World - Jean M. Heimann
13 Powerful Ways to Pray - Eamon Tobin
Heart of the Diaconate - James Keating
Pulse vs. the Killing Fiend: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
The Last Monks of Skellig Michael - Philip Kosloski
The Fathers Know Best - Jimmy Akin
Saint Damien of Molokai - Virginia Helen Richards and D. Thomas Halpin - Encounter the Saints
In Front Of My House - Marianne Dubuc and Yvette Ghione
The Secret of the Shamrock - Lisa M. Hendey and Jenn Bower - Chime Travelers Book 1
Saint Clare of Assisi: Runaway Rich Girl - Kim Hee-Ju
Saint Edith Stein: Blessed by the Cross - Mary Lee Hill and Mari Goering - Encounter the Saints
The King's Prey: Saint Dymphna of Ireland - Susan Peek
Abandonment to Divine Providence - Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Mitt Brennender Sorge On the Church and the German Reich - Pope Pius XI
Gregor and the Code of Claw - Suzanne Collins - Underland Chronicles Book 5
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: An Ordinary Christian by Maria Amata Di Lorenzo
Saint John Bosco Champion for the Young by Emily Beata Marsh - Encounter the Saints
The Priest Barracks: Dachau, 1938-1945 by Guillaume Zeller
Saint John Neumann: Missionary to Immigrants - Laura Rhoderica Brown
A Graduates Guide to Life - Frank J. Hanna
Exodus 90 Day 91 Life After Exodus 90 - Fr. Brian Doerr
A Graduates Guide to Life - Frank J. Hanna
Exodus 90 Day 91 Life After Exodus 90 - Fr. Brian Doerr
Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto Shepherds of Fatima - Anne Eileen Heffernan
Exodus 90 Day 91 Life After Exodus 90 - Fr. Brian Doerr
Norms of Piety: A Plan of Life for Everyday Living - J.M. Muntadas
Exodus 90 Exercise Guide - Mike Short
A Daily Defense 365 Days (Plus One) to becoming a Better Apologist - Jimmy Akin
The Saints Pray for Us - Christina Wedendt Editor - Encounter the Saints
Exodus Ninety Days: Freedom Through Prayer, Asceticism, & Brotherhood - Fr. Brian Doerr
The Saints Pray for Us - Christina Wedendt Editor - Encounter the Saints
Beyond the Black Hole - Manuel Alfonseca
Saint Martin de Porres: Humble Healer by Elizabeth Marie DeDomenico - Encounter The Saints
The Legend of Saint Christopher: Quest for a King - Lee Hyoun-Ju and Kyung Hee Yoon (Translator)
Her Decade: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Her Decade: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
The Father Capranica Mysteries: Stories of the Strange and Supernatural - Fr. Mike Driscoll
In Conversation with God Volume 2 Part 2 Eastertide - Francis Fernandez
Search for the Lightening Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Book 7
The Mystery of the Haunted House - Manuel Alfonseca - The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Book 2
Book Review Banzai - Jason B. Ladd
For Better Forever: A Catholic Guide to a Lifelong Marriage - Gregory K. Popcak
Spokes - Deanna K. Klingel
20 Answers Witchcraft and the Occult - Michelle Arnold - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
8 Notes to a Nobody - Cynthia T. Toney - Bird Face Book 1
A Single Bead - Stephanie Engelman
Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too)- Brandon Vogt
20 Answers Witchcraft and the Occult - Michelle Arnold - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too)- Brandon Vogt
The Sign of the Carved Cross - Lisa M. Hendey - Chime Travelers Book 2
Roland West, Loner - Theresa Linden
A Symbol of Hope - Theresa Linden
A Battle for the Faith: Two Short Stories -  John Paul Wohlscheid and Theresa Linden
Bound to Find Freedom - Theresa Linden - A Chasing Liberty Short Story
A Battle for the Faith: Two Short Stories -  John Paul Wohlscheid and Theresa Linden
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Courageous Faith - Lillian M. Fisher - Encounter the Saints
Self-Esteem Without Selfishness - Michel Esparza
Just a Servant - Patricia Ann Moore and Dorinp Strologo
Wonder Woman Classic: I Am Wonderwoman - Erin Stein and Rick Farley
Superman Classic: Superman Versus the Silver Banshee - Donald B. Lemke and Andy Smith
Batman Classic: Going Ape - Laurie S. Sutton, Eric A. Gordon and Steven E. Gordon
Justice League Classic I Am Aquaman - Kristen Mayer, Andy Smith
Justice League Classic Meet the Justice League - Lucy Rosen
Batman Versus Man-Bat - J.E. Bright, Steven R. Gordon and Eric A. Gordon
Mirari Vos: On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism - Pope Gregory XVI
Why We're Catholic - Trent Horn
Mirari Vos: On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism - Pope Gregory XVI
Saint Anthnoy of Padua: Fire and Light - Margaret Charles Kerry - Encounter the Saints
Praying the Rosary Like Never Before: Encounter the Wonder of Heaven and Earth - Edward Sri
Justice League Classic: I Am the Flash - John Sazaklis, Steven E. Gordon
Wonder Woman to the Rescue! DC Super Friends - Courtney Carbone
Supergirl Takes Off! DC Super Friends - Courtney Carbone and Erik Doescher
Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School - David Kirk
St. Gianna Beretta Molla The Gift of Life - Susan Helen Wallace and Patricia Edward Jablonski - Encounter the Saints Series
Working Mother - Erin McCole Cupp
Champions of the Rosary - Donald H. Calloway, MIC
Chasing Liberty - Theresa Linden - Chasing Liberty Trilogy Book 1
The Miracle of Father Kapaun: Priest, Soldier and Korean War Hero - Roy Wenzl and Travis Heying
In Conversation with God Volume 6 Part 2: Special Feasts: April - June - Francis Fernandez
Dying to Go Viral - Sylvia McNicoll
Teresa of Calcutta: The Novel of a Soul - Maria Amata Di Lorenzo
Family Matters: Thirteen Short Stories - Jaymie Stuart Wolfe (Editor)and Diana R. Jenkins
The Life Cycle of Stars (Ignition): a short story - Barry Lyga
In Conversation with God Volume 3 Part 2 Weeks 7 - 12 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
The Life Cycle of Stars (Ignition): a short story - Barry Lyga Curious George's Are You Curious? - H.A. Rey
Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah - Chris Stepien
Journeys with Mary: Apparitions of Our Lady - Zerlina De Santis - Encounter The Saints Books 9
The Story of Chaplain Kapaun, Patriot Priest of the Korean Conflict - MSGR Father Arthur Tonne
Knights of the Saltier - William Speir - Order of the Saltier Book 1
The Profession - Eric Sammons
The Profession - Eric Sammons
The Old Evangelization: How to Spread the Faith Like Jesus Did - Eric Sammons
10 Steps to Girlfriend Status - Cynthia T. Toney - Bird Face #2
Journeys with Mary: Apparitions of Our Lady - Zerlina De Santis - Encounter The Saints Books 9
Life in God's Presence - A Simple Approach to Prayer - A. Carthusian
Crusader King: A Novel of Baldwin IV and the Crusades - Susan Peek
Slider - Pete Hautman
20 Answers Apparitions & Revelations - Michael O'Neill - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers The Church - Trent Horn - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Saint Catherine Labourae And Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal  - Marianne Lorraine Trouvé
God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades - Rodney Stark
Bobby - Barry Lyga - A Short Story
The Grunt Padre: Father Vincent Robert Capodanno Vietnam 1966-1967 - Daniel L. Mode
Learning the Virtues: That Lead You to God - Romano Guardini
Saint Thomas Aquinas: Missionary of Truth - Marianne Lorraine Trouvae and Cathy Morrison
Go to St. Joseph: Do Whatever He Tells You -  Brian Kiczek
Saint Teresa of Kolkata - Mary Kathleen Glavich
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 1 Weeks 13 - 18 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
The Apostles and Their Times - Mike Aquilina
The Shadow of His Wings - Gereon Goldmann
DC Super Hero Girls Vol. 1: Finals Crisis - Shea Fontana and Yancey Labat - DC Super Hero Girls Graphic Novels #1
Praying the Angelus: Find Joy, Peace, and Purpose in Everyday Life - Jared Dees
Welcome to Super Hero High! - Courtney Carbone, Darío Brizuela - DC Super Hero Girls
Saint Paul: The Thirteenth Apostle - Mary Lea Hill
The Last Namsara - Kristen Ciccarelli - Iskari #1
Saint Joan of Arc: God's Soldier - Susan Helen Wallace
The Mind of God - Bevan Frank
Trading Worlds: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Trading Worlds: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Hide and Seek: The Irish Priest in the Vatican who Defied the Nazi Command - Stephen Walker
The Mystery of the Sapphire Bracelet - Manuel Alfonseca - The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Book 3
Nicholas Gilroy: Our Lady and the Guardian - Father Stephen and Deacon George
The Best School Year Ever - Barbara Robinson - The Herdmans #2
The Best Halloween Ever - Barbara Robinson - The Herdmans #3
Prince Martin Wins His Sword - Brandon Hale and Jason Zimdars
Daring Do and the Eternal Flower - A.K. Yearling and G.M. Berrow - My Little Pony
A Pocket Full of Murder - R.J. Anderson - Uncommon Magic #1
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - Barbara Robinson - The Herdmans #1
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: Journey to the Summit - Ana María Vázquez
Howard Wallace, P.I. - Casey Lyall - Howard Wallace, P.I. #1
Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition - Pope John Paul II
Shadow of a Pug - Casey Lyall - Howard Wallace, P.I. #2
The Life Engineered - J.F. Dubeau - World Engineered
In Conversation with God Volume 4 Part 2 Weeks 19 - 23 in Ordinary Time - Francis Fernandez
Tales from the Brackenwood Ghost Club - Andrew M. Seddon
Broken Birthday - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 10
Heroes of the Catholic Reformation: Saints Who Renewed the Church - Joseph Pearce
Polar Bear Night - Lauren Thompson and Stephen Savage
Holy Desperation: Praying as If Your Life Depends on It
by Heather King
Standing Strong - Theresa Linden - West Brothers Series
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 1 Special Feasts July - September - Francis Fernandez
When I Die: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
When I Die: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Grime Beat - Marji Laine - Grime Fighters #1
A Cord of Three Strands - by Kristen Hogrefe - The Rogues #0.5
The Flash Hocus Pocus - Barry Lyga
The Ha-Ha-Haunting of Hyde House - Tony Abbott and Colleen Madden - Goofballs #5
The Crazy Classroom Caper - Tony Abbott and Colleen Madden - Goofballs #6
The Compass Solution: A Guide to Winning Your Career - Tim Cole
Ordering Your Private World Revided Edition Gordon MacDonald
Saint Teresa of Avila: Joyful in the Lord - Susan Helen Wallace
Saint Therese of Lisieux: The Way of Love - Mary Kathleen Glavich
The Real Story of Catholic History: Answering Twenty Centuries of Anti-Catholic Myths - Steve Weidenkopf
The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard - David A. Goodman
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Cecchina's Dream - Victoria Dority and Marylou Andes
In Conversation with God Volume 5 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 29-34 - Francis Fernandez
Vallista - Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos Book 15
Perfectly Yourself Discovering God's Dream For You New and Revised Edition -  Matthew Kelly
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Daughter of America - Jeanne Marie Grunwell
The Monks' Castle - A.J. Cattapan
The Monks' Castle - A.J. Cattapan
The Arrow Bringer - Lisa Mayer - The Alethian Journeys Book 1
The Mystery of the Honeymoon - Manuel Alfonseca - The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Book 4
Hawk - Jennifer Dance - White Feather Book 3
The Autopsying of Michael Edward Morgan - Barry Lyga
The Autopsying of Michael Edward Morgan - Barry Lyga
Harley Quinn: Wild Card - Liz Marsham and Patrick Spaziante - DC Backstories
Batman: Gotham City's Guardian - Matthew K. Manning and Steven Gordon - DC Backstories
The Snake Mistake Mystery - Sylvia McNicoll - The Great Mistake Mysteries #3
Wonder Woman Amazon Warrior - Steve Korte and Marcus To - DC Backstories
God's Wifi: How to Live a Happier, Holier Life in the Digital Age - T.J. Burdick
Rediscover the Rosary: The Modern Power of an Ancient Prayer - Matthew Kelly
Supergirl: Daughter of Krypton - Daniel Wallace - DC Backstories
Red Wolf - Jennifer Dance - White Feather Book 1
Catholic Guide to Loneliness - Kevin Vost
Ruins of Scell - Raymond Cain - Secret Depths #0.5
New Technologies and the Christian Life - J. C. Vásconez and R. Valdés
Harley Quinn's Greatest Hits - Paul Dini
20 Answers: Homosexuality - Jim Blackburn - 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers: Bible Prophecy - Jimmy Akin - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
20 Answers: The Reformation - Steve Weidenkopf - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers
Amber Fang: Betrayal - Arthur Slade - Librarian, Assassin, Vampire Book 2
DC Super Hero Girls Vol. 2: Hits And Myths - Shea Fontana and Yancey Labat
DOCAT: What to Do? - YOUCAT
Reform Yourself! : How to Pray, Find Peace, and Grow in Faith with the Saints of the Counter-Reformation - Shaun McAfee
Super Girls and Halos: My Companions on the Quest for Truth, Justice, and Heroic Virtue - Maria Morera Johnson
Drive! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed book 1.0
Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion &
Purpose - Matthew Kelly
Drive! - Corinna Turner - unSPARKed book 1.0
Love Is Patient, But I'm Not: Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist - Christopher West
Storm of Fire and Blood - Taylor R. Marshall - Sword and Serpent Book III
Storm of Fire and Blood - Taylor R. Marshall - Sword and Serpent Book III
Supergirl: Age of Atlantis - Jo Whittemore
Julia's Gifts - Ellen Gable - Great War Great Love #1
Calling the Shots: Ups, Downs and Rebounds – My Life in the Great Game of Hockey - Kelly Hrudey and Kirstie McLellan Day
Mission Libertad - Lizette M Lantigua
In Conversation with God  Volume 5 Part 2 Ordinary Time Weeks 29-34 - Francis Fernandez
Meet Me Tonight: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
Meet Me Tonight: A Short Story - Barry Lyga
The Quest for Virtue: A Journey to Union With god - Alan Scott
Batgirl New Hero of the Night - Matthew K. Manning  and Patrick Spaziante - DC Backstories
Beautiful Hope: Finding Hope Every Day in a Broken World - Matthew Kelly
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Dauther of America - Jeanne Maria Grunwell and Mari Goering
Saint Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe - Josephine Nobisso and Virginia Esquinaldo
Faith and Reasons According to Benedict XVI
Faith and Reasons According to Benedict XVI 
Brothers: A Short Prequel Novella - Corinna Turner - I am Margaret #0.5
Brothers: A Short Prequel Novella - Corinna Turner - I am Margaret #0.5
In Conversation with God Volume 7 Part 2 Special Feasts: October - December - Francis Fernandez
Margo's Diary & Notebook - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Companion
Dying for Compassion - Barbara Golder - The Lady Doc Murders  Book 2
Healing From Heaven - Suzanne R. Jamail
Island of Doom - Arthur Slade - The Hunchback Assignments Book 4
Dying For Revenge - Barbara Golder - The Lady Doc Murders #1
The Mystery of the Egyptian Vulture Country House - Manuel Alfonseca - The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Book 5
Men Living for Greatness: The Ultimate Catholic Man's Guide to Creating an Extraordinary Life - Christopher Carter
The Uncommon Habits of Extraordinary Men - Christopher Carter
An Unexpected Guest - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Book 5.5
Men Living for Greatness: The Ultimate Catholic Man's Guide to Creating an Extraordinary Life - Christopher Carter
The Uncommon Habits of Extraordinary Men - Christopher Carter
An Unexpected Guest - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Book 5.5
The Ghosts at 95 - Barry Lyga
Loving The University - Barry Lyga
The Ideas of March - Barry Lyga
Four Minutes - Barry Lyga
Pulse vs. the Killing Fiend - Barry Lyga
Her Decade - Barry Lyga
The Life Cycle of Stars (Ignition) - Barry Lyga
Bobby - Barry Lyga
Trading Worlds - Barry Lyga
When I Die - Barry Lyga
The Autopsying of Michael Edward Morgan - Barry Lyga
Meet Me Tonight - Barry Lyga
YOUCAT: The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church - Christoph Schönborn
Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition - Pope John Paul II
In Conversation with God - Volume 1 Part 1: Advent - Francis Fernandez
Advent of the Heart: Seasonal Sermons and Prison Writings, 1941-1944 - Alfred Delp
CREATED Bridging The Gap Between Art And Your Creator - Edited by Cory Heimann
The Red Goodbye - Brandon M Lipani - Serena Triton Detective Novel Book 2
Unlikely Witnesses - Leslea Wahl
Saint Joan of Arc: God's Soldier - Susan Helen Wallace
Whatshisface - Gordon Korman

