Poetry Untitles
The Homepage, Poetry & Artwork of Steven R. McEvoy
This is my homepage but most of my web presence is on my blog, Book Reviews and More. It is a collection of my published and unpublished writing, mostly book reviews, with a few articles and reflection's. If you want to poke around here the key sections are Poetry, Artwork, and Lists.
I have written poetry for as long as I can remember. And I try and read a book or 2 of poetry each year.
Our decisions have consequences
that touch the stars
the falling of a single robin
causes the stars to strain
Yet the light circles
ever round and round
waiting to come in
and walk with you, hand in hand
to dream of touching stars
to be held by angels tight
turn to God with all your might
what are the consequences of our life
even through the endless night
the light still shines bright
bringing us constantly through
to see the dawn then the daybreak
c. 1995
Nov. 19 1995
(Written in response to reading Madeline L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time' & 'A Wind at the Door")