Poetry Who Are You
The Homepage, Poetry & Artwork of Steven R. McEvoy
This is my homepage but most of my web presence is on my blog, Book Reviews and More. It is a collection of my published and unpublished writing, mostly book reviews, with a few articles and reflection's. If you want to poke around here the key sections are Poetry, Artwork, and Lists.
I have written poetry for as long as I can remember. And I try and read a book or 2 of poetry each year.
Who are you?
I want to know
who you are?
Deep inside
in your heart
in your soul
Who are you?
Who are you?
When no one’s looking
do you cry
cry yourself to sleep
alone in the dark
Who are you?
The girl with the dark brooding eyes
the pain buried deep inside
one eye a well into the past
the dark the dread
the other one of hopes & Dreams
that dare not come into light
for fear of failure
fear of the contempt of others
Who are you?
The women who carries so much pain?
The women with the soft silky skin
who are you?
Will you let me in?
Let me in
even if slowly at first
women of dreams
let me in
women of hopes
let me in
lady of the dark eyes
open the door
for I want to know
who you are?
--S.R. McEvoy