Books Read 2016

The Wearle - Chris d'Lacey - Erth Dragons Book 1
Rise of the Earth Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters #1
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detetctive - Donald J. Sobol - Encyclopedia Brown #1
I Am Yoga - Susan Verde & Peter H. Reynolds
Encyclopedia Brown #2 and the Case of the Secret Pitch - Donald J. Sobol
The Reboot With Joe Juice Diet Cook Book - Joe Cross
Revenge of the Tiki Men! - Tony Abbott - The Wierd Zone #8
Judy Moody and Stink The Wishbone Wish - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds
The Return of the White Duke - Neil Gaiman
Stella Batts Needs A New Name - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stalla Batts Book 1
The Get Rich Quick Club - Dan Gutman
Fairest of All - Sarah Mlynowski - Whatever After #1
Life Changers - Greg Willits
Flickers - Arthur Slade
Messy & Foolish - Matthew Warner
Empowering Young Christians: Developing Bible-Based Leadership and Soft Skills - Cary J. Green
Saving the Sun Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters #2
Geekpriest: Confesstions of a New media Pioneer - Roderick Vonhogen
The Book Of Courage - Matthew Kelly
Paddington Bear - Michael Bond and R.W. Alley
Happy Valentine's Day Mouse - Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer Bell - Stella Batts #2
Secret of the Water Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters #3
Dinner & A Workout - Dean Pohlman
Networking - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 4
Seven Ways of Looking at the Sun-Worshipers of Yil-Katan - Maggie Clark
Fat of the Land - Maggie Clark
A Personal Mission Statement - Michal Stawicki
Saying the Names - Maggie CLark
Lenten Meditations with Fulton J. Sheen
Poems for you & Your Neighbours: Health Disorders Simplified - Amanda Jones
The Machine - Oafish Droll - Potential Portal Book 1
Understanding the Mass: 100 Questions, 100 Answers - Mike Aquilina
Beautiful Mercy - Pope Francis et al.
Light in the Darkness - Patrick Lencioni
Becoming the Best Version Of Yourself - Matthew Kelly
Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection - Ray Yungen
Good Use of Time 11 Principles to Live By - Rafael T. Caldera
Power of the Fire Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters #4
The Long View - Matthew Kelly
The Long View - Matthew Kelly
Don't Just Try ... Train - Matthew Kelly
The Best of Jim Rohn: Lessons for Life Changing Success - Timothy Bauer
Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages - Taylor Marshall
Rediscouver Lent - Matthew Kelly
Sacred Reading for Lent 2016 - Douglas Leonard
40 Days, 40 Ways A New Look At Lent - Marcellino D'Ambrosio
2016 Magnificat Lenten Companion - Magnificat
Living Faith Lent 2016- Terence Hegarty
A Liturgy of the Heart - Douglas Ross
A Liturgy of the Heart - Douglas Ross
The Lost Stone - Jordan Quinn and Robert McPhillips - Kingdom of Wrenly Book 1
Saint Augustine in 50 Pages - Taylor Marshall
Welcome Risen Jesus - Sarah A. Reinhard
The Leadership of One - Karla Brandau and Doug Ross
Our Father - Sabrina Bus and Xavier Deneux
Hail Mary - Sabrina Bus and Xavier Deneux
Why Am I Here - Matthew Kelly
Real Mercy - Jacques Philippe
Basic Field Manual for Hearing God's Voice - Philip Kosloski
3 Methods of Prayer That Will Change Your Life - Philip Kosloski
The Porch and the Cross: Ancient Stoic Wisdom for Modern Christian Living - Kevin Vost
The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Seven Core Beliefs of Catholics - Shane Kapler
The Monks Daily Bread - Sylvia Dirham and Christopher Tupa
ISO-Micro-Gym Keep Fit without exercise equipment with isometrics - Keith Fairfield
A Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Kids - Gregory and Lisa Popcak
Exodus - A.J. Gillette - Geoterra Book 1
Wartime Prayer Book - Fulton Sheen
Making Business Connections that Count - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 4
Isometrics Strength - Todd Kuslikis
Journey - A.J. Gillette - Geoterra Book 2
Wartime Prayer Book - Fulton J. Sheen
Read More Books Now - Brandon Vogt
A Liturgy of the Heart - Douglas Ross
Speaking to the Heart - Stephen Gabriel
The Life God Wants You to Have - Gregory K. Popcak
30 Days of Optimal Living - Jared Zimmerer
Kringle - Tony Abbott
Divine Mercy Explained - Michael E. Gaitley
The Divine Mercy Image Explained - Michael R. Gaitley
Song of the Poison Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters #5
Slaying Giants: Preparing for Greatness - Chris Padgett
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea
The Scarlet Dragon - Jordan Quinn and Robert McPhillips - Kingdom of Wrenly book 2
Great Quotes to Inspire Great Teachers - Noah benShea
Frindle - Andrew Clements
Yeti Files: Meet The Bigfeet - Kevin Sherry and Samantha Smith
Barbie Fairy Tale Collection - Various
Troublemaker - Andrew Clements and Mark Elliott
We Are All Jacob's Children: A Tale of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith - Noah benShea
Arrival - A.J. Gillette - Geoterra Book 3
No Talking - Andrew Clements
Get to Know the Mother of God - Chris Padgett
The Janitor's Boy - Andrew Clements
Poems for Patients: Focus on Diabetes - Amanda Jones
Star Wars The Force Awakens: Rey Meets BB-8 - Elizabeth Schaefer
Star Wars The Force Awakens: Finn & The First Order - Walt Disney Company
Star Wars Rebels: Hera's Phantom Flight - Elizabeth Schaefer
Star Wars: Rescue from Jabba's Palace - Walt Disney Company
Tell Me A Tattoo Story - Alison McGhee and Eliza Wheeler
Dolphins: National Geographic Kids - Melissa Stewart
Sydney & Simon: Go Green! - Paul A. Reynolds and Peter H. Reynolds
Reach for the Stars - Barb Chrysler and Igor Golovihin
One Day: A Story About Positive Attitude - Barb Chrysler and Philip McIvor
Sydney & Simon: Full Steam Ahead! - Paul A. Reynold and Peter H. Reynolds
Liberation - Corinna Turner - I Am Margaret Book 3
How God Hauled Me Kicking And Screaming Into The Catholic CHurch - Kevin Lowry
Twilight's Sparkley Sleepover - Perdita Finn - My Little Pony Equestria Girls
Icefire - Chris d'Lacey - The Last Dragon Chronicles #2
Monsters on the Run - Kevin Sherry - Yeti Files 2
A Week In The Woods - Andrew Clements
Soul, Mind and Heart - Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan
Stress-Proof Your Marriage - Cory and Heidi Busse
Danny and the Dinosaur and the New Puppy - Bruce Hale and David Cutting
Danny and the Dinosaur: Too Tall - Bruce Hale and Dabid Cutting
Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore - G.M. Berrow - My Little Pony
The Map Trap - Andrew Clements
Biscuit in the Garden - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Biscuit Goes Camping - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Biscuit Meets the Class Pet - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Little Bear -Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak - Little Bear #1
Biscuit Wants To Play - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Biscuit Plays Ball - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Biscuit Wins a Prize - Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories
Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish and Fritz Siebel
Jainhouse Strong: The Successful Mindset Manual - John Bryant and Adam benShea
Fly, Cherokee, Fly - Chris d'Lacey
We the Children - Andrew Clements - Benjamin Pratt & The Keepers of the School Book 1
Hope for Hard Times - Scott Hahn
Green Thumbs-Up! - Jenny Meyerhoff and Eva Chatelain - The Friendship Garden Book 1
Hope for Hard Times - Scott Hahn
Yesterday Again - Barry Lyga - Archvillain #3
Workshop - Andrew Clements and David Wisniewski
Horace - Chris d'Lacey
Extra Credit - Andrew Clements
Star Wars Chaos At the Castle - Level 1 reader - Walt Disney Company
Little Bear's Friend - Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak
Rediscover Jesus - Matthew Kelly
Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm - Herman Parish and Lynn Sweat
Sword and Serpent - Taylor R. Marshall
Frog and Toad are Friends - Arnold Lobel
Resisting Happiness - Matthew Kelly
Pumpkin Spice - Jenny Meyerhoff and Eva Chatelain - The Friendship Garden Book 2
The Watson Chronices - Ann Margaret Lewis
I Can Be ... Barbie Story Collection - Mary Man-Kong
Waking Up - Ted Dekker
Rediscover Jesus - Matthew Kelly
A Hole at the Pole - Chris d'Lacey
Teach Us, Amelia Bedeila - Peggy Parish and Lynn Sweet
Winnie the Pooh - A.A. Milne and Ernest H. Shephard
Made for More - Curtis Martin
The Stars Below - Ursela K. Le Guin
The Best Mistake Mystery - Sylvia McNicoll
Fear Itself - Andrew Clements - Benjamin Pratt & The Keepers of the School Book 2
After the Coup - John Scalzi - Old Man's War 4.5
The Mighty Phin - Nisi Shawl and Aaron Lovett
Attack of the Kraken - Kevin Sherry - The Yeti Files Book 3
The Plaque Givers - Kameron Hurley
Someday - Corinna Turner
Frog and Toad All Year - Arnold Lobel
Damage - David A. Levine
Juggling with Jeremy - Chris d'Lacey
And the Balance in the Blood - Elizabeth Bear
Echo's Lucky Charm - Catherine Hapka - Dolphin School Book 2
I Wish You More - Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld
Chicka Chicka ABC - Billa Martin Jr. and John Archambault
Ten Shiny Snowflakes - Russell Julian
A Shepherd in Combat Boots - William L. Maher
The Chameleon - Merrick Rosenberg
The House of Half Mirrors - Thoraiya Dyer
The Regensburg Lecture, Pope Benecict XVI and Islam - Pope Benedict
A Break in the Chain - Chris d'Lacey
Rainbow Rocks: The Mane Event - Perdita Finn - My Little Pony Equestria Girls
Days with Frog and Toad - Arnold Lobel
40 Years with a Saint: Blessed Alvara del Portillo on St. Josemaria Escriva - Cesare Cavalleri
A Kiss for Little Bear - Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak
Project Peep - Jenny Meyerhoff and Eva Chatelain - The Friendship Garden Book 3
How Full is your Bucket? For Kids - Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer
Icarus Down - James Bow
The Whites of Their Eyes - Andrew Clements and Adam Stower - Benjamin Pratt and Keepers of the School Book 3
Heart to Heart: Meeting with God in the Lord's Prayer - Rachel Starr Thomson
The Swan Riders - Erin Bow - Prisoners of Peace Book 2
Pearl's Ocean Magic - Catherine Hapka - Dolphin School Book 1
Into the Deep: Finding Peace Through Prayer - Dan Burke
A Little Taste of Poison - R.J. Anderson
I, Bificus - Bif Naked
Flight of the Moon Dragon - Tracey West and Damien Jones - Dragon Masters Book 6
Into The Deep: Finding Peace Through Prayer - Dan Burke
The Autobiography of James T. Kirk - David A Goodman
Dark Wyng - Chris d'Lacey - Erth Dragons Book 2
33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration - Michael Gaitley
Year of Faith Companion Holy Communion - Francis Fernandez
Amber Fang: The Hunted - Arthur Slade
The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues - Patrick Lencioni
The Maiden of Nazareth: A Story of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Javier Suarez-Guanes
A Case of the Meanies - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 4
Year of Faith Treasury: Prayer - Francis Fernandez
Sea Monster! - Jordan Quinn - The Kingdom of Wrenly Book 3
In Harm's Way - Andrew Clements - Benjamin Pratt And the Keepers of the School Book 4
Ivy and Bean Break the Fossil Record - Annie Barrows - Ivy and Bean Book 3
Henry Spaloosh! - Chris d'Lacey and Philip Reeve - Young Hippo Funny
Where are you going? To See my friend! - Eric Carle and Jazuo Iwamura
One of the Few: A Marine Fighter Pilot's Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview - Jason B. Ladd
Shrinking Ralph Perfect - Chris d'Lacey
Moses the Black: Thief, Murderer, Monk, Saint - Jared Zimmerer - Moses the Black Book 1
Be A Man - Father Larry Richards
Year of Faith Treasury - The Roman Pontiff - Francis Fernandez
Nine Words - Allen R. Hunt
No Fair! A Math Reader - Caren Holtzman
Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics - Henry Theiler
The Timeless Teachings of Saint John Paul II: Summaries of His Papal Documents with Questions for Study - John R. Fagan
Eva Sees a Ghost - Rebecca Elliott - Owl Diaries Book 2
We Hold These Truths - Andrew Clements - Benjamin Pratt and the Keepers of the School Book 5
A Dark Inheritance - Chris d'Lacey - Unicorne Files Book 1
Boris on the Move - Andrew Joyner - Boris the Hedgehog Book 1
About Average - Andrew Clements
Pawnee Warrior - Chris d'Lacey - Fly Cherokee Fly Book 2
Men of Mercy: Pope Francis Speaks to Priests
The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies - Lemonade War Book 1
77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids - Jerry Windley-Daoust
Joseph of Nazareth - Federico Suarez
Sign of the Cross - Saint Franccis de Sales
Who's In Charge - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 5
Bleeding Blue: Giving My All for the Game - Wendel Clark and Jim Lang
The Perfect Blindside - Leslea Wahl
Christian Self-Mastery - Basil W. Maturin
Alexander's Amry - Chris d'Lacey - Unicorne Files Book 2
Dexter's Journey - Chris d'Lacey and David Roberts
The Wilderness Within - Tim Pratt
Finding True Happiness - Fulton J. Sheen
Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel - Pope Francis
The 21 Undeniable Secrets of Marriage - Allen Hunt
The Way of the KING's Men - Mark J. Houck
Finding True Happiness - Fulton J. Sheen
Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality - Harold Burke-Sivers
The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic - Matthew Kelly
Lights Along My Path, A Friar's Journey in the Footsteps of St. Francis - Jack Wintz
Liberty and Learning: The Evolution of American Education - Larry P. Arnn
Something Blue - Courtnel Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 6
33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration - Michael Gaitley
Lunch Money - Andrew Clements
Franklin's Bear - Chris d'Lacey and Thomas Taylor
The Tenth Region of the Night - Taylor R. Marshall - Sword and Serpent Book II
A Crown of Dragons - Chris d'Lacey - Unicorne Files Book 3
Borrored Time - Greg Leitich Smith - Chronal Engine Book 2
Self-Knowledge and Self Discipline - Basil W. Maturin
Catholics, Wake Up! Be a Spiritual Warrior - Jesse Romero
The Strong Saint Abba Moses - Bishop Serapion
Seven Saints for Seven Virtues - Jean M. Heimann
Fire and Light: Learning to Recieve the Gift of God - Jacques Philippe
An Unexpected Role - Leslea Wahl
The Horarium - Philip Kosloski
Serviam! - Philip Kosloski
Distractions - Philip Kosloski
Fire and Light - Father Jacques Philippe
A Tower for the Coming World - Maggie Clark
The Transformation: GTE 45 - Faren R. Siminoff
The Systems Mindset: Managing the Machinery of your Life - Sam Caprenter
The World's First Love: Mary, Mother of God - Fulton J. Sheen
In Conversation with God - Volume 7 Part 2: Special Feasts: October - December - Francis Fernandez
Silence - Shusaku Endo, Translated by William Johnston
Fire Star - Chris d'Lacey - The Last Dragon Chronicles Book 3
Here. Now. A Catholic Guide to the Good Life - Amy Welborn
The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Buisness Win - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Kevin Vost
Superstar - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer Bell - Stella Batts Book 8
Domination - Jon S. Lewis - C.H.A.O.S. Book 3
In Conversation with God - Volume 1 Part 1: Advent - Francis Fernandez
Advent Meditations with Fulton J. Sheen
2016 Magnificat Advent Companion - Magnificat
Pardon Me - Courtney Sheinmel and Jennifer A. Bell - Stella Batts Book 3
Lost and Found - Andrew Clements

Books Read 2015  

Man Flow Yoga 30 Day MYF BAMFS Challenge - Dean Pohlman
Horsey Up and Down: A Book of Opposites - Kei Bernstein and Carolyn Jayne Church
Welcome Baby - Barbara Reid
How To Do A Handstand - Robin Peter Zander
Kiss Good Night - Amy Hest and Anita Jeram
One Sheep, Blue Sheep - Thom Wiley and Ben Mantle
Polar Bear Night - Lauren Thompson and Stephen Savage
My Backpack! - Scholastic Hop and Weldon Swanson
This Not That: Your Go-To Yoga Pose Correctional Guide - Erin Motz
Stick it! 11 Badass Exercises to Help You Stick Your Handstand - Erin Motz
This Not That: Your Go-To Yoga Pose Correctional Guide - Erin Motz
Stick it! 11 Badass Exercises to Help You Stick Your Handstand - Erin Motz
The Blood Gospel - James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell - Sanguines Book 1.0
Blood Brothers - James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell - Sanguines Book 1.5
The Monster Hunters - James Beesley and Jen Hamilton
A Bad Case of Stripes - David Shannon
7 Ways to Practice Lent - Joe Paprocki, DMin
Yoga Basics for Men: An Intro to Man Flow Yoga - Dean Pohlman 
Bad Yogi Cleanse Kit: Be Good, Fell Good. - Erin Motz
Fat Business Man: A Cautionary Tale - Mark Campanale
Fat Business Man: A Cautionary Tale - Mark Campanale
Thea Stilton and the Ice Treasure - Thea Stilton #9
Purely Healthful Oregano Oil - Joyce Johnson, ND
Purely Healthful Oregano Oil - Joyce Johnson, ND
Stone in the Sky - Cecil Castellucci - Tin Star Book 2
Lizard Radio - Pat Schmatz
The Manual For Spiritual Warfare - Paul Thigpen
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids - Teresa Anne Power and Kathleen Rietz
The Manual For Spiritual Warfare - Paul Thigpen
Reboot with Joe Fully Charged:7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving - Joe Cross
Reboot with Joe Fully Charged:7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving - Joe Cross
Fairy Wishes - Carol Barton and Charlotte Alder - World of Wishes
Confessions of a Failed Slut - Kathy Shaidle - Thought Catalog
Confessions of a Failed Slut - Kathy Shaidle - Thought Catalog
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathie Shaidle
gas stations of the cross - poems - Kathie Shaidle
Round Up the Usual Suspects: More Poems about famous dead people - Kathie Shaidle
Lobotomy Magnificat - Kathy Shaidle
A Seeker's Dozen: The 12 Steps for the rest of Us - Kathy Shaidle
A Catholic Alphabet: The Faith from A to Z - Kathy Shaidle
Thief of War - Beth Bernobich
Oddly Normal - Otis Frampton
The Thyme Fiend - Jeffrey Ford
A Terror - Jeffrey Ford
The Complete Advetures of Curious George - Margaret and H.A. Rey
Skeleton Cat - Kristyn Crow and Dan Krall
Jack Plank Tells Tales - Natalie Babbit
Grit in Your Craw: The 8 Strengths You Need to Succeed in Business and in Life - Robert Luckadoo
Ballroom Blitz - Veronica Schanoes
Sacred Space for Lent 2015 - The Irish Jesuits
The Magnificat Lenten Companion 2015 - Magnificat
Bench Press - Sven Lindqvist
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy #1
Desert Divers - Sven Lindqvist
The Lost Herondale - Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy #2
The Whitechapel Fiend - Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy #3
The Little Prince - Antoine ds Saint-Exupery - 7oth Anniversary Edition
The Fitness Expert Next Door: How to Change Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day - Michal Stawicki
Ambiguity Machines: An Examination - Vandana Singh
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health - William Davis
The Art of Persistence: Stop Quitting, Ignore Shiny Objects and Climb Your Way to Success - Michal Stawicki
A Personal Mission Statement: Your Road Map to Happiness - Michal Stawicki
The Art of Persistence: Stop Quitting, Ignore Shiny Objects and Climb Your Way to Success - Michal Stawicki
A Personal Mission Statement: Your Road Map to Happiness - Michal Stawicki
Learn to Read With Great Speed - Michal Stawicki
Elephants and Corpses - Kameron Hurley
How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement - Stephen R. Covey
Fit Dad Cooking: A Tasty Tale - Marc Campanle
Hidden Strengths: Unleasing the Crucial Leadership Skills You Already Have - Thuy Sindell and Milo Sindell
Fit Dad Cooking: A Tasty Tale - Marc Campanle
Outlaw Protocol: How To Live Like An Outlaw Without Becoming A Criminal - Justin Kaliszewski
Fit Dad Cooking: A Tasty Tale - Marc Campanle
Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day: Time Management Tips for Anyone Struggling with Work-Life Balance - Michal Stawicki
Stop That Frog! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver - Here's Hank Book 3
Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day: Time Management Tips for Anyone Struggling with Work-Life Balance - Michal Stawicki
The Scorpion Rules - Erin Bow
The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet - Tony Abbott, Tim Jessell - The Secrets of Droon 1
The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet - Tony Abbott, Tim Jessell - The Secrets of Droon 1
Journey to the Volcano Palace - Tony Abbott, Tim Jessell - The Secrets of Droon 2
Journey to the Volcano Palace - Tony Abbott, Tim Jessell - The Secrets of Droon 2
The Warden-Watch - A.R. Horvath
The Book With No Pictures - B.J. Novak
The Book With No Pictures - B.J. Novak
The Scorpion Rules - Erin Bow
Nothing But Shadows - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy #4
The Evil We Love - Cassandra Clare and Robin WIsserman - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy #5
Mix It Up - Herve Tullet
Mix It Up - Herve Tullet
Stop That Frog! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver - Here's Hank Book 3
Zoom! - Robert Munsch
The Ultimate Yogi Fitness and Nutrition Guide - Travis Eliot
The Scorpions of Zahir - Christine Broiden-Jones 
The Miracles of Rebound Exercise - Albert E. Carter
The Ultimate Guide To Rebounding Exercise: How To Use A Mini Trampoline Rebounder To Transform Your Health And Fitness - Richard Bell
Pale Kings and Princes Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman - Tales from the Sahdowhunter Academy #6
Press Here - Herve Tullett
Where Are My Books? Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Moriarty - Anthony Horowitz
Need - Joelle Charbonneau
Beyond Engagement - Brady G. Wilson
Bitter of Tongue - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy #7
I Am Margaret - Corinna Turner - Book 1          
The Three Most Wanted - I Am Margaret Book 2 - Corinna Turner
99 Perseverance Success Stories: Encouragement for Success in Every Walk of Life - Michal Stawicki
Man Flow Yoga Ignite Challenge - Dean Pohlman                   Man Flow Diet - Dean Pohlman
The Road to Yoga Ripped - Dean Pohlman
Trouble at the Arcade - Hardy Boys: Secret Files #1 - Franklin W. Dixon
Mythmaker - Marianne de Pierres - Peacemaker #2
You and Me - Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds
Who Said "Whoo"? - Sheryl Berk - Winnie the Pooh's Thinking Sport Series Book 12
Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 2
I Am Yoga - Susan Verde and Peter H Reynolds
Simplify Your Pursuit of Success - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 1
Secondhand Souls - Christopher Moore
The Elves of Cologne - Eve Tharlet, Anthea Bell and Agust Kopisch
Good Night, Cologne - Dorothee Hesse and Ute Simon
Cathedral and City Guide Cologne - Dr. Leo Schwering
Illustrated Hints for Health and Strength for Busy people - Adrian Peter Schmidt
Half-Minute Horrors - Edited by Susan Rich
Simplify Your Pursuit of Success - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 1
Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 2
Ivy and Bean - Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall - Ivy and Bean Book 1
Ivy and Bean and the Ghost That Had To Go - Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall - Ivy and Bean Book 2
To Be A Father - Stephen Gabriel
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel    
The Missing Mitt - Franklin W. Dixon - The Hardy Boys Secret Files Book 2  
The Bard Notes - Ludvig Sunstrom
Brain Training - Ryan Cooper
Brain Training - Sam Davis
Super Fan - Anthony Horvath
Willpower Non - William Wyatt
Self Discipline Now - William Wyatt
75 Practical Self-Development Tips - Ludvig Sunstrom
23 Anti-Procrastination Habits - SJ Scott
Selena The Sleepover Fairy - Daisy Meadows - Rainbow Magic
Body - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 3
Dinner and A Workout - Dean Pohlman
Frozen Story Collection - Disney
The Moon Over High Street - Natalie Babbitt
Just Like Father - Hans de Beer
Leniningen Verus The Ants - Carl Stephenson
Gauge - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #2
Diary of a Grumpy Old Git: Getting Through Life One Rant At A Time - Tim Collins
Gruffen - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #1
The Fiery Trial - Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - Shadowhunter Academy Book #8
Born to Endless Night - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - Shadowhunter Academy Book #9
Angels Twice Descending - Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman - Shadowhunter Academny Book #10
365 Best Imspirational Quotes: Daily Motivation for the Best Year Ever - K. E. Kruse
The Big Bad Blackout - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds - Judy Moody and Stink #3
Odd Duck - Cecil Castellucci and Sarah Varon
Shift Work - Tie Domi
Judy Moody: Mood Martian - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds - Judy Moody Book 14
Grabber - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #4
Good Morning Yoga: A Pose-By-Pose Wake Up Story - Marian Gates and Sarah Jane Hinder
Grabber - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #4 
Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds - Stink Moody Book 8
Good Night Yoga: A Pose-By-Pose Bedtime Story - Marian gates and Sarah Jane Hinder
Stink and the Shark Sleepover - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds - Stink Moody Book 9
The Heart of the Emotion Code - Bradley Nelson and Ric Thompson
The Art of Self Muscle Testing - Michael Hetherington
The Fire Within - Chris d'Lacey - The Last Dragon Chronicles #1
The Giant Smugglers - Solomon Matt and Chris Pauls
Recovering Faith: Stories of Catholics Who Came Home - Lorene Hanley Duquin
The Pangram Killer: A Serena Triton Detective Novel by Brandon M. Lipani
The Prompter - Chris d'Lacey
Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret Key to High Achievement - Michal Stawicki - Six Simple Steps to Success Book 3
Glade - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #3
Glade - Chris d'Lacey - The Dragons of Wayward Crescent #3
Prepare Him Room: Advent Family Devotions - Amy Welborn
Rediscover Advent - Matthew Kelly       
Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent and Christmas Reflections for Families - Sarah A. Reinhard
Stella Batts - None of Your Beeswax - Stella Batts #7
Overcoming Sinful Anger - Rev. T.G. Morrow
Overcoming Sinful Anger - Rev. T.G. Morrow
The Motivation Code - Anthony Smits
Inspiration Language - Anthony Smits
Inside Out Box of Mixed Emotions - Walt Disney Company

