Poetry Daddy's Arms
The Homepage, Poetry & Artwork of Steven R. McEvoy
This is my homepage but most of my web presence is on my blog, Book Reviews and More. It is a collection of my published and unpublished writing, mostly book reviews, with a few articles and reflection's. If you want to poke around here the key sections are Poetry, Artwork, and Lists.
I have written poetry for as long as I can remember. And I try and read a book or 2 of poetry each year.
Daddy’s Arms.
I come to you Father
Wanting to bring you pleasure
I want to crawl up in your lap
to feel your big arms around me
to see your smiling eyes and beaming face
to kiss your cheeks
to snuggle close to your neck
to listen to your heart beating
to be tickled by your beard
to hug your big broad shoulders
to be able to sit beside you and hold your hand
to sit at your feet and just watch you at work
no need for words
no need for actions
just to be with you
Teach me to take joy in your presence
Teach me to worship
Teach me to pray
Teach me to love
I want to be like you my father
I want to be like you my Daddy
I love you Daddy, My Father God.
-S. R. McEvoy
-Aug 6/97