Books Read 2014

Creating Your Personal Life Plan - Michael Hyatt
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black
The 7-Day Prayer Warrior Experience - Stormie Omartian
Be A Prayer Warrior - Glenn Langohr
Prayer Warrior Book Of Prayers - Stormie Omartian
The Power of A Praying Husband Book Of Prayers - Stormie Omartian
The Power of A Praying Parent Book Of Prayers - Stormie Omartian
Be A Prayer Warrior - Glenn Langohr
Prayer Warrior Book Of Prayers - Stormie Omartian
The Power of A Praying Husband Book Of Prayers - Stormie Omartian
The Power of A Praying Parent Book Of Prayers - Stormie Omartian
The Little Moksha Yoga Book - Jessica Robertson and Ted Grand
7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting & Prayer - Bill Bright
Little Green Men at the Mercury Inn - Greg Leitich Smith and Andrew Arnold
Stink it Up! A Guide to the Gross, the Bad and the Smelly - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
The Gargoyle Code: Lenten Letters between a Master Tempter and his diabolical Trainee - Dwight Longenecker
Pope John XXIII The Good Pope - Wyatt North
The Road We Must Travel - Francis Chan, Eugene Paterson, Bill Hybels, and many more
Saints Alive News Stories of Old Saints Volume II Celtic Paths - Andrew M. Seddon
Saints Alive News Stories of Old Saints Volume I Saint of the Empire - Andrew M. Seddon
Saints Alive News Stories of Old Saints Volume II Celtic Paths - Andrew M. Seddon
Saints Alive News Stories of Old Saints Volume I Saint of the Empire - Andrew M. Seddon
Lucky Day - I Hunt Killers Prequel - Barry Lyga
Lucky Day - I Hunt Killers Prequel - Barry Lyga
Dept. of Speculation - Jenny Offill
Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Hooks, Helps and Hurts Us - Murray Carpenter
Tiassa - Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos Book 13
Clean Comfort: A Roadmap in Food and Memories: How I Went From 345 lbs. to a Size 8 by Learning the Real Meaning of Feeding Myself Well - Stacey Morris
11 Experiments That Failed - Jenny Offill and Nancy Carpenter
17 Things I'm Not Allowed to Do Anymore - Jenny Offill and Nancy Carpenter
You Know You're Thin When ... - Scott Spotson,Russel Roehling and Carissa Delamonte
Paarfirotica - Steven Brust
Clean Comfort: A Roadmap in Food and Memories: How I Went From 345 lbs. to a Size 8 by Learning the Real Meaning of Feeding Myself Well - Stacey Morris
What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything - Bane Chronicles Book 8 - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything - Bane Chronicles Book 8 - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
2 Meal Solution - Mike O'Donnell
3 Rules 21 Days: The IF Life Transformation - Mike O'Donnell
2 Meal Solution - Mike O'Donnell
3 Rules 21 Days: The IF Life Transformation - Mike O'Donnell    
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Pope John XXIII The Good Pope - Wyatt North
Choosing Joy: The Secret to Livng a Fully Christian Life - Dan Lord
The Iron Man - Ted Hughes
The Iron Woman - Iron man Book 2 - Ted Hughes
The Course of True Love - Bane Chronicles Book 10 - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
The Last Stand of the New York Institute - Bane Chronicles Book 9 - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson
The Desecrator - Steven Brust
Fireworks in the Rain - Steven Brust
The Desecrator - Steven Brust
Fireworks in the Rain - Steven Brust
Paarfirotica - Steven Brust
My Own Kind of Freedom (A  firefly Novel) - Steven Brust
Jhereg - Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos Book 1
The Incrementalists - Steven Brust and Skyler White
Peacemaker - Marianne de Pierres
Fathom Five - Unwritten Books 2 - James Bow
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health - William Davis
Danger Guys - Danger Guys Book 1 - Tony Abbott
Hacker - Outlaw Chronicles book 3 - Ted Dekker
Reconciliation: The Bloodlight Chronicles Book 1 - Steve Stanton
Nylon Angel - Marianne de Pierres - Parrish Plessis 01
Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? - Madeleine L'Engle
The Children's Story - James Clavell
Hell-Bent: Obsession, Pain and the Search for Something Like Transcendence in Competitive Yoga - Benjamin Lorr
Missy's Super Duper Royal Deluxe School Play - Susan Nees
Missy's Super Duper Royal Deluxe Field Trip - Susan Nees
Missy's Super Duper Royal Deluxe School Play - Susan Nees
Missy's Super Duper Royal Deluxe School Play - Susan Nees
Meltdown Madness - Looniverse #2 - David Lubar and Matt Loveridge
Stranger Things - Looniverse #1 - David Lubar and Matt Loveridge
Ricky Vargas #1 The Funniest Kid in the World - Alan Katz and Stacy Curtis
The Big Picture: 11 Laws That Will Change Your Life - Tony Horton
Zombie Surf Commandos from Mars! - Wierd Zone Book 1 - Tony Abbott
Career Day - Jasper Dent 0.5 - Barry Lyga
Neutral Mask - Jasper Dent 0.6 - Barry Lyga
Blood Boy - Jasper Dent 0.8 - Barry Lyga
Lucky Day - Jasper Dent 0.2 - Barry Lyga
Rain, Rain, Go Away - Caroline Jayne Church
This Hotel Is Haunted! - Geronimo Stilton - Book #64)
Strongest Conjuration - Skyler White - An Incrementalist Short Story
Blast Off - Danger Guys Book 2 - Tony Abbott
Danger Guys - Danger Guys Book 1 - Tony Abbott
Blood of my Blood - I Hunt Killers #3 - Barry Lyga
The Iron Trial - Magisterium Book 1 - Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
The Enormouse Pearl Heist - Geronimo Stilton - Book 51
Stone in the Sky - Cecil Castellucci - Tin Star Book 2
Return of the Vampire - Creepella von Cracklefur book 4 - Geronimo Stilton
The Iron Shirts - Michael F. Flynn
When Gods and Vampires Roamed Miami - Goddess War 0.5 - Kendare Blake Other Stories and Nothing But Time - Gerard Brennan
We Have Always Lived On Mars - Cecil Castellucci
Brother Prince Snake - Cecil Castellucci
Frost and the Snowman - Cecil Castellucci
Grandma's Gloves - Cecil Castellucci
Wee Danny - Gerard Brennan
Reboot with Joe Recipe Book: Plant Based Recipes to Super Charge Your life - Joe Cross
101 Juice Recipes - Joe Cross
Wee Rockets - Gerard Brennan
Unicorn Wishes - Carol Barton - Worlds of Wishes
Mrs Sorensen and the Sasquatch - Kelly Burnhill
Mrs Sorensen and the Sasquatch - Kelly Burnhill  
Hawk - Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos Book 14
A Stroke of Dumb Luck - Shiloh Walker - Colbana Files 0.5
Firstborn - Brandon Sanderson
Defending Elysium - Brandon Saunderson
The Mostly True Story Of Jack - Kelly Barnhill
Pony Wishes - Carol Barton - Worlds of Wishes
Building A Classic Physique - Jared Zimmerer
Building A Classic Physique - Jared Zimmerer
Wild Things - A.D. Dellamonica
A Kiss with Teeth - Max Gladstone
Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza - Carrie Vaughn
Doctor Who Lights Out - Holly Black
The Walk - Dennis Etchison
Maggot Moon - Sally Gardner
Bookmarks Are People Too! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver - Here's Hank Book 1
Against Authority - John Twelve Hawks
The Darkest Part of the Forest - Holly Black
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable - Patrick M. Lencioni
Princess Wishes - Carol Barton - Worlds of Wishes
A Short Tale About A Long Dog - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver - Here's Hank Book 2
Modo Ember's End - Arthur Slade and Christopher Steininger - Hunchback Assignments Graphic Novel
Chronos and Old Facts - Anthony Horvath
The Supreme Gift - Henry Drummond - Adapted by Paulo Coelho  
Ring of Time - Andrew M. Seddon
The Book of Manuals - Paulo Coelho
A Visit to Church - James Hahn
How to be the Happiest Person on the Planet - Marc Mero  
Freeing Tanner Rose - T.M. Gaouette - Faith and Kung Fu Book 1
City of Screams - James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell - Sanguines 0.5  
How To Do A Handstand - Robin Peter Zander
Easy Exercises: simple Workout Routine For Busy people In The Office, At Home, Or On The Road - Patrick Barrett

Books Read 2013

Evernote Essentials - Brett Kelly
The Circle Maker - Mark Batterson
Draw the Circle - Mark Batterson
Apostle of the Exiled St. Damien of Molokai - Margaret Bunson and Matthew Bunson
Draw the Circle - Mark Batterson
The Circle Maker - Enhanced eBook - Mark Batterson
How I Got Rich Writing C Papers - Andy Hueller
Game - I Hunt Killers # 2 - Barry Lyga
Draw the Circle - Mark Batterson
Firehouse - Mark Teague
Scoubidou: A Book of Lanyard & Lacing - Klutz - Karen Phillips
Fancy friendship Bracelets - Klutz - Anne Akers Johnson
The Not So Simple Life - Stephen Shea - aka Arthur Slade
Viper - Stephen Shea - aka Arthur Slade
Damage - Stephen Shea - aka Arthur Slade
Goofballs #3 Superhero Silliness - Tony Abbott and Colleen Madden
Coin Blaster Arcade - Klutz
Klutz Build a Book - Klutz
Headbands & Hairstyles - Eva Steele-Saccio - Klutz
Draw the Circle - Mark Batterson
A 40 Day Spiritual Workout For Catholics - Bob Rice
The Sandman - The Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce
The Man in the Moon - The Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce
The Testing #1 - Joelle Charbonneau
What Really Happened In Peru - Bane Chronicles #1 - Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan
The Testing Guide - The Testing Prequel - Joelle Charbonneau
Crush. Candy. Corpse - Sylvia McNicoll
The Mysterious Talent Show Mystery - Goofballs #4 - Tony Abbott and Colleen Madden
Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout - Stink Moody Book 8 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea  
Fyrelocke: Jack Boomershine and the Prophecy Untold - R. Christopher Kobb
One Dead Seagull - Scot Gardner
Zoe gets Ready - Bethanie Deeney Murguia
DC Universe Super Heroes Handbook - Lego - Scholastic
Camp Fear - Scooby-Doo - Lee Howard
A Merry Scary Holiday - Scooby-Doo - Lee Howard
Dino Destruction - Scooby-Doo - Lee Howard       
A Haunted Halloween - Scooby-Doo - Lee Howard
We Have Always Lived on Mars - Cecil Castellucci
Doll Bones - Holly Black
Bookmark Days - Scot Gardner
Johnny Hangtime - Dan Gutman
Sorrow's Knot - Erin Bow
The Wide, Wide Sea - Chaos Walking 2.5 - Patrick Ness
Snowscape - Chaos Walking 3.5 - Patrick Ness
The New World - Chaos Walking 0.5 - Patrick Ness
The Runaway Queen - Bane Chronicles #2 - Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
Yoga for Regular Guys: The Best Damn Workout on the Planet! - Diamond Dallas Page and Dr. Craig Aaron
Vampires, Scones, and Edmond Herondale - Bane Chronicles #3 - Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan
DDP Yoga Program Guide - Diamond Dallas Page
Apples A to Z - Margaret McNamara and Jake Parker
Bailey - Harry Bliss
Yoga for Regular Guys: The Best Damn Workout on the Planet! - Diamond Dallas Page and Dr. Craig Aaron
The Midnight Heir - Bane Chronicles #4 - Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan
Tampa - Alissa Nuttind
Death by Living - N.D. Wilson
Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black
The Rise of Hotel Dumort  - Bane Chronicles #5 - Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
Unsoul'd - Barry Lyga
Hugaboo, I Love You - Hans Wilhelm
This Little Light Of Mine - Shelagh McNicholas
You - Stephen Michael King
The Biggest Pumpkin Surprise Ever - Steven Kroll and Jeni Bassett
Rapunzel Let Down - Fairy Tale Retold #6 - Regina Doman
Tin Star - Cecil Castellucci
The Forbidden Stone - The Copernicus Legacy 1 - Tony Abbott 
Saving Raphael Santiago  - Bane Chronicles #6 - Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan
The Fall of Hotel Dumort - Bane Chronicles #7 - Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
Always Dance With A Hairy Buffalo - Ghost Buddy 4 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Independent Study - The Testing #2 - Joelle Charbonneau
Super Heroes Save The Day! - Trey King and Kenny Kiernan
DDP Yoga Program Guide - Diamond Dallas Page
DDP Yoga Certification Level 1 Training Guide - Diamond Dallas Page & Dr. Craig Aaron
The Circle Maker For Kids: One Prayer Can Change Everything - Mark Batterson and Antonio Javier Capara
Seal Up The Thunder - Erin Bow -  Erin Noteboom
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health - William Davis
What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything - Bane Chronicles Book 8 - Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan 

Books Read 2012


Caillou The Captain - Sarah Margaret Johanson and Eric Sevigny
Caillou Learns To Skake - Marion Johnson
Judy Moody (Was In A Mood) - Judy Moody Book 1 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Ish - Peter H. Reynolds
I'm Here - Peter H. Reynolds
The Sisters Club - Megan McDonald and Pamela A. Consolazio
Stink: Solar System Superhero - Stink Moody Book 5 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Zebrafish - Peter H. Reynolds, Sharon Emerson and Renee Kurilla
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer - Judy Moody Book 10a - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Cloudy With A Chance of Boys - The Sisters Club Book 3 - Megan McDonald and Pamela A. Consolazio
Stink The Incredible Shrinking Kid - Stink Moody Book 1- Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Emma's Emu - Kennthe Oppel and Kim LaFave
Alienation - CHAOS Book 2 - Jon S. Lewis
Buddy Loses a Tooth - Dinosaur Train - Craig Bartlet & Jim Henson
The Spooky Scavenger Hunt - Dinosaur Train - Craig Bartlet & Jim Henson
Stink-O-Pedia Volume Two More Stink-y Stuff from A to Z - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds
Judy Moody and Stink The Mad, Mad Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds
Every Body Matters - Gary Thomas
Firegirl - Tony Abbott
The Rule of Three - The Sisters Club Book 2 - Megan McDonald and Pamela A. Consolazio
The Case of the Terrible T. Rex - Michele Torrey and Barbara Johansen Newman
Judy Moody and Stink The Holly Joliday - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
The Dig - Zoe and Zeus Book 1 - Audrey Hart
Judy Moody Goes To College - Judy Moody Book 8 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Stink-O-Pedia Volume One Super Stink-y Stuff from A to Zzzzz - Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds
Judy Moody M.D. The Doctor Is In - Judy Moody Book 5 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker - Stink Moody Book 2 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
How To Think Like A Neandertal - Thomas Wynn and Frederick L. Coolidge
Right Behind - N.D. Wilson
Toadally Primal Smoothies - Todd Dosenberry
Mac at Work - David Sparks
Hero-Type - Barry Lyga
I Hunt Killers - Barry Lyga
Boy Toy - Barry Lyga
The Chronal Engine - Greg Leitich Smith
The Grave Robbers Apprentice - Allan Stratton
Into the Gauntlet - 39 Clues Book 10 - Margaret Peterson Haddix
Judy Moody Girl Detective - Judy Moody Book 9 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Stink and The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Judy Moody Gets Famous!- Judy Moody Book 2 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Judy Moody Predicts the Future - Judy Moody Book 4 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Execution - Escape from Furnace 5 - Alexander Gordon Smith
The Night Children - Escape from Furnace 0 - Alexander Gordon Smith
Epilogue - Escape from Furnace 5a - Alexander Gordon Smith
Mangaman - Barry Lyga and Colleen Doran
Surf Princess - Barbie Mermaids Tale 2 - Chelsea Eberly
The Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation - Mark Sisson
Look at Me! Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko
Diary of a Wimpy Vampire - Tim Collins
The Mad Mask - Archvillain 2 - Barry Lyga
Judy Moody Around The World in 8 1/2 Days - Judy Moody Book 7 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Judy Moody Saves the World - Judy Moody Book 3 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
BOB Books - Sight Words Kindergarten - Lynn Madlen Kertell and Sue Hendra
First Little Readers - Little Scholastic - Deborah Schecter and Anne Kennedy
Reconciled to God Daily Lenten Devotions - Amy Welborn
The Magnificat Lenten Companion 2012
Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
The Black Book of Buried Secrets - 39 Clues - Rick Riordan
Judy Moody Declares Independence - Judy Moody Book 6 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
That's not my truck - Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells
Please and Thank You - Jill Anderson and Michelle Berg
Sleepy Time Blessing - Sally Anne Conan and Nicole Rutten
Snowstruck Wilson - Chuggington
Cause I Love You - Jan Carr and Daniel Howarth
I Am Small - Emma Dodd
Read Me A Story - Canadian Favorites - Scholatic
Adventures of a Wimpy Werewolf - Tim Collins
Gregor and the Marks of Secret - Underland Chronicles Book 4 - Suzanne Collins
Her Decade - Barry Lyga
The Sixth Credit - Barry Lyga       
The Mating Habits of Whales - Barry Lyga and Jeff Dillon
Judy Moody's Way Wacky Uber Awesome Book of More Fun Stuff To Do - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Reconciled to God Daily Lenten Devotions - Amy Welborn
The Magnificat Lenten Companion 2012
Animals on the Farm - Chris Hernandez
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer - Judy Moody Book 10 - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Judy Moody's Double-Rare Way-Not-Boring Book of Fun Stuff To Do - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
The Ten Commandments Of Lifting Weights - Jared Zimmerer
Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm - Judy Moody Book 11 - Peter H Reynolds and Megan McDonald
Good Night, I Love you - Caroline Jayne Church
Judy Moody's Mini-Mysteries and Other Sneaky Stuff for Super-Sleuths - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Lacing Up To Reality - Maggie Clark
Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope - Amy Welborn
Toppling - Sally Murphy
Alien On A Rampage - Clete Barrett Smith
BOB Books - Sight Words First Grade - Lynn Madlen Kertell and Sue Hendra
Sideways Stories From Wayside School - Louis Sachar
The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl - Barry Lyga
So You Want To Catch Bigfoot - Jamie Michalak and Mark Fearing
Ant and Honey Bee: A Pair Of Friends At Haloween - Megan McDonald and G. Brian Karas
Seeing Red: The True Story of Blood - Tanya Lloyd Kyi and Steve Rolston
Megiddo's Shadow - Arthur Slade
When Monsters Escape - Underworlds 2 - Tony Abbott
Knees - Vanita Oeschlager
Curiosity Killed The Cat - Poison Apple Book 7 - Sierra Harimann
The Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation - Mark Sissonn
Zoe's Year - Barbara Reid
The Westing Game - Ellen Raskin
Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope - Amy Welbornn
Faith At Work - Kevin Lowry     
Goofballs #1: The Crazy Case of Missing Thunder - Tony Abbott and Colleen Madden
Faith At Work - Kevin Lowry
Goofballs #2: The Startling Story of the Stolen Statue - Tony Abbott and Colleen Madden
Holiness for Everyone - Eric Sammons
The Ten Commandments Of Lifting Weights - Jared Zimmerer       
The Homework Machine - Dan Gutman
The Smurfs: The Snow Giant - Peyo
Someday - Alison McGhee and Peter H Reynolds
Barbie: Fashion Fairytale - Mary Man-Kong
Green Lantern vs. the Meteor Monster! - DC Super Friends - Billy Wrecks
Barbie: I Can be A Rock Star - Mary Man-Kong
Barbie and the Diamond Castle - Mary Man-Kong
Ruby's Rainbow - Max and Ruby - Grosset & Dunlap
The Dead I Know - Scot Gardner
Holiness for Everyone - Eric Sammons
Brave - Magic In The Mist - Barbara Bazaldua, Caroline LaVelle and Grace Lee
Brave - Big Bear, Little Bear - Susan Amerikaner
Brave - A Mother's Love - Melissa Lagonegro, Maria Elena Naggi and Studio IBOIX
(you) set me on fire - Mariko Tamaki
The Detachable Boy: With One Loose Foot - Scot Gardner
Return of the Homework Machine - Dan Gutman
The Kid Who Ran For President - Dan Gutman
Potty Time - Caroline Jayne Church
Split! Splat! - Amy Gibson and Steve Bjorkman
Picture A Tree - Barbara Reid
Zero to Hero - Ghost Buddy 1 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
My Race Car - Ace Landers and David A. White 
The New Puppy - BOB Books - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra 
Cupcake Surprise! - BOB Books - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra
The Super Secret Adventure Club - George McClements   
How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah? - Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Unspoken - Henry Cole
How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas? - Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
1, 2 at the Zoo - Sue DiCicco
1, 2, 3 in the Sea - Sue DiCicco
Let's Get Dressed! - Caroline Jayne Church
Star Wars 1 2 3 - Scholastic
Star Wars A B C - Scholastic
Star Wars Phonics - Scholastic - Quinlan B. Lee
How To Make Big Bubbles - Klutz  - David Stein
The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch - T.M. Gaouette
Potty - Leslie Pattricelli
Jack and Jill - Salina Yoon
The Catholic Cookbook - From Our Family to Yours - Wyatt North Publishing
Catholic Prayer Book Volume 1 - Wyatt North
The Catholic Workout - Michael Carrera
Mind If I Read Your Mind? - Ghost Buddy 2 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Nightmare at the Book Fair - Dan Gutman
Such Wicked Intent - Kenneth Oppel
Praying Circles Around Your Children - Mark Batterson
Son - The Worlds Book 4 - Lois Lowry
Praying Circles Around Your Children - Mark Batterson
Exam Ref 70-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 - J.C. Mackin
The Circle Maker - Student Edition - Dream Big. Pray Hard. Think Long - Mark  Batterson
I Love You - Caroline Jayne Church (Cloth Book)
Outdoor Adventures! - BOB Books - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra
My School Trip - BOB Books - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra
I Can Ride! - BOB Books - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra
I Hate Bullies - Noodles - Hans Wilhelm
A Friend For Noodles - Hans Wilhelm
Gus Makes a Friend - Frank Remkiewicz
Silly Milly and the Mysterious Suitcase - Wendy Cheyette Lewison and Nadine Bernard Westcott 
Buddy to the Rescue - BOB Books - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra
Jillian Jiggs and the Great Big Snow - Phoebe Gilman
Oh, What A Christmas! - Michael Garland
Melty Beads - Klutz
Hand Art - Klutz
Magnetic A to Z - Klutz
Little Letters - Klutz
Spiral Doodle - Klutz
Cars Build and Race - Disney - Pixar - Klutz
The Circle Maker - Mark Batterson
The Circle Maker Enhanced Edition - Mark Batterson
Training Kit Exam 70-461 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - Itzik Ben-Gan, Dejan Sarka and Ron Talmage
Training Kit Exam 70-462 Admin SQL 2012 - Orin Thomas, Peter Ward and Bob Taylor
Year of Faith Companion - Magnificat
Tending the Temple - Dr. Kevin Vost, Shane Kapley and Peggy Bowes

Books Read 2011


Airborn - Kenneth Oppel
The Poison Eaters and Other Stories - Holly Black
Tunnels - Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams
Angel Burn - L. A. Weatherly
Escape From Lego City - Sticket Book - Sonia Sander
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
The Art of Steampunk - Art Donovan
Invasion - CHAOS Book 1 - Jon S. Lewis
The Genius Files: Mission Unstoppable - Dan Gutman
Lego City: Work This Farm - Michael Anthony Steele & Chuck Primeau
Mars Needs Moms! - Berkeley Breathed
Edward Fudwupper Fibbed Big - Berkeley Breathed
Pearl Verses The World - Sally Murphy & Heather Potter
Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole - Kathryn Lasky
Shades: 17 Startling Stories - Arthur Slade
Ghetto Cowboy - G. Neri
The Words That Shaped Me - Aliza Davidovit
Shades: 17 Startling Stories - Arthur Slade
The Field Guide - Spiderwick Chronicles Book 1 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
The Seeing Stone - Spiderwick Chronicles Book 2 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Lucinda's Secret - Spiderwick Chronicles Book 3 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Black as Night: A Fairy Tale Retold - Regina Doman
The Ironwood Tree - Spiderwick Chronicles Book 4 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
The Wrath of Mulgarath - Spiderwick Chronicles Book 5 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Notebook for Fantastical Observations - Spiderwick Chronicles - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Cat Calls - Cynthia Leitich Smith
40 Days to Optimal Health - Church Health Center - Dr. Scott Morris
Straight from the Hart - Bruce Hart
A Long, Long Sleep - Anna Sheehan
Along A Long Road - Frank Viva
G is for One Gzonk! An Alpha-Number-bet Book - Tiny DiTerlooner (aka Tony DiTerlizzi)
A Spark of Death - Bernadette Pajer
Can You See What I See? On A Scary Scary Night - Walter Wick
Ted - Tony DiTerlizzi
Can You See What I See? Picture Puzzles To Search and Solve - Walter Wick
The Very Itchy Bear - Nick Bland
Lego Star Wars Save The Galaxy! - Ace Landers and Greg Hyland
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You - Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
The Spiderwick Chronicles Care and Feeding of Sprites - Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
Aliens on Vacation - Clete Barrett Smith
Conquering Virtual Sprawl - Morris Brown, Danny Huang and Mike Riches
Can You See What I See? On a Scary Scary Night - Walter Wick
Lone Wolf - Wolves of the Beyond 1 - Kathryn Lasky
Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale - Holly Black
Conspiracy 365 January - Gabrielle Lord
Fugitives - Escape from Furnace 4 - Alexander Gordon Smith
Why God Matters - Karina Lumbert Fabiam and Deacon Steven Lumbert
Shadow Wolf - Wolves of the Beyond 2 - Kathryn Lasky
Red Glove - The Curse Workers Book 2 - Holly Black
Conspiracy 365 February - Gabrielle Lord
Midnight Howl - Poison Apple Book 5 - Clare Hutton
Children - Maggie Clark
The Capture - Gardians of Ga'Hoole Book 1 - Kathryn Lasky
The Nixie's Song - Beyond Spiderwick Book 1 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
A Giant Problem - Beyond Spiderwick Book 2 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Her Evil Twin - Poison Apple Book 6 - Mimi McCoy
Harry and Horsie - Katie Can Camp and Lincoln Agnew
Cookiebot! A Harry and Horsie Adventure - Katie Can Camp and Lincoln Agnew
Gregor The Overlander - Underland Chronicles Book 1 - Suzanne Collins
Skipping Stones At The Center Of The Earth - Andy Hueller
The Very Itchy Bear - Nick Bland
The Wyrn King - Beyond Spiderwick Book 3 - Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Pounds and Inches - Dr. A.T.W. Simeons
Come To Me In Silence - Rod McKuen
Fola (Karin Sadek) - The Seed
The Journey - Gardians of Ga'Hoole Book 2 - Kathryn Lasky
The Prophecy of Bane - Underland Chronicles Book 2 - Suzanne Collins
Project Dad - Todd Cartmell
Children - Maggie Clark
First Day On Earth - Cecil Castellucci
Children - Maggie Clark
Tantalize - Kierian's Story - Cynthia Leitich Smith & Ming Doyle
The Rescue - Gardians of Ga'Hoole Book 3 - Kathryn Lasky
Bluefish - Pat Schmatz
Circle the Truth - Pat Schmatz
Mousetraps - Pat Schmatz
Tia Isa Wants A Car - Meg Medina and Claudio Munoz
The Unwritten Girl - Unwritten Book 1 - James Bow
Fight This Fire! - Lego City - Michael Anthony Steel and Chuck Primeau
Lego City Heroes! - Alana Cohen and Dave White
Star Wars Millennium Falcom YT-1300: A 3-D Owners Guide - Ryder Windham, Chris Trevas and Chris Reiff
Anakin Space Pilot - Lego Star Wars - Ace Landers and David A. White
This Dark Endeavour: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein - Kenneth Oppel
Breaking Up: A Fashion High Graphic Novel - Aimee Friedman and Christine Norrie
Breaking Up: A Fashion High Graphic Novel - Aimee Friedman and Christine Norrie
Rose Sees Red - Cecil Castellucci
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Janes in Love - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Boy Proof - Cecil Castellucci
The Queen Of Cool - Cecil Castellucci
Beige - Cecil Castellucci (While listening to Cecil's Music.)
First Day On Earth - Cecil Castellucci
Breaking Up: A Fashion High Graphic Novel - Aimee Friedman and Christine Norrie
The 57th Keeper - R.G. Bullet
The 57th Keeper - R.G. Bullet
Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods - Underland Chronicles Book 3 - Suzanne Collins
Old MacDonald Had A Farm - Little Scholastic
Hey Diddle Diddle - Little Scholastic
Stacking Shapes Board Books - Little Scholastic - Salina Yoon
Lego Star Wars: Anakin: Space Pilot - David A. White
Trucks Around The City - Lego City
Tofu and T. Rex - Greg Leitich Smith
Figgs & Phantoms - Ellen Raskin
Rose Sees Red - Cecil Castellucci
The Siege - Gardians of Ga;Hoole Book 4 - Kathryn Lasky
Empire of Ruins - Hunchback Assignments #3 - Arthur Slade
The Brimstone Key - Grey Griffins Clockwork Chronicles 1 - Jon S. Lewis and Derek Benz
Beauty Queen's - Libba Bray
Mrs. Estronsky and the U.F.O. - Pat Schmatz
Clockwork Prince - Infernal Devices book 2 - Cassandra Clare
First Day on Earth - Cecil Castellucci
Stacking Shapes Board Books - Salina Yoon - Little Scholastic
The Snowman's Revenge - Mark Smythe and Mike Motz
Sideshow - Ed. by Deborah Noyes
Watch Wolf - Wolves of the Beyond #3 - Kathryn Lasky
The Start-Up - Sadie Hayes
Mariette in Ecstasy - Ron Hansen
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Boy Proof - Cecil Castellucci
The Queen Of Cool - Cecil Castellucci
Beige - Cecil Castellucci
Bluefish - Pat Schmatz
Darth Maul's Mission - Lego Star Wars - Ace Landers and David White
A Kiss For You! - Joan Holub and Caroline Jayne Church
3,2,1, Liftoff - Lego City - Sonia Sander & The Artifact Group
You Are My Cupcake - Joyce Wan
All Hands On Deck - Lego City - Marilyn Easton and Kenny Kiernan
How Do I Love You? - Marion Dane Bauer and Caroline Jayne Church
Catch That Crook! - Lego City - Michael Anthony Steele and Sean Wang
The Padawan Menace - Lego Star Wars - Ace Landers
I Love You Through and Through - Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak and Caroline Jayne Church
The Etch A Sketch Book - Klutz
Fire In The Forest! - Lego City - Samantha Brooke and Kenny Kiernan
Lights, Camera, Action Chugger! - Sarah Ball and Jacquelyn Bell, Ivy Silver
Lego Ninjago - Collector's Sticker Book
The Most Amazing Thumb Doodles Book - Klutz
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D - Pablo Hidalgo
Welcome to Chuggington - Sarah Ball and Jacquelyn Bell
Star Wars The Complete Saga - Jason Fry
Gifts - Jo Ellen Bogart and Barbara Reid
Star Wars Folded Flyers - Klutz - Benjamin Harper
Lalaloopsy - The Ballet Recital - Jenne Simon and Prescott Hill
Chuggington - Dinosaur Adventure! - Ian Carney
Star Wars Darth Vader - A 3D Reconstruction Log - Daniel Wallace, Chris Treves and Chris Reiff
Chuggington - Tug of War - Sarah Ball and Lorelei King
We Belong Together - Joyce Wan
Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds
Caveman Resurection - Jeff Pickett
The Visitors - Clone Codes Book 3 - The McKissacks
Legacy - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 1 - Clifford Riley
Tending the Temple - Dr. Kevin Vost, Shane Kapley and Peggy Bowes
Ignition - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 2 - Clifford Riley
The Battle Begins - Underworlds 1 - Tony Abbott
Hunted - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 3 - Clifford Riley
Bones: Terrifying Tales To Haunt Your Dreams - Ed. Lois Metzger
Crushed - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 4 - Clifford Riley
Haunted Love - Cynthia Leitich Smith
Turbulence - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 5 - Clifford Riley
At First Bite - Poison Apple Book 8 - Ruth Ames
Invasion - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 6 - Clifford Riley
Fireworks - 39 Clues Rapid Fire 7 - Clifford Riley

Books Read 2010


Geektastic:Stories from the Nerh Herd - Ed. Holly Black & Cecil Castellucci
Unearthing Your Ten Talents: A Thomistic Guide to Spiritual Growth through Virtues and the Gifts - Dr. Kevin Vost
Iorich - Steven Brust
Life of Me - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Lockdown - Alexander Gordon Smith
Geektastic:Stories from the Nerh Herd - Ed. Holly Black & Cecil Castellucci
Noah's Castle - John Rowe Townsend
Lockdown - Escape from Furnace I - Alexander Gordon Smith
Rose Sees Red - Cecil Castellucci
Silverwing - Kenneth Oppel
Sunwing - Kenneth Oppel
The Poison Eaters - Holly Black
The Wrong Book - Nick Bland
Firewing - Kenneth Oppel
Lullaby Moon - Rosie Reeve
Tracker's #1 - Patrick Carman
Lion's Lunch - Fiona Tierney and Margaret Chamberlain
I Spy - A Skeleton - Jean Marzollo and Walker Wick
The Life of Me (Enter at Your Own Risk) - Hank Zipzer Book 14 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Rose Sees Red - Cecil Castellucci
A Crazy Case of Robots - Barnes & The Brains #3 - Kenneth Oppel
Solitary - Escape from Furnace Book 2 - Alexander Gordon Smith
A Bad Case of Ghosts - Barnes & The Brains #1 - Kenneth Oppel
Welcome Summer - Little Scholastic - Nancy Davis
A Strange Case of Magic - Barnes & the Brains Book 2 - Kenneth Oppel
Death Sentence - Escape from Furnace Book 3 - Alexander Gordon Smith
The Confession of Saint Patrick and Letter to Coroticus - Translated by John Skinner
Thirteen Days to Midnight - Patrick Carman
City of the Dead - The Haunting of Derek Stone 1 - Tony Abbott
Called to Life - Jacques Philippe
Seeking Christ in Reading - Eugene Boylan
Loyalty to the Church - St. Josemaria Escriva
The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva
Msgr. Josemaria Escriva: A Man Fitted to the Needs of the Church - Cardianl Franz Koenig
The Beatification of Msgr. Escriva - Flavio Capucci
Ideals in Youth - Cormac Burke
Furrow - St. Josemaria Escriva
A Way to Holiness - Cormac Burke
The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
Christ is Passing By - St. Josemaria Escriva
Food for the Soul - Federico Suarez
The Ventures of Faith - Cardinal John Henry Newman
Opus Dei and it's Critics - Cardinal Joseph Hoeffner
Process Theology and Secularization - Edwin C. Garvey
Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer: His Love for the Church - Alvaro del Portillo
How to Pray - Rev. Francis Luna
Conversion of the Children of God - St. Josemaria Escriva
Christ Triumphs Through Humility - St. Josemaria Escriva
Time for God - Jacques Philippe
A Plan of Life - Joseph M. Muntadas
In the School of the Holy Spirit - Jacques Philippe
The Hunchback Assignments - Arthur Slade
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire - Gordon Korman
The Dead End - Poison Apple Book 1 - Mimi McCoy
This Totally Bites! - Poison Apple Book 2 - Ruth Ames
Bites: Scary Stories to Sink Your Teeth Into - Edited by Lois Metzger
Busy Day - Under The Sea - Miora Butterfield and Lee Wildish
Kid Builder Tool Kit - Salina Yoon
The New Baby Calf - Edith Newlin Chase and Barbara Reid
The Clone Codes - The McKissacks
Bayou Dogs - The Haunting of Derek Stone 2 - Tony Abbott
Be Careful What You Wish For: Ten Stories About Wishes - Edited by Lois Metzger
The Red House - The Haunting of Derek Stone 3 - Tony Abbott
When You Reach Me - Rebecca Stead
The Ghost Road - The Huanting of Derek Stone 4 - Tony Abbott
What Am I - Little Scholastic - Salina Yoon
Bite Me - Christopher Moore
White Cat - The Curse Workers Book 1 - Holly Black
Crazy Circus World - Jayce O'Neal
An Alien at Saint Wilfred's - Adrian Plass
How Green Was My Curate - Fred Secombe
The Theatrical Tapes of Leonard Thynn - Adrian Plass
A Curate For All Seasons - Fred Secombe
Goodbye Curate - Fred Secombe
The Chestnut King - 100 Cupboards Book 3 - N.D. Wilson
The Viper's Nest - 39 Clues Book 7 - Peter Lerangis
Boom! (or 70,000 light years) - Mark Haddon
A Brand New Me - Hank Zipzer 17 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Re-Gifters - Mike Carey, Sonny Liew, Mark Hempel
The Dark Deeps - Hunchback Assignments II - Arthur Slade
Hello Vicar! - Fred Secombe
Stress Family Robinson - Adrian Plass
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Benchpress - Sven Lindqvist
Yazmeenka Goes Electric - Teresa Henryka Panjer & Erin Panjer
Dead Water Zone - Kenneth Oppel
Mercury - Hope Larson
Mercury - Hope Larson
Vacations From Hell - Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Claudia Gray, Maureen Johnson, Sarah Mlynowski
Sea Change - Aimee Friedman
Debt is Slavery - Michael Mihalik
Instructions - Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess
Chiggers - Hope Larson
Chiggers - Hope Larson
Leepike Ridge - N.D. Wilson
Smile - Raina Telgemeier
The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson
How We Live Now - John Twelve Hawks
The Emperor's Code - 39 CLues Book 8 - Gordon Korman
My Daddy and Me - Amy F. Sklansky and Ard Hoyt
Beige - Cecil Castellucci
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Goth Girl Rising - Barry Lyga
Let It Fall - Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Calling All Cars - Lego City Adventure - Sonia Sander
Beige - Cecil Castellucci (Expanded playlist while reading)
A Wierd Case of Super-Goo - Barnes and the Brains #5 - Kenneth Oppel
An Incredible Case of Dinosaurs - Barnes and the Brains #4 - Kenneth Oppel
A Creepy Case of Vampires - Barnes and the Brains #6 - Kenneth Oppel
The Seventh Level - Jody Feldman
In The Time Of Noah - N.D. Wilson
The Dragon And The Garden - N.D. Wilson
A Tale Of Two Tales - Hank ZipZer 15 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
The Christmas Ship - Dean Morrissey
Ship Of Dream - Dean Morrissey
You Are Special - Max Lucado & Sergio Martinez
If Only I Had A Green Nose - Mac Lucado & Sergio Martinez
Emily The Strange - The Lost Days - Rob Reger, Jessica Gruner and Buzz Parker 
Janes in Love - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Nighttime - Too Dark To See - Todd Strasser
Janes in Love - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Archvillian - Barry Lyga
How To Build A Snowman - Little Scholastic - Jo Moon
Here Comes Easter ! - Caroline Jayne Church
Grumpy Bird - Board Book - Jeremy Tankard
Gray Horses - Hope Larson
Gray Horses - Hope Larsom
Gray Horses - Hope Larson
Fancy Nancy: Ohh La La! It'd Beauty Day - Jane O'Connor and Robin Priess Glasser
Fancy Nancy: Tea Parties - Jane O'Connor and Robin Priess Glasser
Nana's Getting Married - Heather Hartt-Sussman and Georgia Graham
Stick Man - Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Boy Proof - Cecil Castellucci
The Queen Of Cool - Cecil Castellucci
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Janes in Love - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Chiggers - Hope Larson
Mercury - Hope Larson
Gray Horses - Hope Larson
salamander dreams - Hope Larson
salamander dreams - Hope Larson
Villainology - Arthur Slade
Monsterology - Arthur Slade
Copper - Kazu Kinuishi
Clubbing - Andi Watson & Josh Howard
Token - Alisa Kwitney & Joelle Jones
Nighttime - Too Scared To Sleep - Todd Strasser
Nighttime - Too Dark To See - Todd Strasser
The Greatest Goal - Mike Leonetti & Sean Thompson
salamander dreams - Hope Larson
The Haunted House That Jack Built - Helaine Becker and David Parkins
Not That Kind Of Girl - Siobhan Vivian
Storm Warning - 39 Clues Book 9 - Linda Sue Park
Grandma's Gloves - Cecil Castellucci & Julia Denos
Grandma's Gloves - Cecil Castellucci & Julia Denos
Wolverine - Old Man Logan - Mark Millar, Steven McNiven
The Golden City - John Twelve Hawks
Not That Kind of Girl - Siobhan Vivian
Villainology - Arthur Slade
Monsterology - Arthur Slade
Invasion of the IQ Snatchers - Arthur Slade
Build This City - Lego City - Scholastic
The New York Four - Brian Wood and Ryan Kelley
Benchpress - Sven Lindqvist
Burnout - Rebecca Donner and Inaki Miranda
Kimmie66 - Aaron Alexovich
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Good As Lily - Derek Kirk Kim and Jesse Hamm
Confessions Of A Blabbermouth - Mike & Luiose Carrey and Aaron Alexovich
The Live-Forever Machine - Kenneth Oppel
All Aboard - Lego City Adventure - Sonia Sander
Alex O'Donnell and the 40 Cyber Thieves - Regina Doman
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Janes in Love - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
The New York Four - Brian Wood and Ryan Kelley
Burnout - Rebecca Donner and Inaki Miranda
Kimmie66 - Aaron Alexovich
Re-Gifters - Mike Carey, Sonny Liew, Mark Hempelh
Good As Lily - Derek Kirk Kim and Jesse Hamm
Confessions Of A Blabbermouth - Mike & Luiose Carrey and Aaron Alexovich
Clubbing - Andi Watson & Josh Howard
Token - Alisa Kwitney & Joelle Jones
Chiggers - Hope Larson
Mercury - Hope Larson
Gray Horses - Hope Larson
Salamander dreams - Hope Larson    
Smile - Raina Telgemeier
Cooper - Kazu Kinuishi
Kin - Good Neighbors Book 2 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
Kith - Good Neighbors Book 2 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
The Clockwork Angel - Infernal Devices Book 1 - Cassandra Clare
Purrsnikitty - Kathy Broadsky and Cameron Bennett
Postcards from Penguin - 100 Book Covers In a Box
The Radleys - Matt Haig
Nighttime - Too Afraid To Scream - Todd Strasser
Miss Fortune - Poison Apple Book 3 - Brandi Dougherty
Here Comes Christmas! - Caroline Jayne Church
The CrossBones - Skeleton Creek #3 - Patrick Carman
The CrossBones - Skeleton Creek #3 - Patrick Carman
Daddy Sneaks - Sharlene Weingart
Mommy Takes Away - Sharlene Weingart
Ivy Loves To Give - Freya Blackwood
Boo Hoo Bird - Board Book - Jeremy Tankard
Mockingjay - Hunger Games 3 - Suzanne Collins
The North Star - Peter H. Renyolds
Rose's Garden - Peter H. Reynolds
From Athiesm To Catholicism - Dr. Kevin Vost
The King's Taster - Kenneth Oppel
The Adventures of Meno #4 Uh-Oh Sick! - Tony & Angela DiTerlizzi
The Adventures of Meno #3 Yummy Trip! - Tony & Angela DiTerlizzi
Shark Vs. Train - Chris Barton & Tom Lichtenheld
Ghost Hotel - Canadian Chills #2 - Arthur Slade
The Huanting of Drang Island - Northern Frights #2 - Arthur Slade   Half Brother - Kenneth Oppel
Lego City - Ready For Takeoff! Sonia Sander
My Two Holidays A Hanukkah and Christmas Story - Danielle Novack and Phyllis Harris
Here Comes Christmas - Caroline Jayne Church
Mad At Mommy - Komako Sakai
8 Spinning Planets - Brian james and Russell Benfanti
Eat Stop Eat - Brad Pilon
Eight Days - A Story of Haiti - Edwidge Danticat and Alix Delinois
The Littlest Christmas Star - Brandi Dougherty and Sanja Rescek
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Samantha Berger and Amy Cartwright
Draugr - Northern Fights #1 - Arthur Slade
Eternal - Cynthia Leitich Smith
Tantalize - Cynthia Leitich Smith
free stallion - Amber Tamblyn
free stallion - Amber Tamblyn
Elimination Experiment Workout - Brad Pilon
The Zen Of Nutrition - Brad Pilon
Hallowed Knight - Arthur Slade and Dann O. Leveille
Hallowed Knight 2 Death Knell - Arthur Slade and Dann O. Leveille
Hallowed Knight 3 Blood Dimmed Tide - Arthur Slade and Dann O. Leveille
City of Bones - Mortal Instruments Book 1 - Cassandra Clare
Knuffle Bunny Free - Mo Willems
Jingle Dancer - Cynthia Leitich Smith, Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu
Santa Knows - Cynthia & Greg Leitich Smith, Steve Bjorkman
Peg and the Yeti - Kenneth Oppel and Barbara Reid
City of Ashes - Mortal Instruments Book 2 - Cassandra Clare
Oink? Margie Palatini and Henry Cole
The Wonderful Book - Leonid Gore
Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique - Jane O'Connor & Robin Preiss Glasser
Now You See Me ... - Jane B. Mason & Sarah Hines Stephens
Mac Integration Basics 10.6 - Apple
Plain Kate - Erin Bow
Grandma Loves - Sharlene Weingart
Cyborg: The Second Book of thew Clone Codes - The McKissacks
Indian Shoes - Cynthia Leitich Smith
Let It Snow - Maryann Cocca-Leffler
I Spy Santa Claus - Jean Marzollo and Walter Wink Jr.
I Love School - Hans Wilhelm
It's Christmas Time! Salina Yoon
The Snow Day - Komako Sakai
Winston of Churchill - Jean Davies Okimoto and Jeremiah Trammell
The Unknown Soldier - Linda Granfield
Blessed - Cynthia Leitich Smith
Fat Vampire: A Never Coming Of Age Story - Adam Rex   
Ninjas, Piranhas, and Galileo - Greg Leituch Smith
Holler Loudly - Cynthia Leitich Smith & Barry Gott
Vunce Upon A Time - Siobhan Vivian & J. Otto Seibold
Rain Is Not My Indian Name - Cynthia Leitich Smith
The Loki Wolf - Arthur G. Slade
City of Glass - Mortal Instruments 3 - Cassandra Clare
Rose Sees Red - Cecil Castellucci
Geektastic:Stories from the Nerh Herd - Ed. Holly Black & Cecil Castellucci
John Diefenbaker: An Appointment With Destiny - Arthur Slade
Return of the Grudstone Ghosts - Arthur Slade
Emiko Superstar - Mariko Tamaki & Steven Rolston
Water Baby - Ross Campbell
Emiko Superstar - Mariko Tamaki & Steven Rolston
Water Baby - Ross Campbell
Kin - Good Neighbors Book 1 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
Kith - Good Neighbors Book 2 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
Kind - Good Neighbors Book 3 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
The P.L.A.I.N. Janes - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
Janes in Love - Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg
The New York Four - Brian Wood and Ryan Kelley
Burnout - Rebecca Donner and Inaki Miranda
Kimmie66 - Aaron Alexovich
Re-Gifters - Mike Carey, Sonny Liew, Mark Hempelh
Good As Lily - Derek Kirk Kim and Jesse Hamm
Confessions Of A Blabbermouth - Mike & Luiose Carrey and Aaron Alexovich
Clubbing - Andi Watson & Josh Howard
Token - Alisa Kwitney & Joelle Jones
Kind - Good Neighbors Book 3 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
The Mighty Skullboy Army - Jacob Chabot
Zombies Calling - Faith Erin Hicks
The War At Ellsmere - Faith Erin Hicks
Zombies Calling - Faith Erin Hicks
The War At Ellsmere - Faith Erin Hicks
The Knife Of Never Letting Go - Chaos Walking #1 - Patrick Ness
The New World - Chaos Walking Prequel - Patrick Ness
You Are My Sunshine - Caroline Jayne Church
The Red Pyramid - Kane Chronicles Book 1 - Rick Riordan
The War At Ellsmere - Faith Erin Hicks
The More We Get Together - Caroline Jayne Church 

Books Read 2009


Orphan's Alliance - Robert Buettner
Fool - Christopher Moore
Roman Society Second Edition - Henry C. Boren
Ralphina, the Roly-Poly - Claudia Chandler
Her Mother's Face - Roddy Doyle & Freya Blackwood
The New Rules of Lifting - Lou Schuler & Alwyn Cosgrove
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Down the Drain! - Munsch & Martchenko
Amiri & Odette - Walter Dean Myers & Javaka Steptoe
Moon Shines Down - Margaret Wise Brown
Boo Hoo Bird - Jeremy Tankard
Exam 70-291 Implementing, Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows 2003 Network Infrastructure - Greg Bott
A Pocket Guide to Confession - Michael Dubruiel
Big Earth, Little Me - Thom Wiley & Kate Endle
The Snow Bear - Miriam Moss & Maggie Kneen
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathie Shaidle
God is Not Reasonable - Irma Zaleski
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Benchpress - Sven Lindqvist
Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure Exam 70-293 - Self-Paced Training Kit 2nd Edition - Craig Zacker
Exam 70-293 Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure - Craig Zacker
Jolted - Arthur Slade
Starclimber - Kenneth Oppel
The Walnut Cup - Elliot's Park Book 3 - Patrick Carman
The Maze of Bones - 39 Clues Book 1 - Rick Riordan
One False Note - 39 Clues Book 2 - Gordon Korman
The Sword Thief - 39 Clues Book 3 - Peter Lerangis
Peek A Boo! Playful Puppy - Tim Bugbird
Peel A Boo! Curious Kitten - Tim Bug Bird
A Pocket Guide to Confession - Michael Dubruiel
Boo Hoo Bird - Jeremy Tankard
100 Cupboards Book 1 - N.D. Wilson
MCSE Guide to Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, Enhanced Exam #70-290 - Michael Aubert
Exam 70-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure - Wendy Corbin
Beyond the Grave - 39 Clues Book 4 - Jude Watson
Terra Nullius: A Journey Through No One's Land - Sven Lindqvist
Pygmy - Chuck Palahniuk
The Princess Plot - Kirsten Boie
The Tenth City - The Land of Elyon Book 3 - Patrick Carman
living lexi': a walk in the life of a dyslexic - Shelley Trammell
Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Friend - Melanie Watt
Hide-and-Peek - Little Scholastic
Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words: From Accessories to Zany - Jane O'Connor and Robin Priess Glasser       
70-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 - Ian McLean
Wubbzy's Wild Ride - Jo Hurley and Frank Rocco
Night Flight - Mireille Messier and Carl Pelletier
I Got a "D" in Salami - Hank Zipzer Book 2 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Farm Animals - Developing Reader Level 2 - Wade Cooper
Don't lose Your Shoes! Tie Them instead! - Elizabeth Mills and Sarah Beise
Day of the Iguana - Hank Zipzer Book 3 - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Niagara Falls, or Does It? - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
I Got a "D" in Salami - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Day of the Iguana - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
I Love You because You're You - Liza Baker & David McPhail
Zippety Zinger - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
The Night I Flunked My Field Trip - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Holy Enchilada! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Peek A Boo! Animal Babies - Tim Bugbird
Exam 70-298 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network - Tony Northrup
Help! Somebody Get me out of Fourth Grade! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Catching Fire Hunger Hames Book 2 - Suzanne Collins
Summer School? What Genius thought That Up? - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
My Secret Life as a Ping-Pong Wizard - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
My Dog's a Scaredy-Cat: A Halloween Tail - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Don't lose Your Shoes! Tie Them Instead! - Mill & Beise
The Curtain Went Up, My Pants Went Down - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Barfing in the Backseat: How I Survived My Family Road Trip - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Who Ordered This Baby? Definitely Not Me! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
The Stories - J.F. Powers
Life of Me - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Bench Press - Sven Lindqvist
A Tail of Two Tails - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Dandelion Fire - Book 2 of the 100 Cupboards - N.D. Wilson
This Girl Isn't Shy She's Spectacular - Nina Beck
Peek A Boo! Perfect pets - Tim Bugbird
Dirkle Smat and the Viking Shield - Lynn D. Garthwaite
Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Friend - Melanie Watt
The Prince of Darkness and Other Stories - J.F. Powers
The Presence of Grace - J.F. Powers
The Snaggle Grollop - Daniel Postgate & Nick Price
When I Grow Up - Leonid Gore
Morte d'Urban - J.F. Powers
Look How the Fish Live - J.F. Powers
Fancy Nancy - Jane O'Connor and Robin Priess Glasser
Wheat that Springeth Green - J.F. Powers
Farmer Joe and the Musical Show - Tony Mitton and Guy Parker-Rees
Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy - O'Connor & Priess Glasser
Sylvie - Jennifer Sattler
J.F. Powers - The Christian Critic Series - Ed. Fallon Evans
J.F. Powers - Twayne's United States Author Series - Ed. Sylvia E. Bowman
Lions, Harts, Leaping Does, and Other Stories - J.F. Powers
The Stories - J.F. Powers
The Black Circle - 39 Clues Book 5 - Patrick Carman
Spooky Hour by: Tony Mitton and Guy Parker-Rees
Ghost in the Machine - Skeleton Creek Book2 - Patrick Carman
The Bumpy Little Pumpkin by: Margery Cuyler and Will Hillenbrand
Dieppe Canada's Darkest Day of World War II - Hugh Brewster
At Vimy Ridge - Canada's Greatest World War I Victory - Hugh Brewsters
Crow Call - Lois Lowry
On Juno Beach Canada's D-Day Heroes - Hugh Brewster
Truce The Day the Soldiers Stopped Fighting - Jim Murphy
Remembering John McCrae Soldier - Doctor - Poet - Linda Granfield
Kith - Good Neighbors Book 2 - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh 
Leaf Trouble - Jonathan Emmett and Caroline Jayne Church
Zoe's Windy Day - Barbara Reid
A Monster Wrote Me A Letter - Nick Bland
Perfect Snow - Barbara Reid
The Christmas Magic - Laureen Thompson and Jon J. Muth
On This Special Night - Claire Freedman and Simon Mendez
Have You Seen Birds? - Joanne Oppenheim and Barbara Reid
Zoe's Snowy Day - Barbara Reid
Welcome Fall - Little Scholastic - Nancy Davis
Help Is On the Way! Lego City Adventures - Sonia Sander
Welcome Spring - Little Scholastic - Nancy Davis
My Pretty Pink Purse - Tim Bugbird and Jane Horne
Fire Truck To The Rescue - Lego City Adventures - Sonia Sander
Welcome Winter - Little Scholastic - Nancy Davis
Effie - Beverley Allinson  and Barbara Reid
The Rocket - Mike Leonetti and Greg Banning
Wendel and the Great One - Mike Leonetti and Greg Banning
Toys - Little Scholastic
Dump Trucks and Dogsleds: I’m in My Way Mom! - Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
Zoo - Little Scholastic
Here Comes Halloween! - Caroline Jayne Church
I Lost My Kisses - Trudie Trewin & Nick Bland
Rock and Roll Shapes - Salina Yoon
The Perfect Gift - Mary Newell Depalma
While The World Is Sleeping - Pamela Duncan Edwards & Daniel Kirk
Noah's Castle - John Rowe Towesend
Fun With Opposites! - Peter Haddock Publishing
A Pirates Night Before Christmas - Philip Yates & Sebastia Serra
Lisl Eats Dirt - Michael Schmiedicke & Ben Hatke
Angel in the Water - Regina Doman & Ben Hatke
Fairy Tale Novel Paper Dolls Book - Cassandra Stevens
Our Fairy Tale Romance - Andrew Schmiedicke
If You Take A Mouse To The Movie - Laura Numeroff & Felicia Bond
If You Give a Pig A Party - Laura Numeroff & Felica Bond
In Too Deep -  39 Clues Book 6 - Jude Watson

Books Read 2008


Fit for Eternal Life - Dr. Kevin Vost
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathy Shaidle
Memorize the Faith - Dr. Kevin Vost
CompTIA A+ Guide to Hardware 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
CompTIA A+ Guide to Software 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
Network+ Guide to Networks 4th Ed. - Tamara Dean
Windows Vista Configuaration Exam 70-620 - Craig Zacker
Enterprise Support Technicians MCITP Exam 70-622 - Owen Fowler
Enterprise Support Technicians MCITP Exam 70-622 Lab Manual - Owen Fowler
MCITP Microsoft Windows Vista Desktop Support Consumer Study Guide Exam 70-623 - Eric Johnson & Eric Beehler
Network+ Guide to Networks 4th Ed. - Tamara Dean
The Way of the Cross - Josemaria Escriva
The Churches Most Powerful Novenas - Michael Dubruiel
The Way - Josemaria Escriva
The Forge - Josemaria Escriva
Furrow - Josemaria Escriva
My Own Kind of Freedom (A  firefly Novel) - Steven Brust
A Handbook of New Testament Greek Grammar - Dr. Peter Frick
Dark Hills Divide: The Land of Elyon Book 1 - Patrick Carman
Acoustic Ladyland Kathy Shaidle Unplugged - Kathy Shaidle
The World's Religions - Huston Smith
Worldviews - Ninian Smart
Fidelis: Borthpangs Book 1 - A.V. Horvath
Religion in a New Key - M. Darrol Bryant
The Sacred and the Profane - Mircea Eliade
The Sacred Pipe - J.E. Brown
Words of the World Religions - R.S. Ellwood Jr.
Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching - D.C. Lau
The Book of Hopi - F. Waters
Meaning of and Necessity for Prayer - M.K. Ghandi
The Way Things Are - Huston Smith
Acoustic Ladyland Kathy Shaidle Unplugged - Kathy Shaidle
Dump your Trainer - Marriott and Paulsen
The Wrath of Zar - Shayne Easson
The Legacy of Ogma - E.A. Rappaport
What They Want You To Know - Carter Shepard & Carolyn Cummings
God is Not Reasonable - Irma Zaleski
The Shadow of the Bear - Regina Doman
The Dark Hills Divide - Patrick Carman
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - John Boyne
Into The Mist - Patrick Carman
Lose Fat Not Faith - Jeremy Likeness
Infinite Space, Infinite God - Ed. Karina & Robert Fabian
Jhegaala - Steven Brust
Orphan's Journey - Robert Buettner
Beyond the Valey of Thorns - Patrick Carman
The Way of the Cross - Josemaria Escriva
The Way - Josemaria Escriva
The Forge - Josemaria Escriva
Installing Linux on a Dead Badger - Lucy A. Snyder
This book Isn't Fat it's Fabulous - Nina Beck
The Good Neighbors: Book 1 Kin - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
Morte D'Urban - J.F. Powers
Stargazer - Patrick Carman
The Way - Josemaria Escriva
The Forge - Josemaria Escriva
Furrow - Josemaria Escriva
I Choose to be Free - Jacques Philippe
Time for God - Jack Philip
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathie Shaidle
God is Not Reasonable - Irma Zaleski
The Old Bird: A Love Story - J.F. Powers
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Kenny & The Dragon - Tony Diterlizzi
Signs & Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christioan Symbols - Mike Aquilina
Stardust - Neil Gaiman
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
Rivers of Fire: Atherton Book 2 - Patrick Carman
Morte D'Urban - J.F. Powers
Wheat That Springeth Green - J.F. Powers
CompTIA A+ Guide to Hardware 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
CompTIA A+ Guide to Software 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
Signs & Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christioan Symbols - Mike Aquilina
Tribes - Arthur Slade
Dust - Arthur Slade
Saving Mister Nibbles - Elliot's Park Book 1 - Patrick Carman
The Haunted Hike - Elliot's Park Book 2 - Patrick Carman
New Rules of Lifting - Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove
Orphan's Alliance - Robert Buettner
Skeleton Creek - Patrick Carman
Skeleton Creek - Patrick Carman
The Party - Barbara Reid
Skeleton Creek - Patrick Carman
Pink! What's a Penguin to think when he turns Pink? - Lynne Rickards and Margaret Chamberlain
Grumpy Bird - Jeremy Tankard
The Very Cranky Bear - Nick Bland
The Subway Mouse - Barbara Reid
The Party - Barbara Reid
Read Me A Book - Barbara Reid
Fox Walked Alone - Barbara Reid
Grumpy Bird - Nick Tankard
Destined to Live: A True Story of a Child in the Holocaust - Ruth Gruener
Exam 70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment - Craig Zacker
Exam 70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment Lab Manual - Mark Fugatt
Exam 70-290 - Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003- Dan Holme and Orin Thomas 

Books Read 2007


Life After God - Douglas Coupland
The Way, Furrow, The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
In Conversation With God: Volume 1 Advent & Christmastide - Francis Fernandez Carvajal
Their Kingdom Come: Inside The Secret World of Opus Dei - Robert Hutchison
Byzantium - Stephen R. Lawhead
The Afterlife - Federico Suarez
The Sacrafice of the Altar - Federico Suarez
You Suck: A Love Story - Christopher Moore
everyone's way of the cross - Clarance Enzler
The Way of the Cross - St. Josemaria Escriva
The Way of the Cross - Oscar Romero
The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva
Food for the Soul - Federico Suarez
Loyalty to the Church - St. Josemaria Escriva
Furrow - St. Josemaria Escriva
A Way to Holiness - Cormac Burke
The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
Christ is Passing By - St. Josemaria Escriva
Seeking Christ in Reading - Eugene Boylan
The Ventures of Faith - Cardinal John Henry Newman
Meeting the Press: Two more Interviews on Opus Dei - Msgr. del Portillo
Opus Dei and it's Critics - Cardinal Joseph Hoeffner
Msgr. Josemaria Escriva: A Man Fitted to the Needs of the Church - Cardianl Franz Koenig
Process Theology and Secularization - Edwin C. Garvey
The Beatification of Msgr. Escriva - Flavio Capucci
Ideals in Youth - Cormac Burke
Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer: His Love for the Church - Alvaro del Portillo
How to Pray - Rev. Francis Luna
Conversion of the Children of God - St. Josemaria Escriva
Christ Triumphs Through Humility - St. Josemaria Escriva
The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva
The Jurdicial Mind of Blessed Josemaria Escriva: A Brief History of the Cononical Path of Opus Dei - Ernesto Caprros
The Valiant Papers - Calvin Miller
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
The Sea Within: Waves and the Meaning of All Things - Peter Kreeft
Socrates Meets Jesus - Peter Kreeft
The Witch of Portobello - Paulo Coelho
Sherman Oak and the Magic Potato - S. William Shaw
In Conversation With God: Volume 2 Lent & Eastertide - Francis Fernandez
Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart - Fr. Jacques Philippe
Sixtyfive Roses - Heather Summerhayes Cariou
Time for God - Jacques Philippe
Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart - Fr. Jacques Philippe
In Conversation With God: Volume 3 Ordinary Time Weeks 1-12 - Francis Fernandez
In Conversation With God: Volume 6 Special Feasts January to June - Francis Fernandez
Time for God - Jacques Philippe
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
The Dark River - John Twelve Hawks
The Least Among Us - Martin O'Shea & Tony Wright
The Dark River - John Twelve Hawks
Interior Freedom - Jacques Philippe
The Santa's Mysteries - S. William Shaw
I Choose to Be Free: The Power of Faith, Hope & Charity - Jacques Philippe
The Viliant Papers - Calvin Miller
Dzur - Steven Brust
Darkwing - Kenneth Oppel
The Santa's Mysteries - S. William Shaw
Sherman Oak and the Magic Potato - S. William Shaw
Business Communications - Brounstein, Bell & Smith
Microsoft Office System 2003 Edition - Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Word 2002 - Illustrated Series Introductory - Jennifer A. Duffy
Microsoft Excel 2002 - Illustrated Series Introductory - Reding & Wermers
Microsoft Access 2002 - Illustrated Series Introductory - Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Outlook 2002 - CCI Learning Solutions
Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 - Illustrated Series Introductory - David W. Beskeen
Twisted - Laurie Halse Anderson
CompTIA A+ Guide to Hardware 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
CompTIA A+ Guide to Software 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
CompTIA A+ Guide to Hardware 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
CompTIA A+ Guide to Software 4th Ed. - Jean Andrews
Religion in Popular Film - Douglas E. Cowan Editor
Network+ Guide to Networks 4th Ed. - Tamara Dean
Microsoft Windows Vista Guide - Jason Eckert
Network+ Guide to Networks 4th Ed. - Tamara Dean
Microsoft Windows Vista Guide - Jason Eckert
The Way, Furrow, The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
Career Focus Canada: A Persoanal Job Search Guide 4th Ed. - Helen Martucci Lamarre & Karen McClughan
Windows Vista Configuaration Exam 70-620 - Craig Zacker
Windows Vista Configuaration Exam 70-620 Lab Manual - Craig Zacker

Books Read 2006


Bible - Today's New International Version
Bible - New Living Translation
In the Eyes of Anahita - Hugo Bonjean
Amazing Church: A Catholic Theologian Remembers a Half-Century of Change - Gregory Baum
In Conversation With God: Vol. #1 Advent and Christmastide - Francis Fernandez
Bonis Pastoris - Pope John XXIII
Holy Rosary - Josemaria Escriva
The Way of the Cross - Josemaria Escriva
Conversations with Msgr. Escriva - Josemaria Escriva
The Tent - Margaret Atwood
Amazing Church - Gregory Baum
A Day with a Perfect Stranger - David Gregory
Between Cattails - Terry Tempest Williams
Running Scared: The Call of Pilgrimage - Tom Maddix
Zero A Biography of a Dangerous Idea - Charles Seife
Making & Remaking: The Many Masks of Thomas Merton - Michael W. Higgins
Mysteries of Light: Meditation on the Rosary - Pope John Paul II
Everyone's Way of The Cross - Clarence Enzler
May Crowning, Mass, and Merton: And Other Reasons I Love Being Catholic -  Liz Kelly
Christ in the Margins - Robert Lentz & Edwina Gateley
Christian Meditation - Joseph Ratzinger
Living the Year of the Eucharist - Josemaria Escriva
Christian Faith & Demonology - Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
On the Theology of Work - Jose Luis Illanes
The Way of the Cross - Josemaria Escriva
Examining Our Conscience: How to do it - Manuel Gordillo
Forming the Conscience - Peter Cabellos
On the Theology of Work - Jose Luis Illanes
The Way of the Cross - Josemaria Escriva
The Way - Josemaria Escriva
The Forge - Josemaria Escriva
Furrow - Josemaria Escriva
The Way of the Cross - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI
Charles de Foucauld: Journey of the Spirit - Cathy Wright
The Way of the Cross - St. Alphonsus Liguori
The Way of the Cross - Caryll Houselander
Handbook for Today's Catholic - Redemptorist Publications
Who Am I? - Irma Zaleski
A Dirty Job - Christopher Moore
God is Not Reasonable -  Irma Zaleski
Who is God? - Irma Zaleski
Conversion of the Heart - Irma Zaleski
The Way of the Cross in Times of Illness - Elizabeth Thecla Mauro
Stand Against the Wind - Erwin Raphael McManus
Understanding "Our Father": Biblical Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer - Scott Hahn
Sign of Contradiction: The Way of the Cross - Pope John Paul II
Way of the Cross - Pope John Paul II
Economic Way of the Cross - Maryknoll
Way of the Cross - Oscar Romero
Handbook for Today's Catholic - Redemptorist Publications
Deus Caritas Est - Pope Benedict XVI
Seven Last Words - Timothy Radcliffe OP
Deus Caritas Est - Pope Benedict XVI
With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life -Henri J.M. Nouwen
The Journeys of Socrates - Dan Millman
With Burning Hearts - Henri J.M. Nouwen
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathie Shaidle
gas stations of the cross - poems - Kathie Shaidle
Round Up the Usual Suspects: More Poems about famous dead people - Kathie Shaidle
Round up the Usual Suspects - Kathie Shaidle
gas stations of the cross - Kathie Shaidle
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathie Shaidle
Letter & Spirit - Scott Hahn
God Rides a Yamaha - Kathie Shaidle
In Conversation With God: Vol. #2 Lent & Eastertide - Francis Fernandez
Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
Guidebook to Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
Hoot - Carl Hiaasen
Why Suffer - Mary Ann Budnik
Life of Faith - Josemaria Escriva
The Riches of Faith - Josemaria Escriva
Walking With God - Kilian J. Healy
John Paul II and Aquinas on the Eucharist - Matthew Levering
Business Ethics & Catholic Social Thought - G. L. McAleer
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Undressing the Bear - Terry Tempest Williams
Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
Guidebook to Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
Public Lives Private Prayers - Mary Reath
Handbook of Prayers - Rev. James Socias
In Conversation With God: Vol. #6 Special Feasts -Francis Fernandez
In Conversation With God: Vol.#3 Ordinary Time Weeks 1-12-Francis Fernandez
Through Painted Deserts - Donald Miller
Legacy: A Story of Generosity - James B. Stenson
Dispositions for Faith - John Henry Cardinal Newman
When God Calls - Frederico Suarez
With All Our Mind - Frederico Suarez
It's Not Easy To Believe - Michael Adams
Parents, Children and the Rules of Life - Cormac Burke
Sir Thomas More: The Making of a Saint - Thomas McGovern
With Respect to Sex - Daryl Glick
How to Pray - Rev. Francis Luna
Sanctifying Ordinary Work - Andrew Byrne
Coming Down The Home Stretch - James B. Stenson
Organizing and Running a Parent Discussion Group - James B. Stenson
God's Armor Bearer: How to Serve God's Leaders - Terry Nance
How Parents Deal With Effectively With Adolescents - James B. Stenson
The Vision of Parent Leaders - James B. Stenson
God is Not Reasonable - Irma Zaleski
Table Manners for the Home - James B. Stenson
A Father's Unity of Life - James B. Stenson
How Does A Father Protect His Family - James B. Stenson
God's Armor Bearer Book II: Bloom Where your Planted - Terry Nance
Professionalism & Workplace Savvy - James B. Stenson
Discipline, What Works and Why - James B. Stenson
Order - Joseph L. Soria
Danger Signs Families Headed for Trouble - James B. Stenson
Family Rules: The Power of We - James B. Stenson
Order - Joseph L. Soria
Successful Fathers: The Subtle but Powerful Ways Fathers Mold Their Children's Characters - James B. Stenson
God's Armor Bearer Book I - Terry Nance
God's Armor Bearer Book II - Terry Nance
A Treasury of Prayers - James W. Albrecht
Marriage God's School of Love - Rev. Cormac Burke
Freedom, From What, For What - Rev. Cormac Burke
The Reasonableness of Christianity - Peter Kreeft
Reinventing Dad - Dennis Helming
The Nature and Spirit of Opus Dei - Andrew Byrne
What to Expect When You're Expecting - Murkoff, Eisenberg and Hathaway
Your Pregnancy: Week by Week - Curtis & Schuler
Your Pregnancy: for the Father To Be - Curtis & Schuler
To Make A Good Retreat - David Chandler
A Treasury of Prayer - James W. Albrecht
Diary of a City Priest - George Wiliam Rutler
Devotion to St. Joseph - F. Declaux
Quamquam Pluries - Pope Leo XIII
Methods of Saying the Rosary - St. Louis de Montfort
Secrets of the Rosary - St. Louis de Montfort
Between Heaven & Hell - Peter Kreeft
The Best Things in Life - Peter Kreeft
Loving the Holy Mass - Edward G. Maristany
The Holy Eucharist Prayerbook - Alfred McBride
Reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary - Mark G.Boyer
The Holy Eucharist Prayerbook - Alfred McBride
The Third Way - Waltar Wink
Pilgrimage and Exile: Mother Marianne of Molokai - Sister Mary lawrence Hanley & O.A. Bushnell
Loving the Holy Mass - Edward G. Maristany
Love Letters to the South - Naomi Strasser
The Unaborted Socrates - Peter Kreeft
The Best Things in Life - Peter Kreeft
The Way, Furrow, The Forge - St. Josemaria Escriva
Intimacy - Henri J.M. Nouwen
Love & Economic Competition - Erich Fromm
Teaching Empathy - William J. O'Malley S.J.
In Conversation With God: Vol. #4 Ordinary Time Weeks 13-23 -Francis Fernandez
The Art of Loving - Erich Fromm
The Journey - Peter Kreeft
Read me a Book - Barbara Reid
The Gift of an Angel - Marianne Richmond
Vipers Tangle - Francois Mauriac
Nichomachean Ethics - Aristotle
Lysis - Plato
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Friendship and Everyday Life - P.J. Wadell
When Harry & Slly Read the Nichomachean Ethics - G. Meilander
Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace: - My Spiritual Journey in Opus Dei - Scott Hahn
Lobotomy Magnificat - Kathy Shaidle
Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace - Scott Hahn
Lobotomy Magnificat - Kathy Shaidle
A Seeker's Dozen: The 12 Steps for the rest of Us - Kathy Shaidle
A Catholic Alphabet: The Faith from A to Z - Kathy Shaidle
Round up the Usual Suspects - Kathy Shaidle
gas station of the cross - Kathy Shaidle
The Four Loves - C.S. Lewis
Everyday for Everyman - Stephen Arterburn
Life After God - Douglas Coupland
Call Him Father - Edward G. Maristany
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
Call Him Father - Edward G. Maristany
Sexual Paradoxes of Contemporary Life - Rollo May
The Soul of Sex - Thomas Moore
Appararitions of Mary - Donal Anthony Foley
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
The Way of Suffering - Jerome A. Miller
In Conversation With God: Vol. #5 Ordinary Time Weeks 24-34 -Francis Fernandez
The Prodigal Son - Georges Chevrot
Sexuality and the Sacred - J. B. Nelson & S. Longfellow
Friendship and the Moral Life - Paul J. Wadell C.P.
The Future of Love - Barbara Graham
The Way of Suffering - Jerome A. Miller
Love and the Hope for a Just Society - M. Douglas Meeks
Becoming Human - Jean Vanier
The Struggle against Poverty - Episcopal Commission
In Conversation With God: Vol. #7 Special Feasts July - December -Francis Fernandez
Handbook of Christian Apologetics - Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli
Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics - Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli
A Guidebook of Confession - Donal O'Cuilleanain

Books Read 2005


Bible - Today's New International Version
Bible - New Living Translation
Life After God - Douglas Coupland
Red: Passion & Patience in the Desert-Terry Tempest Williams
Steal this filesharing book -Wallace Wang
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy - Tim Burton
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon
Our Lady of the Fishnet Stockings - Christopher Moore
I made most of it up - Chuck Palahniuk
The Barbarian Way - Erwin McManus
Refuge - Terry Tempest Williams
School Spirit - Pierre Huygne & Douglas Coupland
Stanley Yelnats Survival Guide to Camp Greenlake - Louis Sachar
Traveler - John Twelve Hawks
Honeymoon in Berlin - Tom Walmsley
Bloodsucking Fiends - Christopher Moore
Celtic Inspirations - Lyn Webster Wilde
Beyond the Dark House - Guy Gavriel Kay
conamara blues - John O'Donohue
The Gift of the Hawk - Randy Lundy
Something from Nothing - Phoebe Gilham
Paved with Good Intentions - C.S. Lewis
Eight Principles to Live Your Life By - Dr. James MacDonald
On Being a Christian Academic - Dr. William Lane Craig
Life After God - Douglas Coupland
The Subject Steve - Sam Lipsyte
Pieces of Whiteshell - Terry Tempest Williams
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Terry - Douglas Coupland
The Rats of Hamelin - Adam & Keith McCune
The Highwayman - Alfred Noyes
The Singer - Calvin Miller
Elizabeth Rex - Timothy Findley
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
The Harmnica - Tony Johnston
Life By Design - Todd Duncan
The Choice is Yours - John C. Maxwell
Why Book's are Dangerous - Neil Gaimen
The Journey from Success to Significance - John C. Maxwell
Shed Skin - Robert J. Sawyer
Hominids - Robert J. Sawyer
Humans - Robert J. Sawyer
Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
The Body Artist - Don Delillo
A Sound Like Someone trying not to make a sound - John Irving
Hybrids - Robert J. Sawyer
With Bound Hands: Alfred Delp - Mary Francais Coady
A Jewish Doctor in Auschwitz - Sima Vaisman
Charity - Mark Richard
I already love you - Billy Crystal
The Name of the World - Denis Johnson
Boy of the Deeps - Ian Wallace
Mavis & Merna - Ian Wallace
The True story of trapper Jack's Left Big Toe - Ian Wallace
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Dr. White - Jane Goodall
Pocketful of Kisses - Audrey Penn
Harriet; You'll Drive me Wild - Mem Fox
Antartic Antics: A book of Penguin Poems - Judy Sierra
The Ice at the Bottom of the World - Mark Richard
The Kissing Hand - Audrey Penn
Friend on Freedom River - Gloria Whelan
Fugitives & Refugees - Chuck Palahniuk
Silenced - Jerry B. Jenkins
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Orphanage - Robert Buettner
The Road to Dune - Frank Herbert
Nightmare Before Christmas - Tim Burton
Overheard at the Bookstore - Judith Henry
Orphanage - Robert Buettner
The Road to Dune - Frank Herbert
Nightmare Before Christmas - Tim Burton
Overheard at the Bookstore - Judith Henry
The Iron Tonic - Edward Gorey
Capt. Hook - J. V. Hart
Conversations With Ransomed Heart - Loving A Man - Loving A Woman - John Eldredge Et. All
The Zahir - Paulo Coelho
Life After God - Douglas Coupland
The Zahir - Paulo Coelho
Orphan's Destiny - Robert Buettner
Dead Man Walking - Sr. Helen Prejean
Critical Theology - Gregory Baum
Ethics & Community - Enrique Dussel
The God of Life - Gustave Gutierrez
Shadowed - Jerry Jenkins
Even Firefighters Hug their Mom - Christine Kole MacLean
An Unspoken Hunger - Terry Tempest Williams
Gustavo Gutierrez: An Introduction - Robert McAfee Brown
Ethics 101 - John C. Maxwell
Night - Elie Wiesel
Catholicism in the Third Millennium - Thomas P. Rausch
Theology, Politics and Peace - Ed. Theodore Runyan
Night - Elie Wiesel
The Penelopiad - Margaret Atwood
Weight - Jeanete Winterson
Tales of Adam - Daniel Quinn
Tales of Adam - Daniel Quinn
Sly Moves - Sylvester Stallone
Medellin Documents on Social Justic - CELAM
Oranges are not the only fruit - Jeanette Winterson
God's Medicine Bottle - Derek Prince
Forgiving the Dead Man Walking - Debbie Morris
The Wisdom of the Desert - Thomas Merton
Hep! Hep! Hep! - Cynthia Ozick
Why? - Andrew M. Greeley
Compassion and Solidarity - Gregory Baum
Amazing Grace - Jonatha Kozol
Warrior - Nelson Mandela
Benchpress - Sven Lindqvist
Hind Swaray - M.K. Ghandi
Women, Body, Nature - Rosemary Radford Reuther
Benchpress - Sven Lindqvist
The Confessions of St. Patrick - Saint Patrick
The Warm Sand - J.F. Powers
The Skull Measurer's Mistake - Sven Lindqvist
Lost Christianities - Bart D. Ehrman
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Great World Religions: Judaism - Isaiah M. Gafni
Apocalypse Then: Apocalypse Now - Arthur Williamson
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
The Warm Sand - J.F. Powers
Wheat That Springeth Green - J.F. Powers
Look How The Fish Live - J.F. Powers
The Many Love's of Thomas Merton - Michael W. Higgins
Spirituality and Reason - Michael W. Higgins
Prince of Darkness and Other Stories - J.F. Powers
The Presence of Grace - J.F. Powers
Epic - John Eldredge
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Epic - John Eldredge
From Protestant Minister to Roman Catholic - Dr. Scott Hahn
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
The Warm Sand - J.F. Powers
Gut Symmetries - Jeanette Winterson
Diary of an Old Soul - George MacDonald
Boating for Beginners - Jeanette Winterson
Knulp - Hermann Hess
Religious Nuts Political Fanatics: U2 In Theological Perspective - Robert Vagacs
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Religious Nuts Political Fanatics: - Robert Vagacs
The Warm Sand - J.F. Powers
Father Damien: An Open Letter to Rev. Dr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
A Holy Meal: The Lord's Supper in the life of the Church - Gordon T. Smith
Weight - Jeanette Winterson
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas - Various
Penelopiad - Margaret Atwood
Life After God - Douglas Coupland
The Way of Opus Dei - David Van Brema

Books Read 2004

Bible - New Revised Standard Version
Wild At Heart Field Manuel - John Eldredge
Angel's & Demons - Dan Brown
The 1 Thing - Thom & Joani Schultz
Relationships 101 - John C. Maxwell
The Painted Bird - Jerzy Kosinski
I am a Duck - Wilkins & Wakefield
Extermiate all the Brutes - Sven Lindqvist
Sleeping with Bread - The Linns
BodyBuilding 101 - Dr. Wolfe
There Was A Book - Chuck Palahniuk
You Have What it Takes - John Eldredge
Ragman - Walter Wagerin Jr.
The Voice - R.L. MaLean
Sethra Lavode - Steven Brust
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Best of All - Max Lucado
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Messenger - Lois Lowry
The Lorax - Dr. Seuss
Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball - Vicki Churchill
Shadowmancer - - G.P. Taylor
A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. LeGuin
Bob the Builder - We Can Do it - ?
Epic - John Eldredge
The Counsels of Cormac - Thomas Cleary Trans.
Day of the Dead - Johnston & Winter
There was a book - Chuck Palaniuk
The Eye's of Heisenberg - Frank Herbert
Guts - Chuck Palahniuk
Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk
The Green Brain - Frank Herbert
Off the Wall at Callahan's - Spider Robinson
Holes - Louis Sachar
Religious Values & Peak Expieriences - Abraham Maslow
God And I Broke Up - Katrina Mazetti
Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk
Stainless Steel Leech - Roger Zelazny
Choke - Chuck Palahniuk
Hank Zipzer: Day of the Iguana - Henry Winkler
Lullyaby - Chuck Palahniuk
Dream - Susan V. Bosak
something to remember me By - Susan V. Bosak
The Dot - Peter H. Renyolds
ish ... - Peter H. Renyolds
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Butter Battle Book - Dr. Seuss
Diary - Chuck Palahniuk
Yakov and the Seven Thieves - Madonna
The Adventures of ABDI - Madonna
Mr. Peabody's Apples - Madonna
Hank Zipzer: Niagra Falls or Does it - Henry Winkler
Hank Zipzer: I ot a 'D' in Salami - Henry Winkler
Hank Zipzer: The Night I flunked my Fieldtrip - Henry Winkler
Hank Zipzer: Holy Enchilada - Henry Winkler
Hank Zipzer: Help! Get me out of the 4th Grade - Henry Winkler
Life After God - Douglas Coupland

Books Read 2003

Bible - New American Standard Bible
Bible - Jewish New testament
Planet's In Peril: A critical Study of C.S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy - David C. Downing
Faust Amoung Equal's - Tom Holt
Passion Play - Jerzy Kosinski
Issola - Steven Brust
Warrior of Light - Paulo Coelho
Starbright - Andrew M. Greeley
The Blue Day Book - Bradley Trevor Grieve
Samurai Spirit - Burt Konzak
Noguchi The Samurai - Burt Konzak
Wild at Heart - John Eldredge
Autumn Lightening - Dave Lowry
The Boy Who Cried Abba - Brennon Manning
Little People - Tom Holt
A Heart Like Jesus - Max Lucado
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
The Telling - Ursula K. Leguin
Thinking Like a Mountain - Robert Bateman
Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
The Innkeepers Song - Peter S. Beagle
Soon - Jerry B. Jenkins
The Paths of the Dead - Steven Brust
The Lord of Castle Black - Steven Brust
The Dream Giver - Bruce Wilkinson
The Third Funeral - Kevin Bowen
The Wisdom of narnia - C.S. Lewis
Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
Wild At Heart Field Manual - John Eldredge
Morph! - Ron Martoia
A History of Christian Thought - William C. Placher
Bench Press - Sven Lindqvist
Joy of Selflessness - James MacDonald
Finder - Emma Bull
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Joy of Selflessness - James MacDonald
Joy of Jesus - James MacDonald
Joy of Following Christ - James MacDonald
The Alchmist - Paulo Coelho
Joyful Mind - James MacDonald
God is always at Work - James MacDonald
Desert Divers - Sven Lindqvist
A Man Called Blessed - Bill Bright & Ted Dekker
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Budo Secrets - John Stevens
Attitude 101 - John Maxwell

Books Read 2002

Bible - TNIV Today's New International Version
A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Sacred Visions - Andrew M. Geeley Ed.
The Man Who Created Narnia - Michael Coren
The Fifth Mountain - Paulo Coelho
Dust - Arthur Slade
Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho
Number the Star's - Lois Lowry
Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
Calculating God - Robert J. Sawyer
By The River Pedra, I Sat Down and Wept - Paulo Coelho
Mother Macrina - Irma Zaleski
The Challange of Jesus - N.T. Wright
The Pilgrimage - Paulo Coelho
Men with Brooms - Diane Baker Mason
Living the Jesus Prayer - Irma Zaleski
The Way of Repentance - Irma Zaleski
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer - Joyce Reardon
The Tale of an Unknown Island - Jose Saramago
My Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
The Story of B - Daniel Quinn
The Future of Religion - Bob Harvey
Today I am a Boy - David Hays
Slaves of the Mastery - William Nicholson
The Other Wind - Ursula K. Leguin
Mentoring: Ministry of Spiritual Kinship - Edward Sellner
A Single Shard - Linda Sue Park
Morrie in His own Words - Morrie Schwartz
Jesus & Mary - Henri J.M. Nouwen
Hart Speaks to Heart - Henri J.M. Nouwen
The Way of the Heart - Henri J.M. Nouwen
Jabez - Thom Lemmons
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
A Scientific Romance - Ronald Wright
Dharma Beads - Joanne Arettan
Love in the time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Of Love and Other Demons - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
If I were Starting my Ministry Again - John M Drescer
Nothing but Blue Skies - Tom Holt
Firewing - Kenneth Oppel
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - Marcus Aurelius
Logan in Overtime - Paul Quarrington
Generica (AKA Happiness) - Will Ferguson
The Life of Hope - Paul Quarrington
Demian - Hermann Hess
Between Heaven and Hell - Peter Kreeft
Hail, Holy Queen - Scott Hahn
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
The Black Donnelly's - Thomas P. Kelley
The Phoenix Guard - Steven Brust
Solaris - Stanislav Len
The Moon Robber - Dean Morrissey
The Fools of Chelm - Isaac Bashevis Siner
The Winter King - Dean Morrissey
Athyra - Steven Brust
Ship of Dreams - Dean Morrissey
The Devil an Miss Prym - Paulo Coelho
Door to Eternity - Irma Zaleski
Bible - New International Version
The Sacrid Paths of the East - Theodore M. Ludwig
Snow White and the Seven Samurai - Tom Holt
The Seven Ladies Godivas - Dr. Seuss
The Boy Who Cried Abba - Brennan Manning
A Closer Look at Harry Potter - John Houghton
The Habit of Hope - William Hockin
Keys to the Deeper Life - A.W. Tozer
Debt of Bones - Terry Goodkind
The Coming Islamic Invaison of Israel - Mark Hitchcock
Falling Sideways - Tom Holt
The Warrior Athlete, Body,Mind Spirit - Dan Millman
Execuion Poems - George Elliot Clarke
As you Think - James Allen
The Path of Power - Henri J.M. Nouwen
The Path of Waiting - Henri J.M. Nouwen
No Great Mischief - Alistair MacLeod
Hope in the Desperate hour - David Adams Richards
No Great Mischief - Alistair MacLeod
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
Tribes - Arthur Slade
The Crow - James O'barr
Adam: God's Beloved - Henri J.M. Nouwen
Mother Macrina - Irma Zaleski
The Dutch Wife - Eric Mccormack
Cut - Patricia McCormick
From the Dust Returned - Ray Bradbury
Blink - Ted Dekker
Gathering Blue - Lois Lowry
Stardust - Neil Gaiman
The Enchanted Forest - La Comtesse de Segur
Being There - Jerzy Kosinski
Clowning in Rome - Henri J.M. Nouwen
Hana's Suitcase - Karen Levine
Bent (The Play) - Martin Sherman

Books Read 2001

Bible - New Jerusalem Bible
The Road from Damascus - Richard N. Longnecker
A Retrospect - J. Hudson Taylor
Do All religions lead to God - Bruxy Cavey - Don Hawkings
The Paul Quest - Ben Witherington III
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
The Monk who Sold his Farrari - Robin S. Sharma
Jacob's Ladder - Noah benShea
Jacob's Journey- Noah benShea
The Apostle Paul/Saul of Tarsus - David Lampel
A Radical Jew: Paul - Daniel Boyarin
Great Jewish Quotes - Noah benShea
Phule me Twice - Robert Asprin
The Moral World of the First Christians - Wayne A. Meeks
Social Aspects of Early Christianity - Abraham J Malherbe
Fellowship of the Ring - JRR Tolkien
The Two Towers - JRR Tolkien
Return of the King - JRR Tolkien
Education of Little Tree - Forrest Carter
Jacob's Journey - Noah benShea
Jacob the Baker - Noah benShea
How to be a world class christian - Paul Borthwick
On Farie Stories - JRR Tolkien
Mythopoeia - JRR Tolkien
The Homecoming of Beorthnoth - JRR Tolkien
The Never Ending Story - Michael Ende
Body for Life - Bill Phillips
Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay
Socrates in a Nutshell - Robert van de Wege
Surprised by Joy - C.S. Lewis
The Giver - Lois Lowry
The Wind Singer - William Nicholson
In the Name of Jesus - Henry Nouwen
The Magic Cup - Andrew M. Greeley
Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
A Mon Swimming - Malachy McCourt
Living the Good Life - David Patchell-Evans
Jhereg - Steven Brust
Teckla - Steven Brust
Yendi - Steven Brust
Taltos - Steven Brust
Phoenix - Steven Brust
Orca - Steven Brust
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Skipping Christmas - John grisham
JRR Tolkien - Michael Coren
Golem100 - Alfred Bester

Books Read 2000

Bible - American Standard Bible
The Skystone - Jack Whyte
A Red Letter Day - Craig Martin
Sabine's Notebook - Nick Bantock
Silverwing - Kenneth Oppel
Meeting God in Quiet - Ruth Goring
Meeting God in Forgiveness - Stephen D. Eyre
Seeds of Love - Keith Park
Seeds of Love - Keith Park
Contract with an Angel - Andrew M. Greeley
The Bishop and the 3 Kings - Andrew M. Greeley
Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein
New Life in Christ - Sally Rockets
Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt
Devil on my Back - Monica Hughes
The Star's My Destination - Alfred Bester
Orca - Steven Brust
Beyond the Millenimum - Meier & Wise
Daring to Dance with God - Jeff Walling
Teckla - Steven Brust
Phoenix - Steven Brust
Yendi - Steven Brust
Taltos - Steven Brust
The View from a Monestary - Brother Benet Tvedten
Indwelling - Tim Lehaye & Jerry B. Jenkins
The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
The Sun, The Moon and the Star's- Steven Brust
Sunwing - Kenneth Oppel
Duncton Rising - William Horwood
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Girl Interupted - Susanna Kaysen
Welcome to Cubeville - Scott Adams
Fugitive from the Cube Police - Scott Adams
Highly Protective People - Scott Adams
The Singing Sword - Jack Whyte
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life - Donald S. Whitney
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life - Donald S. Whitney
Byzantium - Stephen R. Lawhead
Close to home uncut - John Mcpherson

Books Read 1999

Bible - New Revised Standard Bible
Judaism - Rabbi J. Epstein
The Final Planet - Andrew M. Greeley
Cain - James Byron Huggins
Rerun - Michael Crighton
Catholicism at the dawn of the 3rd Millenium - Thomas P. Rausch
Judaism - A Hertzberg
Reconciliation - Leo Gafrey
Dead Man Walking - Sister Helen Prejen
Edge of Eternity - Randy Alcorn
The Jesuit Mystique - Douglas Letson & Michael W. Higgins
Tuck Everlasting - Natalie Babbitt
Figgs & Phantoms - Ellen Raskin
The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
A Prisioner's Confession - Rev. C. Wilmont Kay
A Wizard of EarthSea - Ursula K. Leguin
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland - Lewis Carrol
Peter Pann - J.M. Barrie
Charlote's Web - EB White
Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
Fairy Tales - Brothers Grimm (Academic Edition)
Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carrol
Lion, Witch, Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
The Always Prayer Shawl - Sheldon Obernab
The Devil Said Ouch! - Natalie Babitt
The Tomorrow City - Monica Hughes
The Isis Pedler - Monica Hughes
The Devil's Other Story Book - Natalie Babitt
Anne of Green Gables - L.M. Montgomery
The Tombs of Atuan - Ursula K. Leguin
Ode to imortality - William Wordsworth
The Furthest Shore - Ursula K. Leguin
Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea - Ursula K. Leguin
The Rule of Names - Ursula K. Leguin
Dragonfly - Ursula K. Leguin
The Sword in the Stone - T.H. White
The Nigger of the Narcissus - Joseph Conrad
Sadko - Russian Folk Tale
Christian Character - Carolyn Nystrom
Selected Poems - Rainer Maria Rilke
Old Peter's Russian Tales - Arthur Ransom
Anne of Avonlea - L.M. Montgomery
Meeting God in Quiet - Ruth Goring
Apollyon - Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim Lehaye
Assassins - Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim Lehaye
Meeting God in Change - Stephen D. Eyr
The Owl Service - Alan Garner
The Ear, The Eye & The Arm - Nancy Farmer
Dragon - Steven Brust
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Anam Cara - John O'Donohue
Meeting God in Relationships - Ruth Goring
Julie's Wolf Pack - Jean Craighead George
Love -Phyllis J. LePeau
A Tarnished Phoenix - James Melville
Alexisi Holy Man of God - Russian Tale
Knowing God: Our Wise Counselor - Phyllis Bennett
Meeting God in Waiting - Juanita Ryan
When the Almond Tree Blossoms - David Aikman
Knowing God: Our Loving Father - Jack Kuhatschek
The Biblical Concept of Shalom - Douglas J. Harriss
A Phule and His Money - Robert Asprin
Meeting God in Busyness - Jaunita Ryan
Peace (Shalom) In the Old Testament - Claus Westeimann
War & Peace in the Hebrew Bible - Paul D. Hanson
War in the Old Testament - Waldermar Janzen
Yahweh: A Warrior God? - Dianne Bergant
The Kingdom Coming - John Howard Yoder
Knowing God: Our Powerful Helper - Marshall Shelly

Books Read 1998

Bible - New American Standard Bible
The Highland Clans - L.G. Pine
Callahan's Legacy - Spider Robinson
Christian Basics - Dorthy & Gabrial Fackre
Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
I Will Lay My Burdens Down - Martha Ortega
Devotional Talks on Christian Commitment - Tomothy Moody
The $1000000 Pound Note - Mark Twain
Perelandra (Voyage to Venus) - C.S. Lewis
Come Before Winter - Chuck Swindoll
How to Share your Faith Without Being Offensive - Joyce Neville
An Alien At Saint Wilfred's - Adrian Plass
Sacrid Diary of Adrian Plass Aged 37 3/4 - Adrian Plass
That Hideous Strenght - C.S. Lewis
The Secret: How to Lie with Purpose & Power - Bill Bright
The Dark Tower- C.S. Lewis
The Man Born Blind - C.S. Lewis
The Shoddy Lands - C.S. Lewis
Ministering Angels - C.S. Lewis
Forms of the Unknown - C.S. Lewis
After 10 Years - C.S. Lewis
The 12th Door - Richard F. Miniter
Evil & Good - C.S. Lewis
Miracles - C.S. Lewis
This Anglican Church of Ours - Patricia Bays
Mariette in Ecstasy - Ron Hansen
The Belonging Kind - William Gibson
Johnny Mnemonic - William Gibson
Fragments of a Holograham Rose - William Gibson
The Crow: Lazarus Heart -Poppe Z. Brite
The Crow: Quote the Crow - David Bischoff
Preface to the Study of Paul -Stephen Westerholm
Where Flesh Meets Spirit - Elaine Shephard
Selected Poems - R. S. Thomas
The Knotty Book - Brian Dench
Elizabeth Jennings A Portrait - Michael W. Higgins
Selected Poems - Elizabeth Jennings
RS Thomas Marginal Lond - Elaine Shepherd
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander - Thomas Merton
Paul's Narrative Thought World - Ben Witherington III
How Green Is My Curate - Fred Secombe
A Curate for All Seasons - Fred Secombe
An Interrupted Life - Ettie Hillesum
Goodbye Curate - Fred Secombe
Challange - Mark Link S.J.
The Accident - Elie Wiesel
Dawn - Elie Wiesel
Night - Elie Wiesel
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Greater Health God's Way - Stormie Omartin
The Cloister Walk - Kathlene Norris
The Crow: Clash By Night - Chet Williamson
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
The Confessions of Saint Patrick - St. Patrick
Letter to Coroticus -St. Patrick
Patrick's Lorcia - St. Patrick
The Rule of St. Benedict - St. Benedict
How to get Better Grades and Have more Fun - Steve Douglas & Al Jansen
Knowing the Will of God: Expieriencing God - Blackaby & King
Hinds Feet on High Places - hannah Hurnard
Angel Fire - Andrew M. Greeley
Tales of a Magic Monastery - Theophane the Monk
The Bishop at Sea - Andrew M. Greeley
The Closing of the American Mind - Allan Bloom
A Comedy of Clerical Errors - Fred Secombe
How to Read Church History Vol #1 - Jean Comby
How to Read Church History Vol #2 - Jean Comby
Heretic Blood - Michael W. Higgins
The Making and Remaking of Thomas Merton - Michael W. Higgins
Soul Harvest - Tim Lehaey & Jerry B. Jenkins
Happy are the Oppressed - Andrew M. Greeley

Books Read 1997

Bible - New King James Version
A Live Coal in the Sea - Madelein L'Engle
Go The Distance (PK) - John Trent Ed.
Angel Light - Andrew M. Greeley
Leviathan - James Bryon Huggins
The Coming Revival - Bill Bright
the Voyage of the Dawn Tredder - C.S. Lewis
Red boots for Christmas - Carol Greene
A Father's Instruction Book - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Life's Little Instruction Book Vol. 3 - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Camilla - Madeleine L'Engle
God's Armor Bearer - Terry Nance
Turning Fullness Into Power - Rev. Winston J. Nunes
Truth With Love - Dr. Nelles Silverthorne
Blessings or Curses: You Can Choose - Derek Prince
Watership Down - Richard Adams
Madeleine L'Engle Faith During Adversity - Shel Horowitz
Friend Author Sociologist, Andrem M. Greeley - Ingrid Schafer
Lord of the Dance - Sydney Carter
The Princess and the Goblin - George MacDonald
Left Behind - Tim Lehaye & Jerry B. Jenkins
James: Real Faith Real World - Tim Stafford
120 Days of Prayer - Michael D. Pierce
Life Change James - K. Hinckley
The Littlest Angel - Anon.
What in the World is Satan Doing - Dan VanDerLugt
What Can we Learn from Angel's - Herbert VanDerLugt
A Wrinkle in Time - Madelein L'Engle
Expelling Demons - Derek Prince
The Fullness of God - Pat Robertson
Love & Marriage - Pat Robertson
Discouvering Your Spiritual Gifts - J.E. O'Day
What Can we Know about the End Times - M.R. DeHaan
Lord of the Dance - Andrew M. Greeley
Knowing God thru Romans - Dave Egner
Tribulation Force - Tim Lehaye & Jerry B. Jenkins
David, Manassen: Overcoming Failure - David Roper
Biblical Road to Blessing - Benny Hinn
Seeds of the Martyr's - Pat Robertson
How to Suceed - Pat Robertson
Overcoming the Impossible Through Prayer - Pat Robertson
Sexual Sins - Pat Robertson
Abigail & Leah - Alice Mathews
David Brainard: Man of Prayer - Oswald J. Smith
James: Insight for Living: Charles R. Swindoll
James: Does God Want Faith or Obedience: A.F. Harper
The Cost of Commitment - John White
Christian Set yourself Free - Graham Powell
Secrets of Prophecy - Paul Kuhkmann & John I. Paton
Tyranny of the Urgent - Charles E. Hummell
Tyranny of the Urgent - Charles E. Hummell
The Darwin Conspirace - James Scott Bell
Sermon on the Mount - John Stott
A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
A Litney of the Cross - St. John of the Cross
The Post Cursillo, Group, Reunion & Ultreya - Gerry Hughes
A Wind at the Door - Madeleine L'Engle
Walk to Emmaus - The Upper Room
God's Inspirational Promise Book - Max Lucado
From Airforce Recruiter to People Builder - Ron Hale
Dont Let Anybody Steal Your Dream - Dexter Yager Sr.
Life Changing Messages from the Risen Lord - David McCasland
Horton Hatches an Egg - Dr. Seuss
The Cat in the Hat came Back - Dr. Seuss
Tales from Watership Down - Richard Adams
Intimacy with the Almighty - Charles R. Swindoll
Horizontal Epistles of Andromeda Veal - Adrian Plass
In His Steps - Charles M. Sheldon
Kids are Punny - Rosie O'Donnell
The GraveDigger Files - OS Guinness
The Man Born to be King - Dorthy L. Sayers
The Truth That Sets your Free - Barry Greco & Scott Brittin
LifeGuide: James - Andrew LePeau
Network - WillowCreek
Stress Family Robinson - Adrian Plass
Pandora Project - David Ward
Valiant papers - Calvin Miller
The Growing Up Pains of Adrian Plass - Adrian Plass
Puttin Away Childish Things - David A. Seamands
Jack Deere - Miles J. Stanford
Surprised by the Voice pf God - Jack Deere
Horton Hears a Who - Dr. Seuss
Sneetches and other Stories - Dr. Seuss
The Devine Plumbline - Dr. Bruce Thompson
The Divine Plumbline Workbook - Dr. Bruce Thompson
The Lie - Ken Ham
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
God's Chosen Fast - Arthur Wallis
Unto the Hills - Billy Graham
My Utmost for his Highest - Oswals Chambers
Double Helix - Sigmound Brouwer
Knowing God's Will - M. Blain Smith
Life Lessons Hebrews: - Max Lucado
Life Lessons James: - Max Lucado
Gargoyles & Gentlemen - Orlo Miller
One Fish, Two Fish ... - Dr. Seuss
A,B,C... - Dr. Seuss
Green Egs and Huam - Dr. Seuss
Hop on Pop - Dr. Seuss
The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss
Bears on Wheels - Stan Berenstein
Are you My Mother - P.D. Eastman
In a People House - Theo Lesieg
A Wolf Story - James Bryon Huggins
Nicolae - Tim Lehaye & Jerry B. Jenkins
The Normal Christian Life - Watchman Nee
Six Hours one friday - Max Lucado
Star Bright - Andrew M. Greeley
Star Bright - Andrew M. Greeley
Theatrical tapes of Leonard Thynn - Adrian Plass
Veggie Tales - Juniors Colours - Phil Vischer
Veggie Tales - Bob & Larry's ABC's - Phil Vischer
The Bible as if for the first time - H.A. Neilsen
Expierience God Day by Day - Henry T. Blackaby
Veggie Tales - How Many Veggies - Phil Vischer
Veggie Tales - Pa Grape's Shapers - Phil Vischer
Cosmic Christmas - Max Lucado
View From a Bouncy Castle - Adrian Plass
The Waldensians - Christian History Vol #3
White Smoke - Andrew M. Greeley
Lord, Only You Can Change me - Kay Arthur
Virgin & Martyr - Andre M. Greeley
Horozontal Epistles of Andromada Veal - Adrian Plass
The 4th millennium - Paul Meier & Robert Wise
Geek proof your Faith - Greg Johnson & Michael Ross
The Christian Counselor's Pocket Guide - Selwyn Hughes
The Third Millennium - Paul Meier
Cabbages for the King - Adrian Plass
Being a Presbyterian in Canada Today - Stephen A. Hayes

Books Read 1996

Bible- New Living Translation
Troubling A Star - Madeleine L'Engle
The Spirit of Shaolin - David Carradine
Honest to God - Billy Hybels
Dinotopia - James Gurney
Many Waters - Madeleine L'Engle
Meet The Austins - Madeleine L'Engle
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town - Stephen Leacock
MacBeth - William Shakespeare
24 Days Before Christmas - Madeleine L'Engle
The Arm of the Starfish - Madeleine L'Engle
All else is Bondage - Wei Wu Wei
A Skeleton in God's Closet - Paul C. Maier
Happy are those who Mourn - Andrew M. Greeley
The Spinx at Dawn - Madeleine L'Engle
Dance in the Desert - Madeleine L'Engle
Dragons in the Water - Madeleine L'Engle
An Acceptable Time - Madeleine L'Engle
A House like a Lotus - Madeleine L'Engle
Anytime Prayers - Madeleine L'Engle
And Both Were Young - Madeleine L'Engle
The Small Rain - Madeleine L'Engle
A Circle of Quiet - Madeleine L'Engle
The Two-Part Invention - Madeleine L'Engle
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
The Hug - Robert Munsch
Millicent and the Wind - Robert Munsch
Paper Bag Princess - Robert Munsch
The Dark - Robert Munsch
The Too Big Bear - Robert Munsch
For Love of Rock - Robert Munsch
I have to go - Robert Munsch
I'll love you forever - Robert Munsch
Dinosaur Dream - Robert Munsch
Jonathan Cleaned up then .... - Robert Munsch
The Boy in the Drawer - Robert Munsch
The Journey with Jonah - Madeleine L'Engle
The Oath - Frank E. Peretti
This Present Darkness - Frank E. Peretti
What me Sir - Geoff Treasure
Sexual Wholeness - Cindy Bunch & Scott Hotaling
The Adversary - Mark I. Bubeck
The Holy Spirit's Ministry - Rev. John Green
Light from the Gospel of John - Charles Gilmore
Dinothopia: The World Beneath - James Gurney
Happy are the Meek - Andre M. Greeley
Fishers of Men - B.H. Struthers
What Would Jesus Do - Garret W. Sheldon
Happy are the Peacemakers - Andrew M. Greeley
The Prophet - Frank E. Peretti
Mirror Image - Tom Clancy
The Singer - Calvin Miller
Gidion's Torch - Chuck Colson
The Spirit World - Melvin A. Jones
The Moon by Night - Madeleine L'Engle
A Swiftly Tilting Planet - Madeleine L'Engle
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
God Game - Andrew M. Greeley
Walking on Water - Madeleine L'Engle
Wolf-Song - Robert Busch
The Horse and His Boy  - C.S. Lewis
Angels of September - Andrew M. Greeley
A Lear of the Steppes - Ivan Turgenev
Wild Words - Sandy Asher
The Other Side of the Story - Barb Greenwood & Pat Hancock
Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis
First Steps - John Robert Shaw
The Reckoning - James Bryon Huggins
Overcoming the Adversary - Mark I. Bubeck
Roles in Ministry - Cindy Bunch
Flying closer to the Flame - Charles R. Swindoll
Who am I Lord and why am I here - William Hulme
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
God are you up there? - Jack Deere
There were two Trees in the Garden - Rick Joyner
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Jesus and the Intellectual - Bill Bright
A Great Adventure - Bill Bright
Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis
24 Days Before Christmas - Madeleine L'Engle
How you Can Expierience God's Love and Forgiveness - Bill Bright
Know Why you Believe - Paul Little
How to be sure you are a christian -  Bill Bright
Dare to be Different, Dare to be Chrstian - Charles Colsen
How you Can Expierience God's Love and Forgiveness - Bill Bright
How to be filled with the Spirit - Bill Bright
How to Walk in the Spirit - Bill Bright
How to Help Fufill the Great Comission - Bill Bright
How to Love by Faith - Bill Bright
How to Pray - Bill Bright
Day by Day in Advent - Christopher G. Milarch
Last one Standing - Daniel Keys Moan
What do we owe the Gouvernment - Kurt DeHaan
How you Can Introduce others to Christ - Bill Bright
How you can be a faithful witness - Bill Bright
How you can expierience the adventure of giving - Bill Bright
the Promise of the Spirit - Bill Crowder
The Amazing Prophecy of Names - Bill Crowder

Books Read 1995

Bible - New International Version
Never Alone - Joseph F. Girzone
Joshua in the City - Joseph F. Girzone
The Stirring  - Robert Moeller
Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
Space Cadet - Robert A Heinlein
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
Eros Redeamed - John White
The Power of a Promise Kept - Greg Lewis
I Robot - Isaac Asimnov
Debt of Honour - Tom Clancy
Spaceman Go Home - Milton Lesser
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Batman Knightfall - Dennis O'Neil
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
Braveheart - Randall Wallace
Happy are the pour in Spirit - Andrew M. Greeley
The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis
Life's Little Instruction Book - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Wisdom for Men - Bob Biehl
Never confuse a memo with reality - Richard A. Moran
Op-Centre - Tom Clancy
The Horse and his boy - C.S. Lewis
Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis
Voyage of the Dawn Tredder - C.S. Lewis
The Silver Chair - C.S. Lewis
The Last Battle - C.S. Lewis
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Burning Crome - William Gibson
The Alienist - Celeb Carr
The Reckoning - James Bryon Huggins
Dropping Your Guard - Chuck Swindall
Hand Me Another Brick - Chuck Swindall
13 Men Who Changed the World - H.S. Vigeveno
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
White Shark - Peter Benchley
A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
Murmur, Murmur, Murmur - Robert Munsch
Milicent and the Wind - Robert Munsch
Pigs - Robert Munsch
A Wind at the Door - Madeleine L'Engle
The Young Unicorn's - Madeleine L'Engle
The Glorious Impossible - Madeleine L'Engle
A Ring of Endless Light - Madeleine L'Engle

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Copyright by Steven R. McEvoy
MCWPP Mad Celtic Warrior Poet Priest

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